We had a good old-fashioned thunderstorm last night, with plenty of lightening, thunder and a good amount of rain. We are thankful. It is still warm and humid though, the storm didn't cool down the temp any at all. Right now at 7:45 a.m. it is 79 but with 93% humidity it feels like it is 89. A high of 91 is expected, and with the humidity it will feel like it's 106, which is what it's been like for about a week now. Really miserable out. Another thunderstorm is expected this afternoon, hopefully after I get home from work.
The 'tomato horn worm' is not hanging on the rose this morning. I did notice that a lot of my salvia coccina has chewed off leaves, which is in the same pot as the rose. I didn't see the worm this morning, but he's good at camouflaging himself. He was a huge worm, not one I want to see more of either.
Below is an epiphyte, an air plant which grows on host plants/trees without killing or hurting host plant. I'm not sure which kind this one is, but I'm sure someone will be able to tell me. Orchids are epiphytes, as are bromeliads, staghorn ferns, and others. It is on the palm tree out from the kitchen's screened porch. I love the green lichen on the tree also.

Here is Louis Philippe against the Norfolk pine tree's bark. I love the contrast.

Here we have Queen Crepe's purple blooms in the foreground of yet another 'shed shot'.

I want to thank all of you once again for viewing my posts and leaving your kind, encouraging comments. Glad you all liked the quote in yesterday's post.
The world is so empty
if one thinks only of the mountains,
rivers, and cities;
but to know someone who thinks and feels with us,
and who, though distant
is close to us in spirit,
this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL