Greetings from Plum Cottage ~ Thanks to all who have been in contact, kind words, prayers are much appreciated. I'm still 'turtling' along, working outside in the mornings a 1-2 hours at a time, depending on how bad it is outside. It's been in the low 90's but with the humidity it feels like it's in the low 100's. I bought chilling cloths that you wet, shake and wrap around your neck, shoulders, place on head, and you feel so much cooler. It makes a difference!! I gave three away to friends who work out in the heat and these are a hit.
I also have 'Key Nutrients Electrolyte powder' that you mix with water and I drink that when I work outside. I get the lemonade flavor. Last year I looked up Gatorade then electrolyte powders, Gatorade has water, sugar, salt. The electrolyte powder I got has lots of good ingredients. I mix a scoop in 16 oz. in a mason jar (with lid), of water shake and sip while working outside.

I'm not affiliated with this company. I figured out the cost of this per serving and it was 38 cents. So, if any of you are seeking some relief while working out in the summer heat, I suggest these two things that are helping me.
On the second of July, my friend Sean came over and we worked on the new arbor. He took out the 4"x8' posts, and put in the 10' posts, had to dig the holes a bit deeper. Then we worked on attaching the decorative wrought iron across the top. Then while making sure it was all level by using another 4x4x8 across the top, we decided to use that 4x4 for finishing it off. We were both happy with that.
Here are pics before and after. The area is still a work in progress. Like I said I'm 'turtling' away.
"Turtling ~ The practice of moving forward, no matter how slowly, when one is feeling overwhelmed by decisions and tasks. We must keep turtling."
This picture below was from last year. What a difference. I'm so thankful for the help I've had here from friends. A blessing!!
This wrought iron piece was in my stash, part of it is rusted away. But still some decorative live left in it.
The high plants along the fencing on the left, are 4 o'clocks. I did not plant them they are volunteers. These are very hardy plants, except for needing to be cut back so that they don't flop over.
Lorraine, this is fantastic blog today. So glad to see you. The cooling towels sound interesting and I'll have to look into. The Gator Ade is such a sugar high that we do not use it anymore. I see your new mix is not expensive and it should help with outdoor hot work. Oh my, what a great improvement of the yard with the cleared area and new entrance. It looks sturdy, too. I love 4 o'clocks. The hummingbirds just flock to the flowers, as does the hummingbird moth. And how could I not comment on Miss Tork. Love to see her still holding down the fort. Don't over do in the humidity. Up here it has be wet and cool and then wet and hot. Up and down like a yo-yo. I enjoyed the brief sayings you posted also. Lynn and Precious
Good to hear from you again! I'm way behind on blogging, too. I'm hoping to finally do a post today or tomorrow.
Your new arbor looks really nice. Love the piece across the top.
I'm going to order those cooling cloths on Amazon for me and my husband, for when we work out in the yard. Great idea. We don't drink Gatorade (such nasty ingredients in that stuff inc modified food starch and food colorings), never have. We just drink plain ol' H20.
Miss Tork is such a pretty kitty.
Sending {{hugs}} from northeast IL.
Hi Lorraine. I was so glad to see you back in blogland and read this update! I love what you are doing in your yard. Thanks for sharing the info about that drink that keeps you hydrated. It looks great. Sweet pictures of your kitty Miss Tork. Your cottage looks so neat and cozy. Hope to hear from you again soon! Have a good week.
I am so glad to hear how you are doing, and your "turtling". I would like to adopt that. I needed that reminder: as long as I am moving forward, even just a little bit, I am making progress.
I just had to share - we are getting 2 kittens this week. I'm so nervous for I've only had a cat last year for 3 mths before she passed. I am thinking of keeping them in the bedroom with us. So litter, food, bed place etc but concerned for getting sleep. :-) Husband sleeps so he doesn't mind where ever. I thought of you and your sweet Miss Tork. She always seems so calm and lovey.
I LOVE Green Renaissance. They give me a breathing moment in my day.
How do you get the beautiful images on your TV? Do you have Netflix or cable?
Good to hear from you and the blessings God is giving you. It's looking good.
You are such an inspiration, Lorraine. It is so interesting to come here & watch your progress unfold. May God continue to bless you & give you strength to accomplish your goals.
Good to hear from you, Lorraine, and to know that you are still "turtling" along. (Love that term!) You have some fabulous ideas for keeping cool and hydrated in the heat . .. and heat is what you have there!
Awwww . . . Miss Tork! ♥
How awesome to see your blog post today!!! As your beautiful garden thrives, I hope you do too. It's good to see your new arbor going up with the help of friends!! Now, those cooling towels....if they work, I must find some??! Where did you get yours. Maybe our local sporting goods store (or Amazon)?!!!
Oh Rainey, this is one of the loveliest posts I've read anywhere recently!!! Thank you so much for your encouraging words, wisdom and beauty you so readily display!!! My heart is uplifted!!! Love you much, my friend xoxo
Hello, FL!! You are so good at making lovely garden "rooms," and this one is no exception! It's amazing! The entrance, with the ironwork overhead, is stunning. Such a transformation!
Hello, Miss Tork!
Thank you so much for the quotes at the end of your post. They are immensely encouraging. I am a slower and slower turtle these days. Many days not very productive at all. I need to remember to feel no guilt and to be thankful. And the prayer from Fred Rogers! Adam and I have prayers we recite together before each meal, and that is one of them. I love it.
Blessings to you, dear friend! Survive the coming weeks of horrific heat, and we shall see cool weather yet again!
Your iron work is beautiful! I'm glad to see it put out in display...
And your quotations -- very encouraging!
Having trouble getting by blogs to work. It's frustrating. I've kind of given up.
Good to hear that all is well with you. I like the phrase that a garden is about joy and not to feel guilty about what doesn't get done. I have been struggling with all that is not getting done. God is good and He is in control.
Lorraine, your posts are always a delight to my heart. You are doing much outside work this Summer. I also have been out there weeding, raking, and clearing things out. It's harder in the Summers with the heat, but we keep turtling on. I like that word. That's nice that you found a channel with cottage gardens. Sounds peaceful, especially when doing chores. I like the garden quotes you have shared, and especially the unknown quote. I will write that one down. As I'm looking around, I see all the treasures in your home, and guess what? My ceiling in the dining room is that same pine paneling you have. Feels like a cabin feel for me. I hope you have blessed days this Summer, and how wonderful of your friend, Sean, to come over and help you around the yard. The wrought iron piece adds something to your garden. Your new Header is pretty too. : )
Hello Lorraine,
That space has been so pleasantly cleaned up. Love the arbor going in, beautiful. Glad you are pacing yourself with the heat. That's smart to use that powder instead of Gatorade. Glad it's working for you. Take care!
That is quite a lot you have accomplished! Your ideas for hydration and cooling wraps are welcome -- I'm going to look into those wraps. I always seem not to get into the garden until midday, when the sun is beating down...
Things are looking so fine there! I really like the new arbor. Thank you for sharing the towels and the electrolyte drink. It impresses me that you are still getting out in the yard for one or two hours in the early morning. Thank you for the tv channel suggestion. I'm going scouting for one. Take care in this heat.
I always enjoy photos of your gardening. The quotations at the end of the post lift my spirits.
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