Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Blooms, heat, humidity, mosquitoes

Hello Folks ~ Hope you are all doing well, considering everything. It is HOT and HUMID and the mosquitoes are out in full force. I checked the temp and it says 89 degrees F, but the real feel is 106.  It is horrible out. I am so thankful for air-conditioning. I worked outside a tiny bit and couldn't handle it, it was making me feel sick with how oppressive it was.

I don't feel like doing anything at all, so I sat here and edited photos, wanting to get a new post up.

I got my new roses from 'Rose Petals Nursery' yesterday. They do an excellent job of packing their roses. The pots are stapled to the box from the outside with huge staples. Each pot is double wrapped in plastic bags, pots good and watered with wet newspaper on top. I had one little rose bloom. It was Mlle. Blanche Lafitte. I smelled her and was disappointed, as she didn't smell all that fragrant to me. But, this morning I smelled her again, and oh my goodness, absolutely wonderful. I think a lot of flowers smell their best in the morning. Plus these roses had been boxed up for at least a day in their traveling here.

Here she is. Mlle Blanche Lafitte.

Here they are on the front patio, late afternoon.

They all look good and have new growth on them. I look forward to seeing all of them in bloom and to smell all of their wonderful scents.

I was able to mow a last week, & soon after I came inside it lightly rained, then later we had heavy rain and T-storms, the next day also. Grass needs mowing again, but it will have to be done very early and maybe not even this week at all. The grass need to be dry when I mow or else it stick to the bottom of mower.

Now for some pics from Plum Cottage, inside looking out during a heavy rain. This is looking out over the scullery sink where I wash dishes, into the secret garden.

This is from inside here at my desk.

Lots of things are blooming, and everything is growing like crazy from all of the recent rain we've had.

'Dong Juan' roses.

'International Herald Tribune'

'Sweetheart Roses'

I'm not sure, but I think this is 'Ruth's Wavy'

'Queen Crepe'

Can anyone tell me what this is? The didn't know at the nursery where I got it.

'Fringed Hibiscus'

Tadpoles galore.

'Tahitian Gardenias'

'Tropical Lilac' and vanda orchid 'Miss Joachim'.

White Plumbago

I will close with the following thought.

“We are not rich by what we possess but by what we can do without.”

Immanuel Kant

Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady


Ruth Hiebert said...

i love roses and today, i would pick as my favourite picture , the beautiful red rosebud.

ellen b. said...

Beautiful flowers in your yard. We had thunderstorms and heavy showers today with humidity. That wet grass really does stick to the underside of the mower! It's nice to have good views when you have to come in from the heat! Happy Summer to you.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your flowers are blooming so nicely, Lorraine. It's always a pleasure to see bits of your home. I really like the area looking outside from your desk. And those red roses made my heart sing. They are so pretty. I love seeing all the delightful statues in your garden too.

Can you believe July is upon us? Take care, Lorraine.


Ann said...

The roses are all so pretty. Love that quote.

Vee said...

There's an app for that—identifying unknown plants and flowers. 😊 Quite a few of them actually. Not sure which one might work best for you.

Your yard certainly looks lush and tropical. I can't imagine even attempting to mow in such miserable humidity.

The roses are beautiful. The shipping of them is pretty amazing for they sure look healthy. Take care now...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love your blooms (all of them) --but you can keep that heat and humidity down there. AND---of course, you can keep the 'skeeters'... Yuck!!!! Welcome to Summer.

We haven't had too much hot and humid weather yet up here in TN.. BUT---I'm sure we will!!!!!!

Hope you are staying healthy through this Pandemic....Doesn't look like it is EVER going to end!!!!! SAD!!!!

Have a great week ---and find some inside work to do!!!!!


Henny Penny said...

Such a beautiful usual. I simply love the view you have from each of the windows. It would be a pleasure to stand there and wash dishes. Your roses are all beautiful. Bet you can't wait to get the new ones in the ground. I went to the garden this morning but it is already so humid, I could ony work for a few minutes. Looks like the heat and humidity has now moved in to stay for the summer.

Lynn and Precious said...

I am glad to hear your new white rose did have wonderful scent the morning
after unpackaging. It certainly sounds like the heat and humidity have
set in for your area. Here in Ohio, we have had some reprieve for a few
days, 58 in the morn and 78 in the afternoon, low humidity and plenty
of off and on rain. I just love seeing into your gardens through your
windows. Thank you

Cheryl said...

I, too, am SO thankful for air conditioning . . . and I don't live in Florida! Whew!

As always, your flowers are gorgeous! You are a wonderful gardener!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Oh I so do not like hot/humid weather, accompanied by mosquitoes. Oh sigh... It must certainly make it difficult to take care of your beautiful outside area.

M.K. said...

I do like the edges of your photos, FL. I liked that "ripped" deckled edge. I meant to ask you on another post, a gardening question -- do you feel there is any advantage to clay pots? I noticed the lady on the Fernbank video had literally hundreds of them stacked around. I always find that plants dry out faster in clay, but I do LOVE the look of them, more than plastic. What do you think? I am a lazy, indifferent gardener, and I don't trust myself :)

Your roses, as ever, are a delight.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a luscious garden. And I so enjoyed seeing photos of your roses. You have some real beauties.

Happy day...