Friday, October 16, 2020

Choose to live each day

Hello Folks ~ Here we are in the middle of October. It is still hot and humid here. Today it is overcast and looks like we may get some rain. There was some pretty loud, booming  thunder to the east early this morning, there's a bit of a breeze and it's almost lunch time.

I have found that getting outside definitely boosts my morale. There is beauty to see, birdsong to enjoy, scents to take in and joy to be had. I'm looking forward to cooler weather as the heat and humidity is just too much to handle for me. I can only work outside for 1-2 hours and am looking forward to more time outdoors to try to get my tropical jungle under control.

Here are more blooms from my gardens. Enjoy.

This is Tahitian Gardenia ~ I've had this for several years now and the scent of this  gardenia is wonderful and the blooms are huge. I have it growing in a very large pot. 

 This lovely little rose is 'Bermuda's Kathleen'.

This is one of the last 4 roses I bought, earlier this year, from Rose Petal's Nursery in northern FL. I've bought from her for a few years now. It is Mlle. Blanche Lafitte


This little vining plant is called 'Blue Lips' and has such a wonderful delicate scent.



This is Mexican Petunia.


This is a traveling plant, a ground cover, which puts down roots all along it's growth. I bought it at a yard sale probably 5-6 years ago. I don't know what it is, but it sure will cover everything in it's path.



This is 'star jasmine' I believe. Have had this since 2005 I think.



Here is another delicately scented plant, Thryallis.


These next photos are of one I don't have a name for.


Ok, that's it for now. It's time for a nap. May you all have a lovely weekend. Be well, stay safe, be kind, be thankful. Make time for reflection, prayer and to 'just be'.



Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely flowers. Over in my world, the flowers have gone to sleep until next spring. It is getting cold and any day now we will be getting snow. I am ready and looking forward to it.

Ann said...

All of your flowers are beautiful. That gardenia is stunning. I imagine the scent is heavenly.
It's gotten much cooler here and we had rain for part of the day today.

My Shasta Home said...

Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Such beautiful flowers! Getting outside always lifts my spirits too. Have a good weekend.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there Lorraine, yes it's been still HOT AND HUMID here as well. I am so ready for some cooler weather and it looks to be dropping this weekend! Yay!! Probably even in the FIFTIES at night, chilly!!! I love seeing all your beautiful have flowers I've never heard of and never seen in m life....all so pretty. When you can name them, then I've learned something! LOL Hope your weekend is wonderful my friend. Take care of yourself. Hugs from your friend Debbi.

M.K. said...

Thank you for the lovely flowers! Your garden, despite how much time you can commit to it, is so pretty, and your plants are clearly happy! Sorry about the continued heat and humidity there. We re finally turning cool here, with 50s sometimes as the lows.

Cheryl said...

Little by little . . . that's how so much of life is done! Enjoy your time in your beautiful garden!

Henny Penny said...

I've been looking forwaard to cooler weather too. You have the most beautiful and unusual flowers. Like you, nothing boost my moral like getting outside. I feel better after working hard in the yard or gardening all day, than I do after sitting inside all day. Oh, it drives me crazy to be inside for hours on end. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Anne Payne said...

I always love seeing your flower photos. I'm trying to grow a Gardenia in a big pot on my porch but it isn't doing too well. The pot is clay. Do you think that has anything to do with it?

Rebecca said...

With things wet and cold here, it's hard to imagine your heat! Trees are turning their colors and losing their leaves much too quickly. I, too, am learning to live in the moment...

Red Rose Alley said...

Such unique and lovely flowers in your garden. Your roses make my heart sing.


Debbie Nolan said...

Your photos are rich and I can almost smell their blooms. Here in my neck of the woods most of the blossoms are gone. It is such a treat to enjoy yours. Beautiful sweet friend. Hugs!

Lynn and Precious said...

Oh how your flowers are lovely! I so enjoy them. My only color
here now is fall leaves, dropping by the millions. Long time til
Spring. Don't work too hard.