Well, one of the flowers bloomed on my found shrubs,
and it is not what I thought it was, Crepe Jasmine.
I smelled the bloom and no scent either,
unless it will smell at night.
Now I am stumped.
I hope one of you will be able to identify this for me.
The leaves and shrub do look like crepe jasmine,
even a gardenia, but now I don't have a clue.
I think the flowers are pretty and look like a pinwheel.

Here is the best looking shrub in one of the planters.
I don't want to show the other shrub until it grows out some more.

Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Don't have a clue Flower Lady but it has a beautiful bloom.
I do not know but it does not look like a gardenia to me. I love the little penwheel shaped flower. I am lovin the planter. How nice.
I think I have exact same one in my front yard, which I thought is "Star Jasmine" (check the side bar picture on my blog to see if it is same as yours). But I just did a google search, and found out I might be wrong. Well, whatever answer you got from other gardeners will be the answer to my question too! LOL
Well, I am not sure what it is either. But, it is beautiful :-)
I hope someone can identify it for you.
The shrub in the interesting pot makes me think of bonsai. It looks right at home.
Hope someone can identify your shrub.
Hmmm...I would swear it was Pinwheel Jasmine, aka Crepe Jasmine, just looking at the photos. I would say "maybe" it is Plumeria pudica, which I have in my garden. It looks similar, and it has no scent. The flowers grow in clusters, and the plant has grayish, plumeria-textured stems. The leaves are a dead giveaway, as they have a unique spoon shape. If I could see a full leaf, I could say yay or nay. (Just a stab in the dark.)
I think you may have a mandevilla laxa. Most of them have little scent. It tends to be a slender, twining vine, but I think there are some shrubby forms. It has a pretty flower.
I can't help you with the ID, but I can't help myself with IDs. The flower is really pretty. jim
The leaves look like a Mandevilla; look up "white mandevilla"; I did and a page of pictures was one of the choices and it does look like one or perhaps something in the same family.
Have you checked Floridata? The picture they have there looks like your flower. They list some other cultivars that have double flowers. Maybe those are what you are familiar with? Floridata's write-up also says the fragrance is more intense at night as the heat of the day "vaporizes" the scent. So, maybe it is crepe jasmine after all. I sure hope it has fragrance, but if not it is still a lovely plant that really goes well with those shell planters.
It looks like pinwheel jasmine to me. I love the new photo on your header...the rose is very beautiful.
What a beautiful flower! I wish I knew what it was! Very charming little pinwheel indeed. Looks wonderful planted in its pot! :)
It is pretty. It is too bad there isn't any smell.
could it be a vinca?
After I came back home, I checked the flower in my garden again. It really looks the same as yours. I checked some pictures of "Crepe Jasmine" on the web, and I believe it is the right name for this plant. I just smelled the flower once again after the dark, and it does not have any scent. Is Crepe Jasmine supposed to have scent??
You know, I think it's called a Milkwood Pinwheel Flower or a Tabernaemontana divaricata.
It looks like Sandra has it figured out. I'm too far north to be acquainted with it but it sure is a lovely. I like to stone pot it's in too.
Thank you FloridaGirl, Susan and Sandra for the correct ID. I did look it up yesterday and found it, and you all confirmed it.
Thank you all for your comments.
The shrubs are looking even better today, and I'm hoping with time they will look greener in the new soil we put them in.
I love those planters. It will be 5 years in May that we brought these home, from a curbside find.
Have a great week ~ FlowerLady
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