Monday, October 31, 2022

Learning curves

Greetings Friends ~ Well, we 'had' a cool spell, only lasted about a week, last week and this week have been back up in the 80's. It looks like it's going to be like this for the next week or so.  It's not as bad as it was during the summer, but still warm enough for using the a.c.

Well, I have a new computer with Windows 10. My old computer was from 2011 and Windows 7. So, I am learning my way around windows 10. A young friend of mine from church set me up, transferring files from old to new computer. Nerve wracking, when you are hoping you will have your 'stuff' in new computer. We had to reinstall some new and later versions of programs, but I think we got it all. Thank you dear Paul for doing this for me. It is much appreciated!!!

I had Corel PSP 2, I don't know how old this program was probably over 20 years old. We uploaded the latest version for me to try for a month for free. I can't use some of the features I'm used to because they are not free. ;-)  I use Paint Shop Pro for editing photos.  What are some of the art/photo programs that you use?

The photo below is of Tiffany, she has a wonderful scent. This bloom was almost past her prime.

   I have to say that I am so thankful to God for His many blessings. Being a widow has been hard and overwhelming at times. But, God has been with me, supplied needs and blessed me with extras. His love and tender care can be so amazing at times, and other times His care is in quiet ways of blessing. All spark something, a thankfulness for life, the desire to keep on moving forward, to not look at the negatives but seek out the good, pure, lovely, honest things in life. To praise God for His good gifts, for lessons learned and being learned in love, patience, forgiveness,and being content in all things. Is it easy? No but God is our strength when we are weak.

I read a great devotional this morning from Wisdom Hunters:  i will quote part of it here. The scripture was written by the Apostle Paul.

Graced for All Things

By: Shana Schutte

 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.  2 Corinthians 12:9-10

"...the truth is that we can get through anything we experience because God graces each person for every personal trial and every difficult season. 

I may need to endure one type of trial; you may need to endure another. But wherever any of us are, there God is, gracing us for what we experience now, and what we will experience in the future. 

Ah! The beauty of grace! 

Did you need to read this today? Be encouraged! God is with you, and He has graced you to victoriously endure your trials, troubles, and tears. You are deeply loved!


Lord, how I praise you that I have exactly what I need to go through every difficulty in life. You have given me not anything less than exactly what I need. How I thank you and praise you! Amen!


Let us grow in God's grace, it is unlimited. It is for our salvation now and throughout all eternity. 

Thanks for visiting. May God bless and keep you.



Friday, October 21, 2022

Chilly weather ;-)

Good morning Friends ~ Here it is another gorgeous day in s.e. FL. We've had a cool front move over us and it has been wonderful. Wednesday morning the temp dropped to 63 in the middle of the day and basically stayed there until the next day.  This morning it is 66. 

I've got some work to do along driveway fencing, clearing out all of the plant life I can, leaving some to be trampled, and leaving what I personally can't take out myself. The old driveway fencing is going to be replaced. I am thrilled to say the least. I want to get out there this morning to get started. I don't know when the fencing work will begin. I did collect some 4 o'clock seeds from plants along there yesterday, hope to find more this morning as they are the light pink variety. Some of the stuff will grow back because of tubers, etc.


Here are before pictures running north to south. This first picture is at the northeast corner. The night blooming cactus is on part of a fallen pine tree that fell into the fencing. I will save some of that. The blooms are fascinating.

Trees hanging over fencing are from the neighbors, which I keep having to cut back as much as I can. Asplundh tree trimmers came out for FPL in April to cut back limbs from power lines, and it looked great, but this stuff grows back fast. Dear hubby used to take care of all of this. Sigh!!

I keep it in check as much as I possible can, using a pole cutter and hand clippers. So, keep me in your prayers as I 'turtle' along. It will be worth it in the end. I'll keep you posted.

Another blessing from God is I am receiving a lot of yarn from a friend, who no longer is in need of it. She and her husband live down here, but also had a house up north, which they sold. She was heavily into crafts, hence the yarn. She said she has LOTS. So when she is ready to empty pods and have me over, I'll be visiting her. So exciting! So surprising!

Don't give up on trusting Jesus to work things out in your lives. When you least expect it He can/does meet our needs and sometimes desires. Not always when we want or maybe the way we think things should happen, but He knows what is best, for us and His honor and glory. He isn't a magic genie where we can just ask and get. He is our loving, heavenly Father and He cares deeply for us, and wants to bless us, from little things, like heart shaped rocks or leaves, to bigger things. I am thankful for it all. I am thankful for lessons learned when I have to wait. I am learning contentment along the way, in down and up times. We are to be thankful in all circumstances. He has a plan in our lives, He uses others to bless us, uses us to bless others, giving Him all of the glory and praise.

 That's it from Plum Cottage. My stomach is telling me it is time to break the fast, then I can start work for the day.

God bless and keep you.

Love, hugs and prayers



Monday, October 10, 2022

Recent email -- trying to post again ;-)

Good morning Friends, Thank you MK for letting me know that there really was no post, just a title. I had a whole post done, thought I had uploaded it as I had previewed it and hit the publish button, but alas, empty page.

I wanted to let a sweet reader/follower know that I am not ignoring her recent email. It went to my gmail account, and I hit the wrong button on my iphone and it disappeared, not in trash or spam, and the gmail account has changed and I've not been in there in awhile. So, I hope she reads this post. I believe her name is Susan. I put my normal email addy in my profile. Your email blessed me more than words can say, and I do want to respond to you via email.

It is a new day and may I rejoice and be glad in it. Hopefully no more blunders!! Yesterday my friend Wendy came over and we worked in the main garden. It was hot and humid, we were both soaked when we finished. I may get out and do some more this morning. We had beautiful cool weather last week, but Sunday morning it was back to heat and humidity. We're supposed to have cooler weather the end of this week. Time will tell.

Here are some pics of the rose 'Tiffany', a gift from Wendy and her husband for my bday in March. The scent is wonderful!!!

 I am working on a seating area under the awning of the pole barn. It is more peaceful back there and near the new garden space that I'm also working on. When I went out the other morning to start working, I started taking rocks and debris out of a crumbling plastic pot. What a neat surprise I found right off the bat. A heart rock. My dear hubby was always giving me heart shaped things he found and I miss those little gifts. Every now and then I find rocks and leaves in a heart shape and save them, and I thank Jesus for those little reminders of love.

 The other night I had a short dream of my dear husband. He turned and looked at me with the  most beautiful smile on his face, then I woke up. It was wonderful to have had that, but sad that he wasn't here 'really' smiling at me. But I will take the dream smile, it made me feel loved and happy.

 I've been watching different uplifting you-tube videos on anxiety, depression, healing, living a simple life, etc. Much encouragement and hope. My hope is in Jesus, Creator of the universe and all that is in it. He is Almighty God, my strength, my protector, provider, healer and as a widow, He is my husband. 1 Peter 5:7 is a very special verse to me as it is one my dear husband called out to me as I came in the door, home from work one day, when he was bedridden a little less than a month from when God would call him home. It says this:

"Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you." 

This is an everyday, minute by minute choice to be made. To not choose to cast my cares on Him is to carry a burden I'm not meant to carry. He is my burden bearer. He can be yours as well. Just call on Him. He desires a close relationship with each of us, daily, not just once a week if/when we go to church. He is our friend, our Savior. He promises to never leave us.

May you all have a great week. Count your blessings. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Encourage and pray for others. Give someone a hug. Hugs are precious!!

That's it for now, and I hope this post goes up when I hit the update button. ;-)

Love, hugs and prayers,


Saturday, October 1, 2022

All is well here at Plum Cottage

Hello Friends, thank you so much for prayers. Do pray for all who were in Ian's path. There is so much horrible devastation, last I heard 35 lives lost and there could be more as search and rescue continues.

This storm came up so fast and turned deadly. I am thankful for being spared. I have to admit I was scared. I prayed, read uplifting Bible verses, listened to and sang some songs. We had strong winds and really strong gusts. In this little wooden cottage I hear so much that freaks me out. Thursday morning I could hear thunder to the southeast, and it was weird sounding. We were under a tornado watch, and then all of a sudden the most horrific thunder I've ever heard in my life happened. That scary bit passed over rather quickly, then it was windy all day Thursday. It calmed down somewhat later in the evening, and Friday morning it was quiet when I woke up  and such a blessed relief. 

Had some palm fronds down, bent plants, fence slats down off the super old fencing that runs along my driveway. We did not lose power here and I am thankful for that.

Yesterday, Friday, I mowed and trimmed the front hedge, raked and bagged up debris for pick up today. From the hedge trimming and using the heavy clippers I am so sore especially my right shoulder and neck muscles, and my back of course. I didn't sleep well last night.It's been a stressful week with wondering what Ian was going to do.  Seeing photos and videos of the devastation from this storm is heartbreaking. 

Thanks again for your prayers. That means a lot.

 Here are a few rose pics taken yesterday and this morning.

This is Double Delight, battered but still lovely. What a surprise to see that this was actually two roses in one.