Good afternoon Friends ~ The road work seems to be done for the day,
it is much quieter now. What a relief!
Here are pictures taken before all the hulabaloo started later.
This is a little sculpture we found probably at the flea market or a yard sale many, many years ago. Looking at it from this side, you see God's hand holding a lump of clay, and a leg and foot to the left.

This is looking from the other side, Adam and Eve created,
and still in God's hand.

This is St. Francis with Louis Philippe,
the Florida cracker rose.

Spicy Jatropha

Scarlet sage ~ coccina salvia

Four stages of Prosperity rose.

Mm. Laurette Messimy

Pink Pet or Caldwell's Pink

Main Garden

I've been waiting for this to happen.
This is our Queen Crepe Myrtle.

Popcorn Cassia

Mm. Laurette Messimy.

Louis Philippe.

I don't know the name of this hibiscus or the croton behind it.

Golden dewdrops ~ Duranta erecta

Fleabane daisy (Erigeron annuus) and
spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana)

Bon Silene roses.

Have a lovely weekend.
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Stunning display of color. All of your roses are to die for. You have a lot going on now. Have a good weekend.
Love the close-ups of your garden beauties.
This inspires me to go right back outside and continue weeding.
My roses just coming on too.
Love to you,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Beautiful blooms. I have never had such blooms on my Prosperity. Something must be sadly lacking in the soil where she is.
They are working on our county road too! The gravel trucks have made too many trips back and forth to count.
I was trimming the ditch out front and decided I should wait until they are through. They seem to be redoing the ditches...don't know how that will affect our frontage. I am happy to see the work being done!
Your St. Francis statue is so pretty with the rose in front of it. Balisha
Your Prosperity rose is gorgeous. Love it in your header. All your roses are so beautiful. It's hard to believe you are growing them in zone 10! I just pulled some fleabane today. I leave them as long as I can but today, they had to go. Actually, I don't pull up the plant I just weedeat them. They grow at the edge of my sunniest bed.
beautiful post.
So many gorgeous flowers ... your roses are so pretty. I adore Prosperity ... that's a great shot. Loved your sculpture piece too.
Your roses are just splendid. Sure wish my computer had smellavision.
So beautiful! That Caldwell's Pink
rose is just stunning, and the Prosperity rose! Love, love them!
Wonderful roses, as usual. I very much want a queen's crape. I've been searching for one for years and years. I have many of these plants...jatropha and dewdrops especially are favorite butterfly plants of mine, though they won't be blooming for a few more weeks thanks to the cold.
I think your hibiscus is H. schizopetalus aka Chinese lantern.
I love the assortment of blooms and garden art you have.
Do your spiderworts go dormant? Mine do a lot, and our summers aren't quite as hot as yours.
The croton in the background looks like 'Fantasy', which I'm growing in my garden.
I love, love, love seeing your roses! They are always so pretty and fresh looking! Fleabane and Spiderwort won't be blooming here for awhile.
Glad it's quieted down there.
it must smell beautiful all around your home! i'm so jealous of all the roses :D
Wow! So many blooms...many of them I know nothing about. It is a gorgeous time of year where you live, Flower Lady. It's gorgeous here too, but we don't have the same sorts of things blooming just yet, and many of yours we cannot grow here in VA. Just lovely!
Your flowers are beautiful. Mm. Laurette Messimy is wonderfully charming. I love it.
I hope the work on your road is done soon. What a bother. A lot of noise can really be stressful.
Your flowers look so good. I like the red ones best but the others are really beautiful.
I just came in from a long day outside weeding a neglected and very large bed. The bed is upwind of a wild hillside and just gets clobbered with weed seeds. It was so nice to come in, get the heating pad on my back and open up your blog to see your lovely blossoms! Thank you, this was my reward.
Really cool sculpture you guys have there. Wonderful find.
Beautiful sculpture of God's hand holding Adam and Eve, I love that!
Your garden has soooo many beautiful blooms. Flowerlady is a very appropriate name for your garden blog. I, too, have a soft spot for flowers. They are great for the soul!
So glad the roadwork has ended :-) I always love my visits to your garden and especially your beautiful roses. I particularly like your new title photo.
You have such a great variety of flowers! Love all of the beauty!
Very interesting little sculpture! Never seen anything like it. How many different blooms you have already! I like them all. Salvia is very lovely, love its color!
Your blooms are lovely and colourful. It will surely brighten up my day. You have hibiscus in your garden too, Wow! Does it grow well in yours?
Hello FL, I love your St. Francis photo and what an interesting sculpture. Your garden is lovely! I am happy for you that the road work is finished!
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