I think I'm on a roll today, no pun intended from my last post. :-) I went out to check the mail and spied a lovely bloom of the pandora vine. I got this as a cutting from a friend many, many years ago.
Click on pictures for a larger view.

Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Very pretty, one of my favorite vines to grow in our area because it is so easy and blooms so profusely! Lovely photos!
Oh it's beautiful, I really wish I had a green thumb :)
hi flower lady,
This is the 1st time I visited ur blog. I got ur blog when searching dietes iridioides.
I just grew some a week ago from pot.
However, one of the dietes's foliages were bending down, instead of upright. Do u know what's wrong ? ( Too much water ? that one is quite close to the tap)What should i do to improve?
thanks a lot
The blooms is so beautiful!
What beautiful flowers to brighten up a very grey, damp winter's day!
I've been catching up on your posts - I loved your phrase 'may you have sunlight in your soul ..' - 'fraid my sun has been a bit behind the clouds this week!
I've been using loo roll middles for quite a while now with great success. I hope you get good results too :)
Pure Beauty on this yet another rainy day in GA. Sigh...
I love the recycling idea with the toilet paper rolls! Why hasn’t this been all over the blogs? This is the first I have seen of it and even though I dont have luck with starting items from seed, this so makes me want to go for it!!!
Oh, I have these too! I just love their beautiful flowers, which we have year-round in Arizona, although they slow down in the summer from the heat. It must be so special to have one given to you by a friend ;^)
Beautiful! We need smellavision.
Goodness, I answered this yesterday, but I don't see it posted here. Sheesh.
Shiela ~ How nice that you can grow this vine too. It is an easy vine to grow and I'm always happy to see the blooms. I need to see about getting a couple more going from cuttings.
Cheng ~ Thank you for visiting. Without seeing how the foliage is bending down I really don't know, but it could be from too much water. Here is a link for more information.
I moved several of mine yesterday and hope they will do better in new location.
Cameron ~ Glad you liked. I've had this for many years now, got it from the local flea market.
Nutty Gnome ~ I read where you were 'under the weather' and I hope you are feeling much better soon. We all need sunlight in our souls, as well as for our bodies.
Glad to hear you've had success with your loo tubes, hope I will too.
Skeeter ~ I don't know why this hasn't been around more than it has, as it is an excellent idea. Growing from seeds is fun and rewarding.
AZPlantLady ~ Wow, you enjoy this too in your gardens. The blooms slow down here too during the heat of summer.
Tufa Girl ~ Yes smellavision would be great.
Thanks again for visiting and your kind comments.
Sandra ~ You have a green thumb you just don't realize it yet, at least in gardening, because you do have a green thumb with your family.
It's so pretty! It just looks like it would smell good.
Bovey Belle here saying thanks for becoming follower on my blog. No gardening here today - only just above freezing and pretty miserable outside.
I love the statue and bench....and your beautiful roses.
Have a great day at work.
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