Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hello Friends ~ Just a quick note to let you know that after 18 years of having this 'sweetie peetie' in my life, she has gone on to be with her Creator. I will see her again, and life will be so much better then. We will be perfected, living with God Almighty, Jesus, who gave life to both of us.

It is so quiet with both her and my dear husband gone from my life. His passing was 11 years and 4 months ago, her passing was just this past Friday. I'm still adjusting. She had a tumor in her tummy, and fluids drained showed cancer sells and it was time to let her go, so I did with tears streaming. The vet and his staff were so kind and gentle. Lots of hugs from the staff. 

They said she looked much younger than her 18 years, her heart was healthy, and that she was a sweet kitty while they did an x-ray, drained her and did some bloodwork.  

I miss her sweet comforting, loving spirit. She was so pretty.

I crochet 'comfort' blankets and Miss Tork was sometimes close by lending her own comfort to me.

She loved to sit on my chest or be up on my shoulder, sometimes tucking her head under my chin. This photo below was taken on my 75th bday this year, March 20th.

Sweet Miss Tork had been going downhill for awhile, perked back up, then her tummy started swelling, hence the vet visit. Her first, as the last time she went was when she was spayed, 17 years ago 

I hope to be back to posting more regularly. Thank you for checking in on me. Have had some stressors this past year. Some I am still dealing with.

God is my strength when I am weak. He will see me through each and every day, I just need to relax and let Him carry my burdens. I have cast them on Him and do NOT need to pick them up again. He is working all things out for His honor and glory and for my good. 

Count your blessings, let your loved ones know, whether human or animal, that you love them. You never know when time is up for either you or them.

 Have a lovely week, and God bless you, drawing you ever closer to Him and His Great Love.



Lynn and Precious said...

Dear Lorraine, I know Miss Tork was a constant companion for you and I am so sorry to hear she is now gone on to her heaven. She will leave behind a quiet void. I pray for you and peace. Lynn and Precious

BeachGypsy said...

She was BEAUTIFUL and I loved seeing her pictures. I am so so sorry for your loss Lainey. I was just thinking of you yesterday and now I know why. I pray her sweet memories will comfort you as time goes on and the sadness eases some. After she leaped into the arms of Jesus to say hello---- she went straight to your beloveds lap, with loud purrs. You will be together again.

Nancy J said...

Darling Miss Tork, a loved and so loving one of your family. Yes, you will all meet again. Let the love she was given continue in your heart and memories. XXX and fondest love from Jean down in NZ.

L. D. said...

I am so sorry for your loss of the sweet kitty. They leave warm memories with their comfort. My wife is five weeks past being hospitalized. Now we started rehab health center. It is getting to be so long but she is getting better.

Morning's Minion said...

It is so devastating to part with a beloved pet, especially one who has been our companion for many years. Miss Tork was a beautiful tabby girl. My darling Teasel-cat is 16 and I'm seeing changes in her that let me know her time with me is growing short.
You did the best thing for your dear cat, a peaceful ending rather than a long and painful decline.

Gretchen Joanna said...

My condolences, Dear Lorraine. That is very hard, to lose such a good friend. <3

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Lorraine. So sorry for the loss of your dear Miss Tork. I hope that God will bless you with another kitty friend when the time is right. I hope we will hear from you more often in blogland. Prayers for God's peace in your life.

Mother Em said...

It is never easy as they are family. Know that all of our so very loved pets will be there greeting us and our families long gone in the hereafter. Rest peacefully Sweet Miss Tork.

M.K. said...

Oh, dear Rainey! I'm so so sorry. Sweet Miss Tork. She has been a wonderful companion and friend for you. We believe we'll meet them all again in heaven! Adam can't wait to be greeted by a "flock of dogs" -- all the dogs he's ever loved. Hugs to you!

Linda Hoye said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's so hard to say goodbye. May your memories of her be a comfort in this time of grieving for you.

Melanie said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet fur baby. Miss Tork was a beauty and obviously very well loved. I know how bad it hurts to have to let them go. My heart is with you. {{hugs}}

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Ooo... I'm so sorry for your sad news, Lorraine. Losing a sweet kitty like Miss Tork is just so hard. I hope all the many wonderful memories you have of her will companion you through these days of mourning. Sending heart hugs, Brenda (((xo)))

Terra said...

Sorry your sweet Miss Tork died, she was a family member for sure. Yes, we will be together in heaven with family, friends and our kitties and dogs. I have been softly saying two words recently, Trust and Jesus and it focuses me on the goodness and caring of Jesus. I have and treasure a lap comforter you made. Be well dear friend.

Lucinalva said...

Bom dia, Lorraine
Passando por aqui para conhecer o seu blog, gostei muito. Sinto muito pela perda do seu gatinho, perder um animal de estimação é muito triste, que Deus continue te fortalecendo sempre, um forte abraço.

Sallysmom said...

Sending you hugs. Our little dog, Sassy, passed away a year ago tomorrow. She was my mom's dog & we took her when mom passed away. She was with us for 12 years. We still miss her so much. Take care

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved cat passing away. She looks like she was a loyal and wonderful companion to you through the years. I hope you are doing well. Stay cool during the summer months. Sending comfort and love to you on this Sunday afternoon, Lorraine.


Kim said...

I'm so sorry about the loss of your sweet kitty. She was a pretty little thing. She did look younger than her age.