I am so glad that the interview is over! Thank you all again for your prayers and encouraging words. It went smoothly, both gentlemen were nice and we had an hour of questions and answers and talking. When I got in the elevator to leave, my thought was ‘no’, and all the way home the word ‘no’ kept coming to mind and the reasons why.
Here is my main reason: my mind would be learning about and filling up with info about diseases, recovery issues, medical terminology etc., that I would have to learn. When I brought up that I would probably get emotional with what patients were going through, one of the owners even said he had a hard time with that. He couldn’t shut off all of the info when he got home and even talked with his dr. about it. They both said you develop a kind of hardness and acquire a ‘gallows humor’ with the job. Well, *ells bells, that’s NOT something I want in my life. I’ve heard before since I was young, you have to cut back your feelings with nursing or you would be overwhelmed. Well, it is something you’d have to certainly do with this job.
They are all about quality patient care, and their company has 4.5 out of 5 star ratings.
When I got home and heard the birds singing I felt such a relief. I decided to call them and tell them my decision so that they wouldn’t have to keep me on their mind, (if they were considering me anyway, I’ll never know). I called my dear sis-in-law first and told her as she had asked me to when we talked on the phone last night, then called the office. They were in a meeting, (with another interviewee?), so I left my name and # and had to do do some more waiting. About 45-60 minutes later I got the call and told my decision. We thanked each other for the time spent together this morning, and that was that. Phew!
I could have done the job, I just didn’t want to. It wasn’t the right one for me.
After some lunch, I laid down for a nap, and while laying there I was thinking of my decision and this verse popped into mind and with that I will close this post.
Finally, brethren,
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things.
Phil. 4:8 KJV