This makes me feel happy just looking at it. Click on picture to enlarge. This birdie is also stuffed with lavender.
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
This makes me feel happy just looking at it. Click on picture to enlarge. This birdie is also stuffed with lavender.
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
It does not mean
to be in a place
where there is no noise,
or hard work.
It means to be in the midst
of those things
and still
be calm in your heart.
(author unknown)
Love it Flowerlady. Hope you have a birdie kinda day.
Oh my, that is just so adorable!!
Oh, the birdie makes me happy, too! How adorable!
These little birds are SO CUTE! I was thinking they would be adorable left unstuffed and appliquéd on a shirt.
I love this! So cute! :D
So colorful and I can smell the lavendar from here.
Really love the color on this one. These little guys are adorable.
That is so cute and made me chuckle. I love it, FlowerLady.
It is really cool!!!
Well that is as cute as can be. Did you make this?
So adorable and mmmm... love lavender. So appropriate for spring and Easter! Fun stuff, FlowerLady. You are one talented lady.
I can see's adorable!
How pretty that little birdie is. It's fun doing small projects isn't it? I always seem to be working on an afghan in the hot summer months.
The birdies are getting cuter by the minute!
The colored one is wonderful. He looks so happy.
I am curious, can you grow lavender in Florida or is it too humid?
What an adorable little birdie!
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