Good morning everyone. Hope you are having a great week. It's hard to believe it's April already. I hope you are able to get out to play in your gardens. I'm sure there is lots to see and do now that winter is for the most part 'gone'.
I found a great article this morning through All Things Cottage. Here is the link to the full article that was a delight to read. Designing the Country Cottage Garden.
I've noticed new growth on crape myrtles, but am still awaiting new growth on my Queen Crape. I have blanket flower blooms about to open, from seeds scattered into my main garden a few months back. Roses are doing great. I am enjoying working outside whenever I can, trying to get a lot done before the summer heat and humidity get here.
Happy Gardening ~ Happy Easter,

Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Good morning, Flowerlady! I have not got time to read that article of your link yet, will read it after work. Just want to drop you a quick note. Your collage of pictures is so beautiful. I love the cottage style garden. I really admire your roses! I also started blanket flower seeds, hope this summer I can see the flowers.
Hope you get a lot done in the garden today. ----Ami
Girl I hear ya about the heat that is approaching very quickly now. I am going to check out the blog now. I find it so exciting when I find new growth. It makes me feel as though I've done something right.
That looks like a great article. I will find it useful for my gardens. Thanks for the hookup. I have printe it so I can read it at home and add it to my gardens binder.
Oh .. to have roses! I can almost smell the scent. My yard is a frequent picnic ground for critters that devour plants. I have to watch what I plant. Enjoy your spring before the heat of summer.
Thanks for the link, I'll enjoy reading the article! Happy Easter :)
I laughed when you mentioned sprinkling seeds a few months ago. If I were to do that, they would only have landed on snow! I am envious some days of your different climate! :) Keep enjoying your gardens! Happy Easter!
Oh, that heat is what I'm dreading too! I can only imagine the beautiful sights and scents of your garden.
I was wondering if you did that collage with photoshop? It's really nice with all the flowers from your garden.
FL, I'm so happy you're soon to enjoy the fabulous blanket flower! Mine blooms constantly. I have to resist the urge to pull the young sprouts all around the mama...honestly, they look like weeds and they're driving me insane. I hope they grow quickly and flower soon! :)
Thanks for the link on cottage garden design. I have only briefly looked at it but plan to spend more time reading later this evening. I think your gardens definitely fit the definition. They are beautiful. I have enjoyed looking at your past postings and your other blogs.
Happy Easter to you as well.
Your mosaic looks lovely FlowerLady. You have some beautiful posies blooming in your garden. Happy Easter & Happy Spring.
I love your collage.
Happy Easter! I'm off to read the article in the link..
Excellent article,read it first thing. Now, time to get outside and get dirty, oh joy! Jeri
Hi FlowerLady~~
Your Blanket Flowers: you scattered seeds a few months ago and they're almost ready to bloom? Wow. I've never had that kind of luck. Your name seems to fit you. :)
I hope the heat and humidity take their sweet time and you have lots of comfy days in the garden.
It was been hot here already! Still, your garden is so far ahead of my zone. The Lady Banks and the Kwansan cherry are just beginning to bloom.
Have a Happy Easter!
Hello dear and happy spring.
Thanks for the link to the article. Love it.
All blessings to you and yours,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
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