Monday, October 31, 2022

Learning curves

Greetings Friends ~ Well, we 'had' a cool spell, only lasted about a week, last week and this week have been back up in the 80's. It looks like it's going to be like this for the next week or so.  It's not as bad as it was during the summer, but still warm enough for using the a.c.

Well, I have a new computer with Windows 10. My old computer was from 2011 and Windows 7. So, I am learning my way around windows 10. A young friend of mine from church set me up, transferring files from old to new computer. Nerve wracking, when you are hoping you will have your 'stuff' in new computer. We had to reinstall some new and later versions of programs, but I think we got it all. Thank you dear Paul for doing this for me. It is much appreciated!!!

I had Corel PSP 2, I don't know how old this program was probably over 20 years old. We uploaded the latest version for me to try for a month for free. I can't use some of the features I'm used to because they are not free. ;-)  I use Paint Shop Pro for editing photos.  What are some of the art/photo programs that you use?

The photo below is of Tiffany, she has a wonderful scent. This bloom was almost past her prime.

   I have to say that I am so thankful to God for His many blessings. Being a widow has been hard and overwhelming at times. But, God has been with me, supplied needs and blessed me with extras. His love and tender care can be so amazing at times, and other times His care is in quiet ways of blessing. All spark something, a thankfulness for life, the desire to keep on moving forward, to not look at the negatives but seek out the good, pure, lovely, honest things in life. To praise God for His good gifts, for lessons learned and being learned in love, patience, forgiveness,and being content in all things. Is it easy? No but God is our strength when we are weak.

I read a great devotional this morning from Wisdom Hunters:  i will quote part of it here. The scripture was written by the Apostle Paul.

Graced for All Things

By: Shana Schutte

 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.  2 Corinthians 12:9-10

"...the truth is that we can get through anything we experience because God graces each person for every personal trial and every difficult season. 

I may need to endure one type of trial; you may need to endure another. But wherever any of us are, there God is, gracing us for what we experience now, and what we will experience in the future. 

Ah! The beauty of grace! 

Did you need to read this today? Be encouraged! God is with you, and He has graced you to victoriously endure your trials, troubles, and tears. You are deeply loved!


Lord, how I praise you that I have exactly what I need to go through every difficulty in life. You have given me not anything less than exactly what I need. How I thank you and praise you! Amen!


Let us grow in God's grace, it is unlimited. It is for our salvation now and throughout all eternity. 

Thanks for visiting. May God bless and keep you.




Lynn and Precious said...

Lorraine, thank you for sharing your prayers. They are so meaningful. And I guess you are trying to be thankful for a new computer with a learning curve! I use Windows 7 and hope to for a while longer. I really do not like change. It is a bad character flaw I realize. Hope to see more photos as you work it all out. Lynn and Precious

Gretchen Joanna said...

Another praise and thanksgiving report from your Florida estate <3 Thank you, Dear Lorraine. You are in my prayers.

Gretchen Joanna said...

Thank you for yet another refreshing praise and thanksgiving report from your Florida estate. I also thank God, for YOU. And you are in my prayers. <3

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Lorraine. Thank you for sharing that inspiration. We all go through trials of various sorts but like you, I see God's hand in my life and know that his grace helps me get through hard things. I was glad to see you in blogland today. I always enjoy your posts. That Tiffany rose is beautiful and reminds me of my daughter who is named Tiffany. She is beautiful too. :-) So glad you got a new computer and had the help you needed to get it up and running. I hope you will be able to blog more. See you again soon, I hope! Have a good week. :-)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

So sweet of your young friend to help you with your computer, Lorraine. I do think the divine is always looking out for us if we just have faith. I use the photo editing that is already with Windows 10 - it's not fancy, but it is sufficient. I hope you get some cooler weather soon so you can enjoy some time in the garden. The prayers are lovely. x K

BeachGypsy said...

Love seeing what you and your pretty garden are up to Lorraine! Tiffany is gorgeous

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Beautiful post, Lorraine. Thank goodness for people who help us through the tech mountains and valleys. Hopefully it won't be too long and you'll feel comfortable around Windows 10 (although I admit it took me a while when I transferred a number of years ago).

Thank God for his all sufficient grace. Wishing you a beautiful day.
Brenda xo

M.K. said...

Lorraine, I'm so glad God provided a friend to help you with your new computer. Technology can be so confusing! We are warm again now too; I hope it passes quickly. I'm ready for it to be COOL. I know you are too.