Have you ever noticed how you feel when you are in a garden?
You start to relax,
you breathe more deeply,
you look,
really look at the beauty that surrounds you.
You sigh.
The cares of the world seem to evaporate.
Gardens are healing.
The first garden was created by the Almighty Creator,
and we humans have been
creating and planting our own gardens ever since.
After all, we are made in the Creator's image.
Healing is something we all need each and every day.
Healing of our spirits, minds, bodies and souls.
Whether your garden is just one plant or a few
growing in a window,
Several on a balcony, or stoop, or patio
Or a plot of land big or small,
There is healing.
If you have not planted a garden yet,
Think about it.
Think about colors, scents, textures,
herbs, fruits and vegetables.
What would you like in your own healing garden.
Plant things to attract birds and butterflies.
Place a bench or two
so that you have a place to rest and enjoy.
Have a water feature,
whether a bird bath, fountain, stream or waterfall.
If your garden is indoors,
Place a comfortable chair nearby,
Buy a small desktop fountain.
Hang some artwork of the beautiful world outside.
Listen to some nature with music CD's.
It is your garden.
Create it with love.
Love will surround you,
Love is healing.

What a lovely piece! I do relax in my garden, and it gives me great joy to be in it. I paid more attention to the bees and butterflies last season.
Thanks Sue. I am relaxing more in my gardens these days. I'm trying not to catch up to the Joneses, or be like anyone else. Just be myself and rest in God's tender care.
The butterflies and bees and other little flying critters do add to our gardens. We've had quite a few dragonflies and they are really neat.
I so agree with you. I know that if it's been too long since I've been out working in the garden I can really feel the stress. I even go out in rain and cold just to destress. It really fills my mind with how beautiful nature is and how lucky I really am.
Gardenerinprogress ~ Our gardens do have a destressing quality that's for sure. You can go out into them any time of day, any time of year and be refreshed.
I think I'll head out to mine for a bit before dinner.
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