Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine’s Day ~ part 1


In 1972 DH and I took a little trip from the little town that we lived in in Spain, Rota, while he was in the US Navy. This little trip was to Lisbon, Portugal. It was in February and we were there on Valentine’s day.  I came across a box of slides from then a week or so ago, not all of them because there were more, I just don’t know where they are.

The top two are famous monuments from Portugal.



We loved the architecture all over Europe. We were thankful we were blessed with his being stationed in Spain for a little over three years and that we saw and were inspired by so much.







This is looking out over a part of Lisbon.


While walking down one of the many cobbled streets, we stopped in a shop and ended up walking out with this lovely vase, on Valentine’s day.  We didn’t have enough Portuguese money, so also paid with Spanish and American money. We paid $9.  I love it.


Wonderful memories from a long ago Valentine’s day.

Memories ~ treasured.

Happy Valentine’s Day ~ FlowerLady


Sunray Gardens said...

Very neat photos and I love that vase.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Lynn said...

My, my ... from slides to the computer. Who would have ever thought that in 1972. Your beautiful vase is now priceless, Lorraine.

My Shasta Home said...

lovely pictures and that vase is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Oh thanks for the pictures. I had a Portuguese grandmother. I've never been there.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Precious memories. The pictures,I'm sure take you right back there.

Leslie Kimel said...

These pictures are so beautiful; the fading makes them even more lovely.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Wonderful photo and the memories they must spark. The vase is glorious, no wonder you love it so. A long ago Valentine's Day.......