We are so glad that 'Nicole' fizzled right on out. What she gave us was a wonderful day and a half of more or less gentle rains. Now there are two other systems down south that we are watching. Hopefully they don't turn into anything. It was the end of October 5 years ago that Hurricane Wilma came across us, and left us without power for 13 days, a huge mess to clean up and a shed to restore.
Not much gardening this week as I've been at work, but here are a few pics from the other morning after all the rain.
Frangipani with Norfolk pine backdrop.

The rose 'Love', covered in raindrop jewels.

Below is a picture of a bloom from the Hibiscus tiliaceus tree. These trees get about 30' high in no time and are a real pain to keep trimmed. This bloom is from the neighbors property, the trees hang over into our property, driveway side. I love the blooms. They are more of a deep salmon color when it first blooms.

"I love fall!
Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.
It's burrs on dog's chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a crisp dry sound.
It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's fall. That's why...
I love fall."
Author Unknown
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Good Morning FL . . . I love your new look. Very interesting and beautiful photo of the Hibiscus blossom nice gift from your neighbor. Happy October to you! ;>)
what I'm going to cross stitch
at the bottom of my current
project! As always, your flowers
are magnificent. I can almost
spell the fragrance of the Love
Have a lovely day with your
cooler temps.
The hibiscus tree is beautiful. How nice of your neighbor to share!
Yes, we have had much needed rain as well. I love borrowed flowers from neighbor's property , take care, luv, Gina
I stepped out onto my porch last night at about 11:00 to walk my corgi, and called for my husband. It felt like air conditioning was on outside! What a change in the air!
That picture of fall painted in the poem is a bit hard to see when you grow up in Florida. I remember as a girl trying to connect the word "autumn" to things I saw in my world, not just those three months on the calendar. Eventually, it came to be the golden rain trees that symbolized the season for me.
Love your frangipani!!! Ours are not blooming here at PITV yet, and likely won't this year.
I love fall too. Lovely poem. So glad that you were spared Nicole. So much rain is falling along the east coast and floods. Hope these other systems tucker out or go right out into the Atlantic. We'll be watching anyway. Beautiful hibuscus.
So glad that the weather has changed for you and that you are able to enjoy being outdoors again and that the ground has had a good watering. The colours in that hibiscus are lovely with its rich purple centre along with that poem that I've never heard of before.
Love the poem, so lovely and your photos too! Hope cooler weather comes to you soon. So you can get outside and enjoy your gardens even more. Love, Kit
The change in weather is wonderful, I agree. "Good sleeping weather" and just so nice not to have air conditioning on all the time. What a summer with the heat! Enjoy the cooler days and nights, FlowerLady. :)
Isn't the cooler weather wonderful!
We are possibly going to set a record for low....in the 30's tonight. No frost though.
I do enjoy your exotic blooms.
I was wondering what your weather was like the last few days. I'm glad to hear you are getting some cooler temps.
I like that hibiscus bloom. It must be quite a sight when the trees are full grown.
I am glad to hear you have had a break in the heat and some nice, gentle rain. I think of you often, and how much our weather differs. Yet we both try to garden the best we can despite our extremes, and your garden is magnificent!
I like fall for ALL those reasons, too!
Glad you got only rain and trusting that the potential storms don't materialize to harm anyone.
Love your frangipani, beautiful! I also got mine blooming, with white color, just so lovely. Yes, I love fall season in Florida, the beginning of the best four months here. Enjoy the weather and your beautiful garden!
Wow, hauntingly beautiful music. I want to thank you for the birthday regards, you are always so nice!
I'm glad your weather is cooling finally. Love the photos!
I love fall too and YOU DESERVE some sweet, cool weather. Your plants are grateful too.
All joys,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
I love Autumn too, but boy I'm going to enjoy this Spring after all our rain through Winter.
Hi FlowerLady, I found a link to here through Vickie's blog. I can't believe that years ago my next door neighbors had the most magnificent frangipani tree, it towered 40' high and about as wide..loved to collect the petals each morning and make leis or watch as they floated in our pool..until one day they moved and some young guy bought the place and chopped down the tree and all the gorgeous garden! A sad day indeed when I arrived home. Wow, to have a large lot and be able to garden to your heart's content, you are so fortunate! Love living here in SoFla too.
I'm glad to hear you're getting a break from the heat! I always enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers, many of which can't be grown here.
Dear Flowerlady - Many of us here in Alberta would have given anything for ONE day of your heat.
I do remember days like that in summers long gone -
Now we don't put away our winter clothing.....
What a cute poem, FlowerLady! It sure does sum up the best parts of fall. I'm sure you are relieved to have temps that are a bit milder! It is definitely a nice change from the hot, dry summer we've had.
Dear FlowerLady,
Oh, the change of weather HAS been so very nice. I love that little bit of nip in the air ~~ early dawn hours. The sunshine warms it up fast but less humidity makes it so much more bearable. Your neighbor's bloom is intriguing... almost looks like an okra blossom. Your frangipani and rose flowers are lovely to see, too.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I really enjoyed the poem. Your photos, too. Fall is really my favorite time of year, even more that spring. I love the crisp air and all the summer and fall flowers blooming together. Color abounds, both in what is new and what is on the way out.
Are you enjoying your fall? And that hibiscus? It is amazing!
THANKS for rejoicing with me!
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