This post was started the morning of 23 January ~ Good morning Folks ~ I am thankful for this new day. It’s still dark, so I can’t check out my property, but my little Plum Cottage is still here, we did not lose electricity. I woke up at 2:22 a.m. this morning, heard thunder, so turned on the light and then turned off the a.c. It had been windy all day with winds from 18-20 mph. They had predicted showers for today, they did NOT say anything about the horrible, scary weather that blasted over here for about 40 minutes. I gathered matches, candles, an LED pen flashlight, then sat in the bathroom praying and reading a book on prayer. I had started this book the day before, and it seemed apropos to read more of this right while in the middle of a frightening storm. I’ve been ‘more afraid’ of storms since we had tornado warnings last January. Being by myself in this little wooden cottage makes it all seem worse too. Rain beating on house and awnings can be very loud, the buffeting wind is scary too.
I had turned off my computer around 6:30 so did not see anymore weather news and I’m glad I didn’t because I would have just worried, instead of sleeping good like I did til the storm woke me up. I read a comment this morning that one of my commenters on my blog wrote mentioning she had seen the warnings for FL for tornadoes, so I googled tornado activity for FL this month/year, and sure enough, some tornadoes touched down a little north of us and some south.
I ‘hate’ being afraid! It is a trait my two sisters and I inherited from our mother, God bless her. Whatever comes my way, God will see me through it, as He has in the past. Worrying does NOT help at all. If/when it is my time to go be with Him then I will be better off than I am right now and I’ll be with my DH again. Until then, I do NOT want to live in fear.
I just heard the first bird chirps of this morning. They don’t worry, they live and they sing. It’s just starting to get light out.
It’s now 10:41, it’s windy, sun is shining, butterflies are flitting about. It’s cooler today than yesterday.
Well, it’s now Tuesday morning, 8:13 est. and a nice 58 degrees out, and it is ‘quiet’. It was still very windy all day yesterday, and that’s after the stormy weather had passed. Finally around sunset the winds started to calm. How NICE it was to sleep without winds and heavy rains buffeting Plum Cottage.
My prayers are going out for all of those who lost loved ones and/or all they had with this latest spate of tornado weather hitting several states. It is devastating to see photos, etc.
Today is a new day. I will go out in a bit to take a walk around. The sky is blue and the sun is shining.
I took some photos yesterday after the wee hour storm. No damages. For that I am thankful.
The front patio, which needs to be pressure washed.
Welcome to my cottage garden jungle.
Small gate off the driveway.
Living room and my space walls.
Living room east wall, my space wall in the background.
St. Francis with a ‘Louis Philippe’ rose.
This is the underneath side of the rose ‘Granada’.
Front side
I picked the rose and brought it in last night, oh so pretty with a wonderful rose scent. The pottery piece we bought in Spain when we lived there 70-73, while DH was in the US Navy. The little painting is done on wood and we bought it many, many years ago, probably at a yard sale or flea market.
This is a litte rose I bought last year called ‘Mozart’.
I will close with a couple of photos of a heart DH carved for me from a section of tree that blew down in one of the three hurricanes we had in 2004-2005. (It needs to be oiled again.)
That’s it from Plum Cottage.
Have a great week.