Our cottage scullery was a dream for years. We didn't quite know how it was going to come out until we did it. Calling it 'the scullery' came from DH's 4 yr stint in the US Navy, where he had to work in the scullery when he was first starting out.
"In United States military facilities and most commercial restaurants, a "scullery" refers to the section of a dining facility where pots and pans are scrubbed and rinsed (in an assembly line style). It is usually near the kitchen and the serving line." Wikipedia
I found the above definition this morning when looking up the word scullery to post with today's blog entry. Thought I would start with that since that's where our scullery started, many years ago.
A scullery again according to Wikipedia is this:
A Scullery is a [room] in a house used for domestic tasks, especially those not involving the handling of food. A scullery is a form of "back-up" kitchen and is usually located adjacent to the main kitchen, frequently to the rear of the house. Kitchen-related uses might include cleaning dishes and cooking utensils (or storing them), or for doing particularly messy kitchen work. A scullery may also be used for tasks unrelated to cooking, e.g. ironing or washing clothes. The term "scullery", in a modern domestic context, appears to be somewhat archaic, the room being more commonly referred to (at least in North America) as a utility room.
Our scullery was our utility room. We opened up our kitchen to the utility room and what a difference. I love it. It has made dish washing so enjoyable, as now I look out into our secret garden where there are flowers, butterflies and birds, and yes, Tork, looking in the window. I also iron in this light filled room. The ironing board is stored in it's own little space next to the refrigerator. Below is a picture of our kitchen before:
"In United States military facilities and most commercial restaurants, a "scullery" refers to the section of a dining facility where pots and pans are scrubbed and rinsed (in an assembly line style). It is usually near the kitchen and the serving line." Wikipedia
I found the above definition this morning when looking up the word scullery to post with today's blog entry. Thought I would start with that since that's where our scullery started, many years ago.
A scullery again according to Wikipedia is this:
A Scullery is a [room] in a house used for domestic tasks, especially those not involving the handling of food. A scullery is a form of "back-up" kitchen and is usually located adjacent to the main kitchen, frequently to the rear of the house. Kitchen-related uses might include cleaning dishes and cooking utensils (or storing them), or for doing particularly messy kitchen work. A scullery may also be used for tasks unrelated to cooking, e.g. ironing or washing clothes. The term "scullery", in a modern domestic context, appears to be somewhat archaic, the room being more commonly referred to (at least in North America) as a utility room.
Our scullery was our utility room. We opened up our kitchen to the utility room and what a difference. I love it. It has made dish washing so enjoyable, as now I look out into our secret garden where there are flowers, butterflies and birds, and yes, Tork, looking in the window. I also iron in this light filled room. The ironing board is stored in it's own little space next to the refrigerator. Below is a picture of our kitchen before:

The next picture was taken yesterday morning with the sun shining in the window. I love this room. You can see Tork sitting on the little roof over the recycle bin/garbage can area outside on the back side of scullery. Actually, she's sitting on a rock that we brought back from vacation a couple of years ago. It's her perch for viewing into our world.

I will post more pictures later when I have more time. This little space changed dramatically from an unused utility room. It is truly a dream come true. We have several 'curb-side' shopped pieces and I will tell about them later. Plus bargain prices on other things.
I visited several cottage blogs yesterday after I had taken this picture and was really inspired, and encouraged and very thankful for our humble Plum Cottage in these uncertain times.
Thanks for looking, thanks for the joy and inspiration all of your blogs bring to lives who visit them.
Have a great day ~ FlowerLady
I visited several cottage blogs yesterday after I had taken this picture and was really inspired, and encouraged and very thankful for our humble Plum Cottage in these uncertain times.
Thanks for looking, thanks for the joy and inspiration all of your blogs bring to lives who visit them.
Have a great day ~ FlowerLady
It sure did add a lot of space and light. I love having a window over the sink to look outside. It makes the chore a little more enjoyable when you have something pretty to distract you.
What a cute room! Will like to see more pictures!
I love your kitchen, I need to show that picture to my husband :) If I do though, he'll think I want him to start adding onto mine :)
Wonderful! Your collections are just amazing, too.
Hi Catherine ~ In the kitchen we do not have a window over the sink, so when we did this project, that's what I wanted. I love it, it makes a huge difference. The utility room was only about 7'x7', but it looks and lives larger than that opened to the kitchen.
Have a nice day.
Good morning Marla ~ Thank you, I think it's a cute room too. I posted more pictures this morning.
Hope your day is a good one.
Hi Sharon ~ thanks. I love my whole kitchen now, thanks to DH for opening up the kitchen to the utility room.
May your day be filled with peace and healing. Hope you are feeling much better these days.
Good morning Cameron ~ Glad you enjoyed our humble scullery. Now I need to post pics of the kitchen end.
I enjoy my little kitchy things. I have not added to collections in a few years now as I have enough. Of course, we're not out looking either, we have weaned ourselves from scouring yard sales, flea markets, etc. We don't want to 'want' anymore 'stuff'. Now, I'm not saying that we don't occasionally stop at a yard sale, or visit the thrift store, but we are not out buying just to be buying and adding to the stuff we already have. I can work with what I have, and changing things around, makes it all look new again.
I posted more pictures of the scullery and it's collections this morning.
Have a great day.
Hi FlowerLady,
I am excited to go back and look at the other pics you put up. I love what you did opening up the kitchen to the utility room and putting in the window.
I love the collections too, and I'm trying not to add to mine. I had to laugh when you said you don't go to garage sales and the like as often. I don't either, but someone from work sent an email saying her parents are having a sale tomorrow. I thought about going, and still may, but our grandson is coming over, so it will depend on what time I get up. I'm telling myself I should stay home. I need to do more weeding out of things.
Good morning Sue ~ Glad you enjoyed pics of our scullery and my collections. The oil painting of the cup of geraniums is a favorite painting of mine and I love how the ruby glass goes so well with it.
We do occasionally stop at yard sales, but we are very picky these days. Not buying things just to be buying them. Our place is tiny and we are working on de-cluttering, and living with things that we love. I do go to the local GoodWill stores, for tops and skirts, but basically keep blinders on when it comes to 'kitsch'. :-) We have found some stuff too, curbside shopping, but even then we are more picky these days as to what we bring home.
Have a great weekend with your GS.
Good morning FlowerLady,
It is supposed to be in the fifties today. My parents are wanting us to bring our grandson over for them to have to themselves for awhile.
Would you believe I got up this morning and asked Larry if he wanted to go to some thrift stores today if GS is well enough from his ear infection to go out and about? And, knowing about that estate type sale this morning is making me think about going. Maybe they have a cool watering can or something.
That's right, you have viewed my collections, and you know I have lots of watering cans already, too. Well, we'll see how the day goes. ;o)
Have a great weekend!
Hi Sue ~ It's around 50 here right now, feeling like it's 47. We 'may' get some rain today which we really need, so I hope we do.
Did you find any goodies yesterday? If so, what?
Have a nice Sunday and I hope your GS is feeling much better.
We ended up not going anywhere. Grandson was wheezy and we needed to give him a couple breathing treatments. I took a long nap with him in the afternoon, and we just stayed in, except for our walk around the flower beds like we had always done when the weather was nicer. When I opened the door, he grinned so big, and I wondered if he thought his mom was here, but I picked him up, and Heidi charged out with us, and grandson remained all happy and excited to be out. He laughed at Heidi's running around. When he started sounding wheezy again, we came in.
Thanks for sharing! I't snice to see other people's homes! I have been looking to buy a house recently and sometimes stand in awe at how other people live (Usually a good awe, rat their tidyness, even if I know it's only because they're selling their house! )
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