I have two Gloxinia growing in my scullery window area. I hope I can keep them alive. The other one has buds, and I'll post them when they bloom.

Here is a basil sprig that I found in the cart we used at the veggie market last Monday. Someone must have bought a plant and this was broken off and left. Well, I made sure I didn't crush it, loaded in our veggies, and when we left I took the sprig. I told DH I was going to see if it would root.
Well, I've had it in the window all week, and today noticed the roots.
Hurray. Tomorrow I'll pot it and put it in my shed garden.
What a treat, for free.
I wasn't about to leave that sprig in the cart that's for sure.

There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude,
a quiet joy.
Ralph H. Blum
Have a great week.
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Your flowers are always so
lovely. This one looks like
it has a yummy berry in the
I love the quote on gratitude
and should use it next week
in my 1000 Gifts post.
We had a wonderful rain shower
this morning and the air is
finally cooler. It's only 73
degrees presently.
You make me want to have a gloxinia this winter--I've not had one in many years.
I really enjoy the inspirational quotes with which you end each post.
Your gloxinia is very pretty. That is a plant I haven't tried to grow for years, but I never did figure out how to keep them. Congratulations on rooting your basil sprig. I grow lots of basil in the fall at the base of my tomatoes. Pesto is a favorite of mine and I make and freeze ice-cubes of it to use in just about everything.
Love the flower of that Gloxinia! What a scrumptious color! Is the other one the same color?
Your story about basil sprig made me smile since that almost same thing happened to me when I spot a rosemary sprig in my shopping cart! I found since I started gardening, I wanted to root each cutting or falling branch that I found to see if I can be successful to turn them into plants :)
I have always liked gloxinias but never owned one. Yours is so beautiful. I have the basil growing in the ground and you will have some too very soon.
Oh, I do hope you get some rain soon. The only reward for enduring humidity is a welcome rainfall I think. That is what we have been experiencing this weekend.
I love your basil story and I hope you show it's progress. Just think, most people would have just left it behind.
Looks like you'll have some good basil on your window for snipping. Beautiful gloxinia!
Such a glorious flower, I do hope you have success growing it and your basil! I wish we could share our overabundance of rain with you; we are so soggy here. Hope it cools down some for you, too!
Hi Flowerlady,
I'm trying to remember if I grew gloxinia in my houseplant days before I had my own ground to garden. That sure is a pretty bloom.
How cool that you got the basil to root. I should cut a couple springs to root and bring into my garden window this fall. They die as soon as the frost hits them, unlike the parsley, sage, and chives, which frequently last through Thanksgiving.
How gentle and true the Blum quote at the end of your post!
I smile at your retrieval of the basil. I have that same "gene" :)
Hello Lady. Your gloxinia is just so beautiful. I love the colors in the bloom. I have grown them from seed before but it takes them forever in my house to grow.Have a wonderful week and try to stay cool.
Those temps are the same we are dealing with right now. The afternoon thundershowers make it bearable when they come. Stay cool!!!
It's always so peaceful here. What a treat. Balisha
Your Gloxinia looks beautiful! I never seen this before, and I love your inspirational quote. Have a wonderful week!
Those are the best kinds of days.
The gloxinia is a beautiful thing.I think I would keep it in the window as long as possible to enjoy it.
Glad to hear that about the basil. I failed to plant any this year thinking it would self seed. It didn't. I just have Queen of Siam and it isn't be best culinary basil.
Still hot and dry here.
Love the quote.
Arent freebies the best? :-)
BONUS!!! I love little surprises like your basil sprig. Nice gift, wouldn't you say?!
Your flower is so brightly colored, too. You're truly blessed to find such joy in these small but large things!
What a great idea. Many would dismiss that basil sprig and pass it by. I hope you get lots of lush basil to cook with.
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