Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Work in progress

Good morning Folks, here we have the gift of another day.  Right now it is 81 but with the humidity the real feel temp is 98. I was out earlier working in my main garden. I have a jasmine vine that was like Jack's beanstalk, growing, twisting and taking over everything. I work outside 1-2 hours in the mornings when I feel like it and the weather permits. Every little bit done makes a difference even though I feel like I'm hardly getting anywhere. There is still so much to do for clean up, deweeding, etc in this main garden, all in good time. I want to move potted plants to the area, maybe get some planted into the ground.

I made a short little video, nothing fancy, just raw footage. It is amazing what 'real' you tubers can do with their videos with all of the editing and adding music, etc. That is a lot of work and some of it is absolutely beautiful!! I don't have a video editing program. I just did a quick google search and saw that there is a free 'Open Shot' program that I'm going to look into. It would be fun to make 'nice' little videos. 

Here is the video. I'll do another post with still pictures of this project. I just downloaded them and have to edit them before making a post. That will take some time.

 That's it for now. Enjoy your day and be thankful.


 P.S. I ordered  from Amazon a sunhat dark gray UPF 50+. Foldable and washable. Has a nice mesh section to let breezes in. I read that the dark colors were found to be better for UPF according to a study done in Spain, I think is what I remember reading. The hat fits nicely. There is a cord to tighten it around your head, then there is the chin strap to keep hat on during wind.

Sunglasses are also from Amazon. A friend had these on one day and I tried them They go over your prescription glasses or you can wear them normally as you would any sunglasses. These are GREAT!!  UV protected and polarized.

I've been using now for a couple of years a good electrolyte powder to mix with water. Gatoraid has nothing beneficial in it so I googled and found this one from Key Nutrients. I drink this on days that I work outside. It tastes great and I feel good using it.

I'm not sponsored by any of these companies. This is just my personal little review. Summer is coming and these will be a great help for FlowerLady. ;-)




Terra said...

I see you and I favor the color blue. I have a similar sun protective hat and drawstrings to hold it on in breezy weather. Per doctor's orders I always wear a hat outdoors. Your glasses look so neat, I haven't seen any like them. Stay hydrated in that heat.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You have a lot of work to do. I sometimes, no, usually, get overwhelmed when I have too much that needs doing. I admire your persistence .

vic said...

Oh, I like the raw videos without all that editing etc. They seem more real. Sort of liketkhe difference between a person going out without any makeup or brushing their hair and going out with full makeup and their hair all combed and styled and looking perfect . It seems to me that the you tubers who make those perfect videos must be leaving a lot on the cutting room floor.

It does look as though you have a lot of work to do there and I know things in Florida just grow al-l-l-l the time. So taking it a little bit at a time when it's cool enough to work outside is the smart way to take care of things.

When I first began to really garden (forty years ago) I thought that it would be nice to live somewhere that had really mild weather where you could sort of actually do some gardening through the winter months. Don't feel that way any more I love being outside and doing all the things that real gardening entails, but it's also good to have three or three and a half months off to rest and do things that need doing inside. I'm always glad to have a rainy day every now and then so I don't feel I should be out there getting something accomplished.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Your hat is so cute and looks very effective for your hot sunshine. Gardens really are a lot of work and I don't think you can ever get them organized properly without a crew to help! You have a lot of cute and interesting garden ornaments. It's good to pace yourself. x K

Lynn and Precious said...

Sometimes I find it hard to believe I live in the same country as you, Lorraine, lol. We are to have 21 tonight and I know our neighbor's white magnolia will be as brown as a paper lunch sack in the morning. But I really enjoyed a tropical trip through your garden. So much to see and I like finding some of your art treasures right there too. Send me some heat and I'll try to send you some of my cold and harsh high winds. Lynn and Precious

NanaDiana said...

Lorraine, It is wonderful to watch your video and hear your sweet voice. It looks lush and lovely and you can always clear things a bit at a time. Love the hat and glasses. God bless you- I know how much you miss your hubby- xo Diana

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I rarely blog anymore Lorraine but it's lovely to visit those who I used to be in regular contact with. It was also lovely to hear your voice in your little video and to see your rambling garden that hides so many delights.
Good to know you are well and taking care of yourself.

Red Rose Alley said...

Hello Lorraine, I enjoyed the little video. Always a delight to see what's going on in your garden area. I've been doing much work outside as well, but we had a big snow, so that's on hold for awhile.

Happy Spring to you, and your flowers are always so beautiful to me.


Sandra said...

Lorraine, I am so glad you commented on my blog. I lost your link, and for the life of me couldn't remember what your blog name was. So glad I found you again, I've added you to my sidebar so I won't lost you again.

Thank you for the video, I subscribed to your channel and will surely enjoy your beautiful gardens.

Have a blessed weekend, sweet lady,

M.K. said...

Good morning, Rainy :) Good to hear your voice, and I enjoyed the video very much. I use Open Shot as my video editor. It's not fancy shmancy, and it's a little glitchy sometimes, but it works, and I've learned to manage it.
God bless! Stay cool when you can.

Gary said...

Hi again Lorraine.
Just a quick 'dip in'. Good to see you out there still, and still love your garden and home space. So peaceful and personal. Hopefully going to do my own update asap. Things in life get in the way though eh? Blessings to you and all the good stuff I can pray for heading across the water.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

You look lovely and all ready for the sunny summer season with you new hat and sunglasses. So nice to have sunglasses you can easily pop over your prescription glasses. Happy Gardening. I'm off to watch your little video.

Rebecca said...

I've missed you, Lorraine! The video was just charming and reminds me I've met a "local Lorraine" who has a similar garden challenge AND a feral cat or two!❤️