I was just asked if my hybrid musk roses produce edible hips. I had to do a Google search and found that Ballerina does produce some small ones. I have other roses that produce hips as well, but I've never done anything with them.
I have read before about making rose water and sugared rose petals and after reading the article on the web page below, I'd like to try something using the rose hips and or petals. I will let you know if/when I do.
I have dried lots of rose petals and used them in potpourri, filling sachets or filling containers with them to scent rooms. Talking about this makes me want to make some more potpourri with more of my dried rose petals as I've got some very nice essential oils to add to the mix and the holidays are right around the corner.
I found a wonderful web page about cooking with roses. Do take a look as it is very interesting.
I have read before about making rose water and sugared rose petals and after reading the article on the web page below, I'd like to try something using the rose hips and or petals. I will let you know if/when I do.
I have dried lots of rose petals and used them in potpourri, filling sachets or filling containers with them to scent rooms. Talking about this makes me want to make some more potpourri with more of my dried rose petals as I've got some very nice essential oils to add to the mix and the holidays are right around the corner.
I found a wonderful web page about cooking with roses. Do take a look as it is very interesting.

Beautiful roses! Is it okay if I link to your blog from mine? Thanks, Cameron
I used rose petals to make beads and then I strung them to make a rosary. I had the understanding that the beads were going to smell wonderful, but that was not my experience. Maybe I did something wrong. That was years ago. I absolutely love roses, their scent is intoxicating.
Cameron ~ Thank you and I would be honored to have our blogs linked.
Sunday Girl ~ I've read about making rose beads. I'll have to check up on making them again to see what the process is. I love the scents of roses also. The heavier the scent the better.
Your blog is linked. I thought that I had linked before because I'm familiar with your blog. Thanks, Cameron
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