Good morning blogging Friends ~ I've been thinking about something for quite awhile now, it's about computers and blogging and how they have made changes in my life.
The good changes are the friendships made, information shared, the inspiration that abounds. Pictures have been wonderful. Pictures of gardens, individual flowers, critters, recipes, crafts, people.
The bad has been my feelings when I started viewing other gardener's colorful, flower filled gardens. Viewing lovely homes.
In the gardening dept. I had been quite content before seeing all that's out in the wide world, with my own humble little tropical/cottage gardens. Then I started feeling like mine didn't quite fill the bill, and I wanted more and more. My flower beds grew as I bought more plants, on a shoestring. I also traded seeds with other gardeners, and traded some plants with other FL gardeners as well. My work in the gardens increased.
At first, I was a tad 'green' with envy viewing all of these overflowing lovely gardens. Shame on me. Then as time has gone on, with posting pictures of what I can grow down here, and receiving all the great complements, I've been learning contentment, and happiness once again in my own little space.
This morning I went out and worked for about an hour, pulling weeds, raking up debris, laying some roofing shingle tiles as path material, feeling thankful for another day. We can't all live or garden the same, we all have different circumstances. But, we can all create beauty in our own way, in our own spaces.
I want to thank all of you for your lovely gardens and homes, and for the inspiration your pictures have been to me, in spite of the 'green' that moves over me on occasion. I've seen nice simple changes in my gardens and in our cottage because of you, and eagerly look forward to working in my gardens and in our home with each new day.
I will end this rambling post with the following with thanks to all of you.
"I've heard it said,
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn"
Lyrics from For Good, Wicked the musical

Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
If it helps, I'm jealous as all get out that you can grow such beautiful things in the winter. Your roses are spectacular. The vines are magnificent. As much as you are inspired by others, you also inspire. That's the beauty of viewing others' gardens, even if through the means of electronic technology. In real life, I'd never have the chance to see your little slice of heaven on earth.
Where I've always been jealous of you, is the intimacy you create with views through your windows, small vignettes of peace and tranquility. I don't have that in my yard yet. And when it happens, it will be quite different from yours because of the space difference. Still, I aspire to create that same feeling.
Keep on gardening, FlowerLady. You're doing something right. :)
I absolutely agree with Tom's words. There is that good, warm feeling that comes from reading your posts and looking at your garden's pictures. Happy gardening and happy blogging to you, Flower Lady!
I've always believed that gardens are individual things and no matter how beautiful another garden or home, there is no place like your own...
Dearest Flowerlady,
I just wanted to comment about your blog. It is so very beautiful and your home is very charming, and so full of love. Please be happy with your home, and yourself.
Your blog gets me through the Zone 5 weather of Nebraska, I can hardly wait until it warms up the end of this month so I can start up my cold frames with greens and other cold hardy early spring stuff. I am not really happy where I live, but it is the only place I can afford and be, and I live in a very small trailer park with a lot of wierd, and rude people who I have had to fight off because many have destroyed my gardens and have stolen a lot of the food I grow for my own family, which we depend on as I live on a disability income, and I get no welfare or any other assistance. We each must make do with what we have, and in the end, it is all about the beauty and the enjoyment of the simple life, however we must live.
I personally laugh under my breath because my home is cheap to live in, and I can go to bed at night and not worry about the monster house payment, the utilities and how to pay for a lifestyle. In my homestown, I am considered "trailer park trash", but I am 5 steps above the trash that lives here, my home is a jungle in the summertime, with beautiful plants and vines that grow and fill in with color. I embrace simple living and all it offers. Please keep up with your beautiful blog, I am the one who is jealous of all of your beauty.
Warm Regards,
Vicki S
I don't think there's anyone who hasn't felt some inadquacy when viewing pictures on the web, especially when our own gardens are on the ebb part of the cycle.
I agree with Tom, I love to come here and see your roses and tropical flowers, especially during the winter months. You have a lot of flowers every month of the year!
Your pictures show an intricacy and intimacy that comes with the maturity of a garden -- you should be proud! Part of the beauty of gardens is that they are as individual as the people who create them.
You should never feel envious; your roses alone puts you right at the top in my book!
I also love your cottage decorating style which seems to follow you right outside into the garden.
You are right in that we are all different and in different circumstances. I am glad you have come the full circle and appreciate all that you have and have created. I often feel that way when I see those beautifully manicured city gardens. Mine could never be mistaken for one of those.
But I am so comfortable with the way we live and so grateful that we are still able to live on the farm and do what we do so the feeling passes quickly.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and reading your blog each day.
I like to come over to your garden during our long cold winters to view a perpetual garden ... one that doesn't grow brown but is always alive. You have a spot of beauty to garden (play) in .. and a cottage that must not take days and days to clean. How nice .. we all have something different .. just as God intended .. sameness in the garden in boring .. we each bring something different to the bouquet .. enjoy your weekend outside ... my garden dreams are still just that ... dreams.
You sound like me a few months back when I started blogging. I felt guilty following someone who had gorgeous stuff and I really didn't have much to share back. But you know I can encourage others, and I know that I am at a disadvantage of short growing seasons. I can't pretend to be a gardening blog.
I really appreciate seeing how everyone goes about their gardening. The one blog that I saw of someone who said I don't care what all grows in my yard, as long it is green. You know I just really enjoy checking in on the wonderful flowers and the weather report too.
Take care.
The thing I love about blogs is that they inspire me to do more than I would have. Each area of the country seems to have things that they can grow that others can't. When I moved from CA to WA I had a hard time adjusting to the difference in gardening, but WA has some lovely spring flowering plants that CA can't grow so it is a trade off. I've often envied the southern gardener. I'm wanting to get out there but it's a bit too wet here. You have 3 lovely blogs.
Hello Flower Lady!
I wanted to stop by to say hello and thank you for your visit to my garden blog! I do enjoy getting to know gardening friends all over this country (and even a few in other countries!) I haven't had a chance to browse through your place but I am sure, from the comments of others, that you have a marvelous garden. I look forward to checking it all out and to visits with you again!
Funny, I was thinking about the same when I saw another blog in the Midwest. Wow, their home was incredible and I could just imagine what their gardens looked like in Summer. Then I looked on my little piece of the world, and felt; little. But then, I started to see the uniqueness of my place and all the personal touches and with a bolstering from the DH, I was again in love with my home. Not that I had really ever fallen out of love with it. :) Your place is as unique as you. As special as you. When I think of you dear friend, I think of your lovely little corner of Florida and what you have accomplished in a small space on a busy road. We all wish we had more of your talents and insight I am sure! Kit
The fact that you can go out and work in your garden amazes me. It is snowing as I type. And - I just can't do gardens - my back won't let me. I think yours is stunning!
I think we have all had the same feelings from time to time. My own house is an old one and my flower beds are not big, full and well landscaped like many I see but it is my garden and I enjoy it even if it is simple. We all do what we can with what we have and can never be faulted nor should we feel bad about it. I enjoy your posting and pictures so much.I love to read your postings. You should feel proud and content in what you are doing because it brings you peace and joy. Thank you for sharing your gardens and postings with us.That is what makes blogging so fun is all of the sharing and wisdom so freely given to us all.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Do you need some snow?LOL!
I can assure you that your garden and all the beautiful pictures you share with us are stunning and inspirational for me. I know what you mean, I think as humans we all feel that'competive' drive to better ourselves or our surroundings. Not everyone is in a position to do so though. Sometimes it's physical,emotional or financial strains which can deter our goals. Happily, the beauty we carry inside is something we can share with one another in this bloggie world regardless of the external reality.
Well apparently we all feel the same way. I also have my days when I would love a bigger and better yard. But like all of you I've poured my heart out into the one I have. All the daydreaming and problem solving I've done while working in my yard just makes me feel that much more connected to it. Like it just absorbs your problems from you for a while.
I've been through that too. With all those gorgeous pictures on the web, I felt...hey, I don't belong here! But like you say, I've taken ideas, marvelled at things I'd never thought possible all the while trying to create a little space where I'm truly happy.
Your posts and photographs have always been such a joy. And will continue to be so.
Have a great day!
Wow, what a response from all of you. It was like a breath of fresh, reviving air on a lovely spring day.
Thank you all for your comments. Today is a new day, one for thankfulness and enjoying all that we have been blessed with.
Tom ~ I read your post right before heading off to work and it set my day in a positive light. Give yourself time and you will soon have your own little intimate spaces. Your garden is new, mine is around 30 years old. Gardens evolve as do we, enjoy creating your lovely spaces.
Tatyana ~ Thank you. I hope to bring warmth, cheer and encouragement to others with my blogs.
Tina ~ Yes, our gardens are our own creations and we put heart and soul into them and they are a joy to be a part of.
Dear Vicky ~ What a lovely, heartfelt post. **We each must make do with what we have, and in the end, it is all about the beauty and the enjoyment of the simple life, however we must live.** Oh so true.
Our little place is paid for. I grew up living in different trailer parks, until the 9th grade when my mother remarried. DH and I have lived here in our little cottage since 1973. ~ Thank you for posting your lovely post. I bet your 'jungle' looks wonderful during the summer and I'd love to see pictures.
SweetBay ~ My main garden is about 30 years old. As time has marched on, I've added beds here and there, a couple more gardens around the property, and feel I have enough to handle these days. I would love more flowers and am growing from seeds, which is rewarding and cheaper. It just takes longer.
Glenda ~ I love your farm and hearing about your farm life. I would love to be there with you sorting your seeds and planting them even in the cold of the barn.
Mrs. Mac ~ It is really neat that we are all so different, because like you said being the same is boring. We are all part of the beautiful 'whole'.
L.D. ~ You take great photographs of your area and places you've been, your collectibles your projects and I always enjoy reading about what is going on up there where you are. I love your blue gate, and your colorful home.
Linda ~ You are so right about blogs inspiring us to be more than we are. I've had to learn to accept the fact that I cannot grow a lot of the old familiar cottage garden flowers, learning what will grow in my zone, enjoying the results.
Lady Farmer ~ It is wonderful meeting new people and making new friends here in blogland. We can learn so much from each other.
Kit ~ When I think of your place, I see color, lots of it, whimsy, joy and love. Things, just things, can make us feel little. It's something we can overcome, just by being ourselves, and true to ourselves, not trying to be what others have or are.
Aims ~ Yea, we are able to garden 365 days a year and sometimes that is just too much. I'm getting older so am trying to make things easier for myself. I have to ask DH for help with different things now, whereas I used to do so much myself and he did/does the hardscaping. You create lovelies, in your jewelry and your wonderful teddy bears. Those little bears just speak to my heart.
Hocking Hill Gardener ~ I think I'll let you keep your snow. It's chilly here this morning 49 and feels like it's 43 with the windchill factor. *We all do what we can with what we have and can never be faulted nor should we feel bad about it.* Great words.
YaYa ~ *the beauty we carry inside is something we can share with one another in this bloggie world regardless of the external reality. *Oh so true.
Debbie ~ You are so right about our problems being absorbed into our gardens while we work/play/relax in them.
I cannot imagine you being envious of anyone's garden. Yours is so beautiful! And your little bungalow is adorable too!
What a sweet post, FlowerLady;-) I've had similar feelings. I even tried to stop blogging...but of course, that didn't last long! How nice you are out raking, etc. We're hunkered down with 2 feet of snow surrounding us!
Peace rests in hidden places in the garden. All you need do is lift a leaf, look inside the face of a flower, watch the hummers dip into a blossom, and grow with your garden.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
That was so beautifully said. I feel the same way. The beauty I find in my gardens now comes from the friendships I have made. Such a sweet post.
Hi FlowerLady,
I was surprised to read what you said about your feelings of envy of others' gardens. I feel yours is one of the most beautiful cottagey gardens I've seen. I would love my yard to look like yours.
I am also a bit envious of your ability to put words to your feelings and thoughts. You do have a gift there. Yes, it is a blessing to feel content with what we have and can do.
Sue, who is behind in blogging.
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