Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Garden puttering


Well, I got out on the first day of 2013 and puttered in the main garden. DH would know that’s where I’d be. The weather was perfect, there was a lovely breeze and the sky was blue, with some passing clouds. One time I just leaned on the rake, closed my eyes and basked in it all, thanking God for everything. It is easier thanking Him than bemoaning my fate. After all, DH is with Him and he is in perfect health, and full of joy.  That’s wonderful!

There are so many physical things that make me miss DH so much. Having ‘to do’ things on your own, or figuring out how to do something, or opening a fresh jar of something or other is tough. Sometimes I cry, I call on God for help, and I tell myself I can do this.

I had a friend visit me new year’s eve afternoon and we had a wonderful visit. It was just what I needed. She told me more than once that God was going to take care of me and that I will be able to do it, she knows I can. Her words were the instigator of my anticipatory feelings for this coming year and why I chose the word anticipation as one of my two words for 2013, thankfulness being the other one.

My gardens are humble, and done on a shoe string so there is nothing spectacular about them. I don’t show you all the awful spots, I take selective photos. The gardens had been neglected since August and what I did yesterday was only a start, but I am happy with the forward progress, and think DH would like what I did. If he was here, I would have taken him out into the garden for a show and tell. Sigh.

The first two photos are ‘before’. The main garden was full of ferns that choke out everything. Every once in awhile I can’t take them anymore and yank them out. They will come back but not for awhile.



These are ‘after’ shots.


We found the brass headboard many years ago ‘curbside’. I’ve had it in different spots, but the last year or so it’s been stacked away. I brought it out while DH was sick thinking I’d like to do something with it, and this is it’s new home. 

The gazing ball is stainless steel and was a birthday present from DH several years ago. I love it.

There is a lot to do yet in this garden area, well all the garden areas, but this is a start.


From the book: Sanctuary ~ Gardening for the Soul ~

“Dream. Reflect. Breathe. Contemplate.”


Happy Gardening and finding the joy and beauty throughout each day.

FlowerLady Lorraine


Sunray Gardens said...

You know you are doing the best thing right now by staying busy. Your gardens are a good place to stay busy.
Cher Sunray Gardens

gld said...

You may call it humble but it has the look many garden designers strive for at great expense I might add!

I would feel so comfy in your gardens. I love the new home for the brass bed with the gazing ball in front....perfect.

I think you are doing great; you are such an inspiration to us all.

Rebecca said...

I chuckled at the "selective photos" comment :) Don't we ALL????

And I'm challenged and instructed by your statement that it is easier to be thankful than to be-moan. I need to remember that.

How good to have a friend with whom to talk face-to-face. I know God will continue to supply those relationships in just the right measure for you personally, Lorraine.

I am blessed every time I visit you here - and your carefully "selected photos" are just plain charming to me. ♥

Lona said...

Well I love your garden from any view. We all have our hidden spots anyway Lorraine. LOL! I know how hard it is to get use to doing certain things on our own, So frustrating at times but take it from me you will learn to just do it because we must. We learn how strong we really are in times like these. With Gods help we grow, learn, and go on. Sad times to be certain when a loved one is missing even with the knowledge of where they may be now. Blessings and prays to you dear one.

My Shasta Home said...

your gardens are beautiful. I admire you.

sharon said...

true friends that are sympathetic,encouraging,caring,and let you lean and NEED them are priceless! many times we think all we need is that one special person ....we are cheating ourselves and more importantly others...I am thankful for you Lorraine and the honesty you are willing to share and blessings follow you.This loss will help you be able to help those who have to go through this as well and it is something way more than some other bloggers who post pansy pictures

sweetbay said...

A garden is the best place to begin healing.

(Btw, hanging the side of the lid against the edge of a counter breaks the vacuum seal and makes opening jars a lot easier.)

Ahem -- who doesn't take selective photos? ;)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lorraine, I don't know what rock I've been under but I totally lost December when it came to blogging. I didn't know that your hubby had died. I knew that he had been ill--but am so sorry to hear that he passed away on Dec. 9.. I love it though that he will be waiting for you on that Rainbow Bridge. God Bless You, Lorraine.

I have caught up on all of your blog posts --and can't tell you how proud I am of you. You are doing so well--and I'm glad that writing down your thoughts through blogging helps. I cannot imagine losing my husband --but if I did, I'd be doing what you are doing--keeping on keeping on.

May God Bless You during 2013, as you work through the grief and 'new' lifestyle..


tina said...

The garden is you and so loving cared for that no matter how grand or not it may be it is a work of art and love always. Your husband surely understood that as do your readers. We share a common thread-my husband also gave me a stainless steel ball. I know how much you love yours because I treasure mine too. Happy New Year to you.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

You made good progress. I'm always amazed at how you have to fight back plants so much. So interesting to see gardens different than mine. It's all that rain!
Keep goin'!

Morning's Minion said...

Informal rustic gardens are my favorites even if they may have their untidy corners. Being able to work in a garden, to observe and enjoy, can only strengthen ones' belief in a loving Creator.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Working outside in nature is very therapeutic.We can do so much more than we ever thought possible,but this only happens because God gives the strength.

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Dear FL,
I am sending you my heartfelt condolences. I have been catching up on your blog this evening and feel such sadness for the loss of your husband. I know your faith will carry you forward and I wish that in 2013, you find find comfort in your gardens and happy memories of the beautiful life you shared with him. Sending a big hug across the internet for you. Jenni

Anonymous said...

I would so much rather have ferns as weeds than puncture vine. That's what I fight all the time.

Remember that it's good to cry. One of the reasons women live longer than men is because they can cry instead of keeping it bottled up.

I have known women who get rid of everything that reminds them of their husband when they become widowed, because they say it's too painful to have those constant reminders around. And then, after time has passed, they regret that, because those are the very things that bring comfort later on. I just marvel at how instinctively wise you are, how strong your faith is. XOXOXOXO Ilene

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I love your garden.
My 3 year old cottage at the edge of the woods leaves much to be desired. It is very damp and a lot of shade but some plants grow beautifully. Miss my roses.
You are doing great and being alone there is much I cannot do.
Just do what you can and enjoy every day when you garden.
Very cold here this morning
like 18 degrees and I am headed out
to fill the bird feeders.
Thank you for your comments and wish we lived closer to one another...

Christys Cottage Wildlife Garden said...

Hello. I was a guest on Tina's blog about a month ago. Now I've started my own blog. I love the pictures of your garden. It reminds me of a cottage garden which is what my garden is. I really like all the interesting decorations you have particularly the headboard, seats, gazing ball and small iron table under the window. I have a table very similar to this in my garden. I know that whenever I'm blue, all I need to do is go out into my garden and I find such peace and happiness. I will continue to visit your blog and I hope you visit mine too!