In the mail a little while ago I received my bead order. I had won a $20 gift card from Amazon in a give-away at Sandra's blog Diary of a Stay at home Mom and I ordered beads. Thanks again Sandra. I also got some beading needles and will see if they are any easier to thread than the couple I have now. These have big eyes, meaning long eyes. I'll let you know what I think after using one.
Click on pictures for larger images.

Here are more blooms from my Gloxinia. The little turtle shell DH found on the border of our property. Some of my blue glass collection.

The UGH part of our day is a water leak in our pipe under the house. DH did some repair work, using a patch, for a leak we got two years ago and that has worked fine. Since then, DH has been reading our water meter every week. Well, this week, our water reading is almost double of what we usually use in a week, so tomorrow morning when it's cool, he'll crawl under the house, a not nice job, and see if he can find the leak. We've got the water to the house turned off for now. Have some buckets of water to use for toilet flushing and rinsing hands and we can turn on the water for a short while if we need to.
So, that was our day.
I hope you all had days that were good, with not too much bad,
or at least not more than you could handle.
Good or bad, it's all part of our growing process, called LIFE.
Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal.
It's a way to live.
Attributed to Jacqueline Winspear
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Oh, dear, Flower Lady, a water leak, and under a house to boot.
I am sorry, but home ownership is an adventure to say the least. I am so glad you are getting rain, we got a little over 1 inch a few days ago, and today, it is sooooo cool, 72, I' literally doing handsprings today!!!! And they are talking of lows for us tomorrow in the 40's yikes! and yeah!
I love your bead colors, wow beautiful, makes me want to dig a little stuff out and do somthing, but I think not, I'm saving that for you.
Anyway, my dear, have an awesome week, and stay well.
I love your beads! I am a
beader but was not aware that
Amazon carried them and at
such a good price. A yank
the size of one of yours
goes for $4.98 and up here
in Asheville. I will be
checking into their beads.
Your gloxinia is just
Pretty blue glass with the rose/glaxina blossoms. Love flower lady !
FlowerLady: Sorry about your water leak, that is always pain to have something like that in the house. Hope your DH can fix the problem so that you can use your water normally.
At least the rain has watered the garden for you. I love that gloxinia flower, and together with your blue glass collection, it looks so lovely!
I look forward to seeing what you do with the lovely beads FL. Too bad about the leak... it is endless caring for our homes. Good thing you have DH. Lovely feeling to your photos. Your music is very peaceful. ;>)
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your water leak, home ownership is a bummer sometimes; we were lucky our basement didn't flood with all the rain we've had, but my mom's did, more work......
On the brighter side, I love your new beads! I wish I was better at beadwork. I love yours!
Hope the water leak is an easy fix. Lovely beads!
Sorry to hear about your water leak. I hope it is cooler when he tries to fix it.
What lovely beads...What are you going to make?
I love to visit hear and listen to the soft music.
What a nice thing to look at while standing at the skullery window.
The gloxinia looks beautiful with the blue glass.
Glad you got some rain. We didn't get rain, but it is much cooler this morning.
Our ugh moment came when the lifter to the plunger on the toilet broke while we had company over the weekend. It was just our daughter and we do have a second bathroom so no real issue, but very annoying. DH is out shopping for a part now.......or Gorilla Glue.
The beads are beautiful. Do they still make needle threaders? I used to have one and it was a great help. Also putting a white paper behind the eye of the needle helps.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Your Gloxinia is beautiful, and what a sweet little turtle shell! The blue glass shines happily in the window, too!
I'm looking forward to viewing your bead art.
Finally, I'm so sorry to hear about your water leak. UGH is right!!!
Your blue glass is just beautiful with the light shining through it like that. Your gloxinia is beautiful too. I've never understood how to care for them. Sure hope the water leak is a simple fix.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the Amazon card and were able to purchase such pretty beads, can't wait to see what you do with them :)
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