I feel truly blessed by friendships made here on the internet. Not just from my dealings personally, but for how other people reach out to others too. The past few weeks I've been thinking of Gina of Antique ART Garden, as a lot of you also have, and the outpouring of love, prayers and friendship for her and her family have deeply touched me. We don't know each other except through our blogs and emails, but deep bonds have been forged.

To know someone here or there
with whom you can feel there is understanding
in spite of distances or thoughts unexpressed
~ that can make this life a garden.
Thank you,
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
I completely agree with you. I only know Gina through her blog but I have thought about her constantly in the last couple of weeks, as though she is a close friend. You can get to know people quite well through their writing and of course their gardens.
It is just absolutely amazing at how we can form friendships and bonds with people we've never met or talked to. Just seeing all the love and support that the blogging community is giving Gina makes me see that with all the problems in the world there are a lot of really good people that really do care about each other.
I count you as a friend Flower Lady :)
WOW such a sweet gift. Love it.
Have a wonderful weekend
Nina Suria
Dear FL, Perfectly put and I love the Goethe quote (it says it all)... he is one of my heros, but I never saw this quote. Thank you! I am glad to have found you through your garden paths. I do not know Gina but hope she is OK. Enjoy your weekend there in your lovely world.
A year ago I wasn't even
aware of this thing called
blogging. Now I can honestly
say I have made some of the
sweetest friendships of my
life right here on the net.
This needle work is really
beautiful. I love it.
Be blessed,
(Remembering Gina)
What a lovely sentiment to give to Gina. Being a shut-in 90% of the time, I have come to enjoy my online friends and feel connected to many like-minded people.
Blogging is so special to fellow bloggers. When others who don't blog ask what it is, they don't begin to understand. The human element can't be disguised and the care for others is evident.
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