Good afternoon Friends ~ We woke up this morning to 38 degrees outdoors feeling like it was 22, while inside it was 68. It dropped another two degrees before it started warming up. We have blue skies with bright sunshine, and a brisk breeze. Tonight it is supposed to get down to 34. I did cover some plants last evening with DH's help, the rest had to hack it. My little collection of orchids were brought in Monday.
Things didn't look bad in the gardens this morning, but I've read it takes 10 days before you really know how bad things suffered. Hopefully no real damages, and fortunately for us this kind of weather doesn't last long.
"Winter is the time for comfort,
for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand
and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."
Edith Sitwell
Enjoy your homes wherever you are.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I see you love flowers. I always say if you can't reach me by phone, it's because I'm in bed, flower beds that is. I live in Nebraska so we can't do in gardening through the winter, so I always look forward to spring. I usually start all my flower seeds in my basement under grow lights, in Feb. and March. I don't know if I will get that done this year or not. My work keeps me pretty busy and I don't seem to have much energy lately. Come and visit me again!
Thank Goodness for the Jet Stream, bringing warm currents of air back to us after too many nights of freezing. I'm hoping for rain soon.
I had to laugh when I read what you said about your house temp getting down to 68. My husband sets the temp to get down to 65 at night, but I wake up cold all the way through, and get up and change it to 68. It's been staying there for longer periods of time before he changes it again.
I hope your plants weren't damaged, and your temps are back to normal.
Hi Marla ~ You are welcome. Sorry I didn't answer this sooner. I bet you are looking forward to spring after your gardens have been sleeping for so long. I hope you will get some seeds started under grow lights. Maybe doing that will give you the energy that you need.
Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady
Hi Nell ~ Boy we had some nice weather after the last bit of cold, now we have more cold and even colder weather predicted. No rain, even though that was predicted. Plants lost leaves from that last cold spurt.
Good morning Sue ~ It's around 68 again in here, and around 45 outside.
Plants lost some leaves, and some look rather forlorn,but hopefully I haven't lost anything.
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