Good afternoon gardening and blogging Friends,
It has been a gray day all day. Not too hot or humid with a nice breeze. I started outside around 8 this morning and finished for the day right around noon. Now I am ready for a nap.
I planted the coleus cuttings, my little rooted Maman Cochet, a desert cassia along with walking iris, and cat's whiskers, which I need to make some cuttings of to root in water along with more coleus.
I decided to move St. Frances out to where he would be seen and appreciated more, so enlisted DH's help for that. I've still more to do in this garden, but it looks so much better than it did yesterday morning when I started this unplanned project. DH said it looked pretty and that made me feel great.
Just click on pictures to enlarge.
I sure wish you could smell Maman. Oh my gosh. Her fragrance is so wonderful it almost makes me want to cry.
Have a nice afternoon and a lovely evening.

Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Isn't this weather GREAT! I am loving it! If only it would stay this way!
Bet you St. Francis enjoys the new locale! Our neighbor has the same statue but the head broke off. She still has it in her garden. I hope that the wind topples it and breaks the rest! Wonder what St. Francis would think of it? Would he consider it an honor to be in her garden headless?
Oh, that looks wonderful! What an excellent choice for him. It must be so nice to have things cooling off a bit so you can spend more time in the garden.
Gray, drizzly, chilly and damp here today - temps in the low 40s. But a single bloom on a shrub rose cheered up the day.
Thanks for stopping by leaving your congratulations.
It all looks so nice. It takes more days than you intended but it did get done. I still have two things on my list that I guess I have to do tomorrow, rain or shine. Thanks for sharing....
Hello. I came upon your blog at Blotanical. I love your beautiful rose photos.
Noelle (azplantlady)
Lovely work! Maman Cochet looks wonderful. I love fragrant roses and must put this one on my want list.
Dirt Princess ~ The weather has been nicer the past couple of days, but like you said it will get warm again. You are further north, being in Alabama, so I'm sure you're really getting some nice cooler weather. It's supposed to feel like low 100's here the next few days or more. UGH! Let's enjoy the cool weather while we have it.
Jane ~ LOL. Our lady statue was headless for awhile, twice, but DH epoxy'd it back on and she looks great. I don't think I'd like to see St. Francis standing in my gardens without his head.
LeSan ~ It is really NICE having cooler weather. The birds are singing all day long so they are enjoying it also.
WiseAcre ~ Thanks for visiting and I will go back to visit yours again to enjoy pictures and posts about living in the north lands. It sounds like winter is early in your part of the country. Glad you had a rose bloom to cheer up your day.
Noelle ~ Thank you for visiting. I just became a member of Blotanical. I may be in over my head. I look forward to learning and enjoying so many wonderful blogs that are there. Yikes, you are a Horticulturist, I'm a lowly plant lover bumbling around growing gardens on a shoe string.
SweetBay ~ You will not be disappointed with Maman Cochet. This is a cutting that I got rooted earlier this year. When I put her in my newly revamped garden area I could smell that bloom all over. I can't wait til she gets bigger and full of blooms.
Thanks again everyone for visiting and your kind comments.
Such a transformation -nice job
Thank you for your kind comment and for bringing me to your lovely garden. I will be back. Love your St. Francis and your blushing roses... inviting one to linger and inhale... if only... Carol
Super photos.
Glad to see you're listed on Blotanical. Hope we'll see you around there a lot.
It is such a good feeling to get a particular job done...nothing quite like it.
I am so impressed with your pictures. The flowers are beautiful and your photography is wonderful.
The fragrant rose will probably not work for me, but I intend to check on it.
Happy gardening.
Good morning Friends,
Hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you do.
Vicki ~ Thanks. It is a transformation alright. It's still kind of shocking seeing it so bare, but it won't take long to fill in again. I've still more to plant once seeds get sprouted and doing well.
Carol ~ You are welcome. Wish you could smell this lovely rose, it's wonderful.
Sue ~ Thank you. I look forward to visiting Blotanical a lot now that I've joined and am learning my way around. There are lots of wonderful gardens to visit and be inspired by.
Gld ~ Thank you for your kind comments about my photography. I am an amateur and really enjoy capturing moments in life. Maman Cochet might grow in your zone, do a Google search on her.
St. Francis reminded of my friend's story about her former neighbor bringing a new girlfriend with him to visit. The GF declared that she was a Catholic, looked out the window at St. Francis by the pool and exclaimed, "Oh, you have a statue of St. John the Baptist!"
Love that Maman rose. Noticed your header, too. Great.
Nell ~ What a cute story. Maman is a beauty that's for sure. Glad you like the new header.
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