Duchesse de Brabant first two pictures.

Homere, next two pictures.

The rest of the pictures are of Maggie, some with ground orchids.

If the rose puzzled its mind over the question how it grew,
it would not have been the miracle that it is.
J.B. Yeats 1871-1957
Musings from FL zone 10
Fantastic pictures!!!! How licky are you to be able to go for a walk while enjoying such a beautiful view of flowers!! They are so healthy and crisp looking! What is the weather like there? It's so hot here right now ... and there's very little breeze to go with it! Well...thanks for sharing your pics...I hope you have a terrific day! Smiles :0)!
Okay...so I didn't proof read my comment! You're not "licky" I meant "lucky" ...SMILES :0)!!!
Thank you Lilsista ~ The walk was in my own gardens, before it got too miserable out. It's the humidity that makes it so miserable. We are supposed to get more thunderstorm weather this afternoon. Things need watering, so I hope we get some rain. Yesterday a storm passed us by and we only got a few sprinkles.
Hope your day is a good one and your week terrific.
Beautiful photos!! It's not too hot in Florida to can...I'm in Florida.
Those are such pretty pictures! You captured such lush delicacy with them. The roses look like some magical sensuous place to disappear into. Lilsista is right you are licky...lucky (LOL)
Thank you Darla ~ It just goes to show you can learn something new every day. I left a msg over on your blog about canning.
LeSan ~ Thank you. Some days you go out to take pictures and they come out crappy, other times you go out and aaaahhhh, yes, that's what you wanted to capture. Georgia O'Keefe knew how to capture the magical sensuousness of flowers in her paintings.
Have a nice evening folks.
Very very nice! Do they smell as good as they look?
What beautiful pictures! The first rose with the water on it is so pretty!
I love all three of these roses, especially the Duchesse. She is truly special. Lovely pictures!
Oh, so pretty. Great photography! And I love the quote...sometimes we *think* too much! Have a great day!
Good morning Ladies. Hope your week has been a good one so far.
DP ~ They do smell very nice. Almost all of my roses are scented and to me the heavier the scent the better.
Catherine ~ Thank you. I love the pictures with water drops on flowers, leaves, etc.
Sweetbay ~ Duchesse is a beautiful rose with a wonderful scent. I can see her out the window here onto the front patio where she's growing in a huge pot.
Miss Gracie ~ Thank you, I love using my camera. You are so right about sometimes we 'think too much'. I had a hard time getting to sleep the other night because of a project I was mulling over. :-)
Have a great day and a lovely weekend and don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
I'm not a rose grower, but your pics are making me re-think a sunny spot in my yard.
Hi Gayle ~ Do check out which roses will grow best in your area, there are quite a few. Warning: they are addicting.
Those roses are beautiful, as always. You do such a wonderful job capturing their beauty with your camera!
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