Monday, November 7, 2022

Greetings Folks ~ Here we are into November. This year has zipped right along. We had a week of lovely cool weather, then it went back up into the 80's, so I'm still using the a.c. It's not as bad as it was a couple of months back.

I got out and mowed this morning, I got what I wanted to do done and the battery died. There was a nice breeze and I barely broke a sweat. I hand watered some potted plants afterwards. Rain is expected for a few days, and that would be nice. I do need to do some laundry if the weather is nice tomorrow. I use a 'solar dryer', a clothesline. I enjoy hanging out the wet laundry and then taking it down as it smells so wonderful and fresh.

This past Friday night I went to a ladies wreath making event at my church. We had a choice of fall or Christmas. I chose fall as I already have one for Christmas. We had 4 different wooden ball wreath bases to choose from, I chose one made with small balls.

 Our pastor's wife showed/told us how to make a bow, very easy and pretty.  We had different styles/colors of ribbon to choose from. After we made the bows, we attached them to the bottom of our wreaths. Then we picked out a main decorative piece and after attaching that we added fillers. 

Great fun! Every wreath was unique. 76 wreaths were made. Before wreath making we a wonderful, homemade salad, then pizza, several different kinds, I had sausage, and a scrumptious brownie.

Our church secretary gave the main encouraging talk, and her daughter gave a lovely testimony of how God had worked in her life to change her heart from hard to soft. It was beautiful and brought tears.

It was after this that we started on our wreaths. I got home close to 10 and was totally wiped out. I'm used to my little quiet life, being settled in by this time of night. But, it was wonderful being with so many sisters, young and older who believe in Jesus.

I am getting used to Windows 10 in new computer. I also ordered PSP 2023 as new computer would not accept the older version I'd had for probably 20 years. That is taking a little getting used to also. Learning new things is good for us!!

 A friend from my ladies Bible study group gave me 5 tubs of yarn. What a wonderful gift!! I've gone through it all, sorted out some that I wouldn't be using for my comfort blankets, and ended up with a tub to give to another friend who does a lot of crocheting, making fun things for others.

The three tubs I ended up with sat in the living room until this morning when I cleared out a space in my little wash house to stack them in. I have an empty tub left over.

 I bought some plants and they filled up this same space as seen above. The car smelled heavenly!! 

 I had to put other plants on the floor of front passenger seat, and the back seat floor also.

This is Marlberry. I had already bought other plants and loaded them in the car, but when I took the cart to space for them, I spied a huge plant right next to space with a wonderful scent. It just nabbed me and I asked an employee who happened to be out there if he knew what it was and he did. He told me the name and said they had just gotten a nice shipment of the 3 gallon size. I headed back into the nursery and over to the area where I remembered seeing the name. I picked out the best looking plant and left the nursery with a huge smile on my face and thankfulness in my heart.

This next plant is one both hubby and I loved. Had it for a few years but they died. This is Pink Muhly grass. So wonderful when the sunlight hits it.

Here's my cart at home full of plants, and then you can see the purple Lancepod flowers from the tree that I grew from seed many years ago.

For me, plants are healing for mind, body and spirit. I'm working on an area that is quieter than up front, and will show it once I've got it more or less set up. It's a work in progress at the moment.

The other day I went to another nursery to get some potting soil and a hibiscus jumped into my eyesight and nabbed my heart. Then I looked a few plants over and there was another one of a different color. I bought one of each.

I watched a video on these particular hibiscus, Hollywood, and the grower said they put more than one plant together to give a fuller look. I then remembered a recent video I had watched about getting more plants from nursery grown plants. This person said to take plant out of pot, and wash away the soil, exposing the roots and pull/cut the plants apart. That's what I did, except not a lot of the soil washed away, but wetting the soil made it easier to separate the two plants. So, I ended up with 4 hibiscus plants. YAY!!! The plants didn't even wilt!

This is the one that caught my eye first, Disco Diva. The colors are amazing. The flowers huge. They are very tropical.

This was taken later in the day.


I believe this is Run Away Beauty, it didn't have a tag, 

but I googled, of course. ;-)


 Below is the Double Delight rose I got from friends for my bday this year. She is such a beauty with a wonderful scent!!


 Two stained glass windows in the living room hit with morning sunlight the other day.


 I'll end this photo session with sunset pictures taken Halloween evening. The colors in God's creation are so awesome and beautiful!!


You can see the sliver of moon in this one.

 There is so much beauty to see in each day that we are blessed with. We just need to be tuned in and then be thankful to our Creator for His beautiful gifts to us. Small or large, they make our hearts sing with gladness.  They give sparks of life to our days.

This is the month of Thanksgiving. Let us thank God first for our lives, then thank Him for our loved ones, for friends, for the homes we have, our beds, hot and cold water, food to eat, pets, and so much more. Make a list. Be thankful.

Love, hugs and prayers,



Lynn and Precious said...

Oh my goodness Lorraine. You have the most full and marvelous blog post today. The group of you making the fun Fall wreaths, the plants and the sky! I am envious of the flowers as I now have gray bare trees and shrubs. No flowers to be seen here. And the weather change this coming weekend is for nights to be in the 20's and not really get any better soon. I can't wait to see your crochet projects with the yarn. Lynn and Precious

Latane Barton said...

Getting a new computer takes a lot of courage but it's usually a necessary task. Then there's all the learning all the new bells and whistles on the thing.
Your flower photos are so pretty. Take care.

Nancy J said...

What a post filled with garden delights. Your Pink Muhly, it is like our Gossamer Grass down here, I had some very small wispy pieces when we moved, 4 years ago.Now they are huge. 5 are way too many for the small garden now, so they are off to a friend sometime soon, and that will leave some spaces for summer flowers.As always, you continue to mow, weed, and have faith. Your wreath is delightful, what a joy to participate in that.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Lorraine It's good to see you again. I love all of your new plants, and of course the pictures of all your flowers are stunning. I love Hibiscus. Your wreath is lovely and I it sounds like you had a wonderful night of fellowship with the women of your church. I love the picture of the sunset sky on Halloween. I am glad that life is good for you. Thanks for sharing your blessings. See you again soon!

M.K. said...

Hello, Lorraine! Lovely post. It's clear that plants -- their colors and scents -- bring you such joy! I'm glad you got those and will enjoy placing them and caring for them. Your plants know you love them!
It's so good that you had that lovely time with the ladies to make wreaths. There's a great comfort and peace to spend time with others who love the Lord.
I hope you remain safe in this latest storm that is coming to Florida. We may get a bit of it up here in NC too.