Good morning, I hope you are all having a lovely day.
It is partly cloudy here, and we've had a few sprinkles.
Thunderstorms are predicted for today and tomorrow.
Click on pictures for larger views.
I thought some of you might like to see longer views,
where I take close-up shots,
here at

Here is a picture of the street out front. Since it is Sunday morning,
traffic is a lot less.

Here is our tropical/cottage/hedgerow. We like our privacy, especially since our street went from two lanes to 4, plus the middle turning lane. This used to be a quiet street, but not any more. The speed limit is 45, but a lot of people go much faster than that, trying to make the light at the intersection. The front gate little path is where the indent is in the hedgerow. The sandy area in our little lawn is where I pile brush to be picked up once a week.

This is the front gate off the sidewalk, which we keep locked.
We had too many visits at night from people who had no business being in here.

This is our driveway gate, made by my DH. We did this after someone went down the driveway, all the way back to where we park our cars. We knew someone had been in our property because the cable with a no trespassing sign hanging on it was down and they had left a car door standing open.

At the same time DH put up fencing to finish off enclosing our front, and made the arbor for this gate for entering our front patio. Someone had stolen plants and a nice piece of petrified wood from this area a few years back. We keep it locked at night. You can see my little Plum Cottage sign hanging on the fence to the left of gate. This garden area is still a work in progress as it's only a year old.

This is just inside the gate, looking west.

This is looking north.
The screened porch is off the kitchen,
and our main entry.

This is looking south, towards the street,
the path goes off to the mailbox to the left of the clay pipe
and also heads west.

This is our front patio which is off my little craft/office space,
looking west.

This is the path on the south side of the little patio,
street on the left, and we are heading towards the main garden.

Here is the main garden.

This path is the one the meter reader takes,
after he walks across the front little patio.

Another view of the main garden.

This is the gate into the main garden.

This is a little island bed on the west side of main garden.

This path runs along side the main garden.

This heads on around to the back side of main garden.
There is a bench there to rest on.

This is a view of the fork.
These paths are roofing shingles and roll roofing.

This is on the west side of the little island bed.
In this island bed there are roses, lilies, crotons and hibiscus.

This is my little sitting area that we made last year. It has a lattice roof, which has Phyllis Bide growing up over the top from the back fencing of main garden. On the other end of the lattice roof I hope to get blue sky vine growing (Thunbergia grandiflora). It's just a baby right now.

This view is from the little space pictured above.

This is the view from the bench at the back of the garden.

This is from the middle of garden looking at the back where bench is.

Here I'm standing on the path on the east side of main garden.

Now, I'm on the other side of the driveway gate looking north. We found that huge fiberglass fish curbside on the next street. Since I'm a pisces, we brought it home, then had a hard time figuring out where to hang it. I know, we're weird.

This is looking toward the kitchen/scullery.

Shed garden.

Secret garden, which you get to through the door
that has the wreath hanging on it in the above picture.

Back screened room with jacuzzi, outdoor shower,
old cast iron claw foot tub, and my swing.
This area is still a work in progress.

This view is from inside the screened room.
The wood sculpture is actually a piece of our Melaleuca tree
that came down in the hurricanes.
We liked the artistic look so kept it.
DH bolted it to a base.
It is actually standing upside down,
from the way it was as part of the tree.

That's it folks.
I want to say thank you to all of you
who have left comments here on my blog.
Through you, I have come to see our small place
as a little jewel in the making.
We live frugally,
we 'curbside shop',
we are thankful for our many blessings.
Tomorrow is a new day.
One in which to live, love, laugh and learn.
Happy Living and Gardening,
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Thank you for a tour of Plum Cottage gardens. All the paths, nooks and of course the lovely flowers are really special. Interesting that some paths are roofing shingles. I like that idea. Are they adhered to each other in some way?
You have created a lovely oasis right in the middle of a busy area. Very inspiring.
You have a jewel indeed. It is a most charming cottage and gardens.
I loved the long shots too. Thanks to Tom for mentioning it.
You have some wonderful views from almost every angle.
When I see the busy street and then inside your haven, I am stunned by how it looks and feels so private and cozy. You all have done a fantastic job.
Tell your hubby he has built you some beautiful, useful things. The gates and the seating area and then......that wonderful enclosed porch.
I t looks like a very happy place to be.
Do you have a lot of noise?
You do have such a neat place. I feel badly that you have to keep people out. I suppose you have an isolated area and they think that can't be seen while they case the joint. I really enjoy seeing where you live and all that you have done to make your life so pleasant.
Thanks for the wonderful tour of your gardens.
It is so nice that you and DH have created a little tropical oasis right in the middle of a busy section of town. (it's so disappointing when noise factors change and streets get widened) But you have made the most of it with gates, arbors, and pathways taking you away from the hassles of it. Thanks for sharing the 'long views'... always interesting to see the big picture of the garden. It made me wonder as I was reading just how big the property is??? It looks like you sure have a lot to take care of.
Beautiful long shots of your garden! So many special little rooms and paths! I can see how that gate would be tempting to enter. Of course, I would just want to roam around all day. And stuff like a fiberglass fish and a chunk of an old tree give your garden so much character. =)
You've carved out a beautiful retreat in the chaos that surrounds your cottage. Thanks for showing us these. I do love seeing everything in context and getting a feel for the size of the spaces. Magnificent job. You've got no reason to envy any one else.
I LOVED seeing your cottage gardens! ALL of them! I like how your driveway is perhaps gravel or seashells with grass growing down the center strip. What a nice oasis you have tucked (locked) away from the outside world. Thanks so much for sharing.
Wow! Awesome. Btw I like ur bottle's idea. N currently I manage to collect dozens of lemonade's bottle for my nxt coming project; recycle chandelier ;)
Thank you for the wonderful tour! You've done a marvelous job with your garden -- it's all interesting and beautiful.
Good Grief!!!!! I am amazed at your breathtaking jewel!!! How do you ever leave your garden?!?! I had to check it out a second time. You have a fantastic talent (many talents, actually)...LOVE IT!!!!
Hello Flower Lady, What an enchanting post! I am so happy to see your lush gardens... no wonder folks try to get in to see what is going on in your magical world. (good you have a gate to keep unwelcome guests out.) It is too bad about the street and cars going so fast ... but it only makes your garden all the more a wonder. Your wold moving slowly next to the fast lanes. You have a great deal to care for! I love all the pathways, benches and urns! Thank you too... for you caring thoughts! Carol
What a pretty and homey garden. I loved seeing all the different parts. Even though it's too bad you needed to put the gates up, they are so charming. Beautiful!
I just love it! I love all of you nooks, & walkways. Very nice! It is looking great!!!! I am trying to get my beds as full as possible this year to hopefully cut down on the weeds (if that is possible!). I LOVE all of your wrought iron work. Where do you find most of it. This is something I am trying to add more of in the garden, it is just difficult to find
Oh Goodness! What a beautiful garden sanctuary you have created. It is the ultimate Secret Garden (which is also of my favorite books). I love the little rooms you also have created in your garden. I think my favorite is the glimpse of the of the old fashioned tub right next to the garden. Thank you for sharing this wonderful overview of your garden.
I randomly ran across your blog a couple months ago and I love it! I want to be just like you when I grow up! :)
Oh my what a wonderful place Plum Cottage is. So many nooks and crannies and beds and all so lovely. I love the front arch and gate. I hope the hedgerow helps break some of the noise from the street.I do not blame you for putting up the driveway gate. People just barge right in anymore looking for something to take. All of your garden beds make up a secret garden. Lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Curbsideshop? That's how I got a couple of plants that flourish in our neighbourhood. A wine dark aeonium. And a lipstick pink Pelargonium!
Hi Everyone ~ Glad you enjoyed the little tour of our place and thank you much for your comments. I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.
NanaK ~ The roofing shingles are just laid on top of each other so that they cover the black area, and in time they just adhere to each other.
Tina ~ Thanks. It is our little haven from the world.
Glenda ~ Thank you. I am so glad that DH can do so many different things himself, and I of course am his helper. We've worked together on all sorts of projects through the years.
Sallysmom ~ Oh yes, noise we have plenty of.
L.D. ~ Thank you, we like it. We sometimes wish though, that we could 'beam' our compound to another state, on a bit more property in the country. ~ Yes, it is a bummer that people feel like they can just come onto your property any time they feel like it, especially while you are sleeping. It's creepy.
Becky ~ You are welcome and thank you for visiting and taking the tour.
Meems ~ It is still a work in progress here. We have around 1/4 of an acre, an L shaped property. I do have enough to handle and sometimes almost feel like it is too much. But I enjoy it.
Floridagirl ~ Thanks for saying the fish and the tree section give our gardens 'character'.
Tom ~ Thanks, I will try to remember not to be envious. :-)
Mrs. Mac ~ The driveway is shell rock. I like the quaint look of it. More like a country drive than a city one.
Nina ~ Glad you liked. I enjoy the blue bottle bouquet in the garden. I have green ones that I need to soak labels from to make another one somewhere. I'd love to see your chandelier when you are done.
Sweetbay ~Thank you. It is still a work in progress. I'd love to live in your area. If only we could transport our little compound somewhere quiet in the country. Sigh. We do enjoy our haven though and are thankful for it.
Kimberly ~ It is hard to leave, but has to be done, so it's always a joy to come home to. Thank you.
Carol ~ Thank you and you are welcome. I like that, our world moving slowly next to the fast lanes. Sometimes it is a lot to care for.
Catherine ~ Thanks. It is too bad that we have to keep out intruders, but we do enjoy our enclosed space.
Dirt Princess ~ Glad you liked. My gardens may look full, but what you don't see are all the weeds that I do have. I don't have time to spend on keeping everything weed free, and if there are flowers on the weeds, I enjoy. :-) The iron we've collected over the years. Some was in trade, some just bought here and there.
Noelle ~ Yes, it is a secret garden. I never read the book, but I did see the movie and loved it. Thank you.
Katie ~ How sweet your comment is. I'm nothing special, and I don't think I've grown up yet. I visited your blog, and would love to see more of your cozy cottage gardens. I already love what I saw.
Lona ~ Thanks. The hedgerow does help some. It would be a lot worse if it wasn't there. Plus the property would be hotter too. It's much cooler inside here than out on the street.
Elephant's Eye ~ Isn't it fun to curbside shop? We've found quite a few plants that way. Recently DH found an aloe vera that someone had just thrown out. It was even in flower.
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