Here it is a very warm and humid afternoon in partly sunny s.e. FL. It's almost 3 p.m. is 84 and it feels like it is 93, humidity is 56%. Even when we went out in the foggy morning, it was like being in a sauna, and as soon as the fog burned off it was miserable out. We went out to do some trimming in the fog, of a schefflera in the front hedge row so that it will bush out more. Once that sun was beating down on us, I could hardly stand being out there. I finished up what I was doing, put tools away, came inside for water and the air-conditioning. We 'may' get some rain, but I don't want to bet on it. It seems to go around us a lot these days.
I got Parmesan-Pepper bread going in my bread machine before heading outdoors and it was so nice to come in to that wonderful aroma. I didn't get a picture. It was great for ham and cheese with zesty dill pickle slices for lunch.
When I came in I decided to work on a sweet little crocheted birdie I found a pattern for yesterday on Attic 24. She has wonderful patterns for free. Her work is colorful, happy and oh so sweet.
I used a neutral colored crochet thread for this first one,
beads for eyes and feet,
and it is stuffed with dried lavender flowers.
I will be having these for sale.
Now we have a foggy morning view.
Borderer Rose.
Don Juan against a foggy background.
I'm not sure what canna this is. I grew it from seed. Guess I'll know when it blooms. I've not grown them before. Got these from a sweet Florida gardener who lives about an hour away from us. We met through a FL gardening forum, and traded seeds via snail mail.
In the terra cotta colored pot next to the fence cardinal vine is growing. I love it's funky leaves and bright red flowers. I hope to collect seeds from this. Below that is African Foxgloves, I think they are called. Got these from my same friend. The plant below that is Firespike which I got in a trade with Darla, another FL gardener, but she lives farther north and west of here. I can hardly wait to see the blooms on this as they are attractive to butterflies and hummers.
Here is a Ruby Red Papaya from my friend who lives an hour away. I have two of these growing from seed. This is the largest.
Here's the picket fence garden. In the flat I have plum tomato seeds, bell pepper seeds, kiwi, and a few other things I can't remember at the moment. I'm hoping for success. There are three roses growing in large pots, Cocktail, Kathleen, and Chrysler Imperial. There is also a Texas Sage in one of the hugs terra cotta pots.
The diameter of each day
is measured by the stretch of thought -
not by the rising and setting of the sun.
Henry Ward Beecher
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
I think our weather situations are reversed, as it is not quite 40 degrees here and so very wet and windy. Though I have to admit, I am not a fan of hot weather. I can take a lot of cold, but the heat puts me right out of commission, I just melt, lol.
I love the little birdie, how sweet and the thought of coming back in the house and smelling bread baking is just heavenly!
We have the same weather as Karen and I'm not a warm and humid or hot and humid girl myself. Sure do love your flowers and the baking bread! Two great parts of life I cannot live without. Happy Easter, FlowerLady!
I wish I could crochet, that little bird is so sweet. The lavender is a great idea. I might just give this a try.
Love your roses!
The flowers look lovely even on a foggy morning and the birdie is so cute.
I like making home made bread too
I love the birdie and lavender filled makes it a very nice addition to your shop. I love the lavender scent.
Parmesan and pepper in bread sound delicious. I should get adventurous and try some new flavors in my bread.
I did make sweet potato bread yesterday but it tastes just like regular bread to me.
I don't envy you the heat and humidity. We are having some perfect spring weather here for a few days.
What kind of bread machine do you have? I saw one at a garage sale and almost bought it. Now I wish that I had.
Your "foggy day" pictures are beautiful.We are still cold here...wish we could get some warmer weather...Balisha
All that fog makes for some really romantic photos with the roses. Bread sounds so yummy. You make me want a bread machine:)
Hope the weather cools down a bit for you. I know the brutal season is almost upon us. We sure need rain here as well.
Cute birdie....I love,love your fence area....that firespike looks wonderful, it will probably need a bigger can cut one of the stems and it roots easy peasy......mine are in the garden and grow nearly 5 feet tall and quite wide.
oh, your crocheted birdie is so cute! The fence area looks so wonderful.
Things are looking great down there. I like to see your flowers blooming.
Well silly me I need to get better at posting comments. I did not scroll down and see you already answered you did crochet the birds. So cute and I am going to go save that pattern.
Again gorgeous flowers. So sorry it is hot for you. We are still very cool here but plants are finally starting to grown and got the first mow of the season on the lawn.
Hope you are having lots of sales at the shop.
Your roses have a special poignant beauty with their foggy backdrop. The Parmesan Pepper bread sounds wonderful.
Oh the heat ~ I will be able to commiserate with you on that this summer. It can be very hard to take.
I just LOVE the foggy morning picture of your garden. It adds almost like a touch of mystery, serenity...not sure the word I am looking for, but it is beautiful!!
That parmesan bread sounds just delicious...Have a joyful resurrection sunday celebration!
Things are looking great your way. Those birds are adorable! For some reason, I was imagining you living in the north part of Florida. I don't know why. How cool that you traded some plants with Darla. I asked Ben, who blogs and lives in my town if he wanted to do a plant exchange last year, but he said his plants were too young to divide. We've never met, but his garden is going to be on a gardening for wildlife tour on Father's Day. I plan on going there. I don't know if he will be there or not.
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