We went outside a few minutes ago, to take care of the birdbath after the 'coons visit last night, and I saw a couple of spider lilies had bloomed. I'm not sure if the blooms just last a night or not, so took pictures in the fading light. I did not want to use the flash. I wish you could smell their sweet scent. Oh my.
For more info visit Spider Lily
(Thank you FloridaGirl for the correction.
I thought someone had told me they were crinums.)
(Click on pictures to enlarge.)

I did do a one step photo adjustment with this one in the computer.
It made the center of the flower show up much better.

Consider the lilies how they grow:
they toil not, they spin not;
and yet I say unto you,
that Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these.
Lukw 12:27
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Flowerlady, these are spider lilies (Hymenocallis). They do have a heavenly scent and so beautiful! One of my favorite Florida natives!
This is a new one to me! They are incredibly beautiful - so delicate and fine.
Wish I COULD sample their scent! Wonder if they'd grow in zone 5?
Such a neat flower form!
These are gorgeous flowers...I've mistaken them for crinums, too. In fact, I have a crinum that I mislabeled spider lily. I don't have any of these yet, but hope to soon. So pretty, unique, and native! Great combination!
Have a wonderful week!!
Such a lovely bloom, how exotic. What a treat to see! Thank you again for a lovely post.
Ohhh, those are BEAUTIFUL!! They must look quite magical at dusk. :-)
Such lovely, delicate blooms. I'm glad you captured them in spite of the fading light.
They really do look like spiders legs - and look delicate aswell - the dark background really shows up the blooms. :) Rosie
Beautiful flower! I wish I can smell its scent too! I don't have this one, have been on my watch list for while though... Great shot without the flashlight!
His creation never ceases to
amaze me. Absolutely gorgeous.
I love your spider lilies. The blooms are so unusual and pretty. Good name for them I think.
Spider lilies really are pretty and quite exotic looking. I didn't realize they had a nice scent. I hope you got lots of rain yesterday.
They are so playful and childlike and other worldly.
Thanks dear,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
I like your unique lilies and they smell nice too" I must remember to find these next year...
That is truly an exotic looking plant and with fragrance too!
I was introduced to these from other blogs and I think they are one of my new favorite plants. Now, I just have to see if I can grow them here :-)
More beautiful flowers to enjoy. I wish I could grow some of these in zone 5, but I get the next best thing, to see all of them. Thank you Flower Lady for your enchanting, mystic gardens.
Peaceful Regards,
They are such unique blooms! I was impressed when seeing Tiger Lilies for the first time but these are even more so spectacular to my eyes...
Those are the most incredible flowers! Wow! I love them. Kit
Yes, I have been away, but it is nice to be back and viewing your unusual and interesting flowers. I have never seen these before.
how pretty
Hi FL, All I can say is, there's no doubt in my mind why they're called spider lilies. The best kind of spiders!!!!
We need smell-o-vision so we can catch a whiff of that scent. If it's anything like the Orientals, ooh, la, la!
Those are some of the most interesting flowers I've ever seen! They do indeed look like their namesake, and also very star-fish like. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing!
This is a nice website.
This is a cool website with those neat flowers.
I have never seen any like that before.
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