“When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege
it is to be alive - to breathe,
to think, to enjoy, to love.”
Marcus Aurelius

think of what a precious privilege
it is to be alive - to breathe,
to think, to enjoy, to love.”
Marcus Aurelius

Spicy Jatropha

Bon Silene
Morning Glories
Golden Dewdrop
George Tabor Azalea
Bromeliad bloom
Morning glories
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
I love the quote! Happy Birthday and first day of spring. Two important days all in one :) Your flowers look so pretty this morning.
Great pics and post. is the red flower, 4 pictures in, a quince? jim
Thanks Catherine. It is a gorgeous first day of spring and my 61st bday. Looking forward to celebrating with DH tonight. Hope you have a lovely first day of spring in your wonderful gardens.
Thanks Jim ~ That is a Spicy Jatropha. I didn't have time to put the names of plants, will do that later.
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful weekend.
A wonderful post to kick off the first day of spring! Thank you for sharing the quote, it's perfect.
Your Iris are so beautiful. I love the delicate pink colors. But, I have to admit that your roses are still my favorite :-)
Happy, happy birthday, FlowerLady! Happy to share your flowers until mine are blooming! They are beautiful as you are!
Happy Birthday! Looks like a glorious day to celebrate life in Florida.
Sigh...wish I was there too!
It is a wonderful display of beautiful flowers. Thanks.
Happy Birthday my dear friend! It is a perfect day for your birthday, since you have such a gift with Mother Nature and all her things beautiful! Celebrate! Love, Kit
Just beautiful beautiful flowers
Happy Birthday and Happy First Day of Spring! The garden gave you some beautiful birthday presents this year.
Hope your birthday was wonderful, FlowerLady! Your blooms are so pretty. :)
Good morning FlowerLady,
It sounds like you had a great birthday. I enjoyed reading your last several posts and seeing your lovely blooms and home.
I just had breakfast, and plan to get back to work. As I was putting things away in the kitchen the last few days, I'd leave miscellaneous items in boxes to go through later. Today, I need to sort through those items and decide what's going in the kitchen, the basement, and out of the house.
Thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog. I redid my gridwall since taking the first photos, so plan to take some more today if I find my camera and do a post of that side of the kitchen.
Belated birthday hugs,
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