Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hurricane watch #2

Greetings from wet south Florida.

First of all, let me say that I've been praying for everyone who suffered such devastation from Hurricane Helene. The videos that have been coming out have been heart breaking. I am thankful for all of the all American grass roots help that people have been receiving. Kindness and generosity from so many around the country.

I had some rain but mostly wind from Helene as I am on the southeast coast of Florida. Now, we are dealing with the threat of Hurricane Milton to make landfall on the west coast of FL. My heart aches for all of those on the west coast and across the state as it makes it's way to the ocean off the east coast.

Where I am, so far we are predicted to get LOTS of rain, which has already been happening since Thursday. Possible flooding, and then of course wind predicted for Thursday and Friday.

This all brings back to mind, Hurricane Wilma which passed right over us in 2005, 19 years ago on the 25th of this month. The scariest thing I've ever been through. So far, we are not in the path of Milton.

I have a sister who lives in Steinhatchee, FL, which was devastated by Helene. She lives a few miles inland and her place was spared. She had gone to stay with her oldest daughter who lived 40 miles east. My sister was without power for about 5 days finally able to go home. She's now clearing fallen limbs, etc.

Please pray for our safety from this new storm. 

I feel thankful I was spared Helene and have felt guilty because I can go about my life, while so many have lost so much. Lives, homes, businesses. I just heard about a man who had suffered 2 devastating hurricanes and had to rebuild twice from scratch and he just couldn't do it again, so took his own life. 

Dear Jesus have mercy on despairing souls, bring peace, meet needs. Thank you. Amen.

Thank you all for love and prayers.



Monday, August 12, 2024

Forward Progress

Hello Friends, sorry I've not been around much.  Time is zipping right along, faster than ever it seems. We've had heat advisories almost every day for a month, maybe two months. Over the past couple of days I have 'felt' 'hints' of fall 'coming'. When my dear hubby was here I would say to him when I felt these hints, "Fall is coming." He would laugh every time, because it is the middle of August and we still have September to get through and heat and humidity can still be brutal.

I try to get out early to work from 1-3 hours depending on how hot and humid it is. My body lets me know when it's time to quit. I drink lots of water and also electrolytes. Then I hibernate. My mind still wants to work but my 75 year old body says differently. ;-)

I've been working on moving potted plants away from around my little cottage as I'm going to have the place tented for termites. This is taking time. I've also been working on extending my 'secret garden' behind the cottage to accommodate these plants.

On June 1st, my friend Sean came over and we worked for three hours. He cut down 2-3 small trees, pulled up some huge weeds. 

This photo below is how it looked before he got started. I have to say that since covid lock down in 2020,  I've been somewhat depressed and overwhelmed. Being quarantined made me just want to give up and hide.  Being alone trying to take care of this 1/4 acre gets me down at times. Things just keep growing and growing. ;-) I do mow and take care of shrubs, etc. but some stuff is just too much for me at this age. Hubby used to handle the things I couldn't. Now I seek help from others.

This is the south side of the pole barn

After ~ we started making forward progress. Miserably hot and humid. It doesn't bother Sean, he loves the heat, but it bothers me and I would have to take breaks.


This is the west side of the pole barn that used to have two small, and one larger, trees.


Neighbor's avocado tree over the back fence.

This photo is looking east toward caravan. Workshop to the very right of picture. 

It was all embarrassing to say the least. 


I had a fun group of young people here from my church, on the 8th of June. They worked hard on overgrowth in the miserable heat. Only 1 1/2 hours, but we were all sweating buckets and they really had accomplished lots, so I told them to quit. 

It doesn't look like this now, it looks better, although still more work to do.

 I am so thankful for their help, a huge blessing to me and it was fun working with them and hearing their laughter really blessed my heart. When I would thank them they would say 'It's my/our pleasure.' How kind is that?

Their work really sparked me with gumption to keep working on this new resting space.

In this area, was a shell rock base, awful to walk on.

I was sitting back there thinking before I covered up the shell rock. I looked down at it all and this will sound crazy to some of you, but I asked Jesus, my Creator, Savior and Friend, to help me find a heart. He DID!!! He shows me His love in so many ways, and this was just one more. My physical heart was made glad and I said 'Thank you!'

Now, to the start of this 'resting space' project. I thought I had a piece of carpet in the back small shed, looked and I did.  I bought bought 2 6x8 pieces of indoor/outdoor carpet to fill in the sides of this space.  Much better.  This is all on a very small budget and working with things I have and it felt good. This little project was started before work started on clearing the overgrowth, which you can see to the left in the photo below.

Ok, that's it for now. This is a long post, hopefully making sense, which has taken hours to edit photos and write. 

Here's a photo taken from my comfy chair the 20th of last month. Still a work in progress.

And, here is the outdoor girl I've been feeding for months now. I call her Cammie because of her camouflage coloring. She's been hanging out here for at least a couple of years. Don't know where she came from. Her cohort, Tabster, who was born on the property, disappeared a few months ago, here one day and gone the next. He was friendly, she's more timid, can't pet her yet. Hopefully one day. ;-) She gets fed twice a day.

More pics to come at a later date, of the extended 'secret garden'.


Count your blessings and may God bless you all.







Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Still Waters

Hello Friends ~ Here we are almost to the middle of June. We've had some abnormally high temps for May and into June. Since Monday afternoon, we started getting some much needed rain from a tropical rainstorm that has covered and deluged south Florida with rain and more rain. It is 7:56 pm EST and on the weather app it says we've had 3.85" of rain in the last 6 hours, & 1.76 " of rain is expected in the next 24 hours. There has been flooding in some areas, but thankfully not where I am. I did go out this morning and it wasn't raining, but when I started my drive home it was steadily raining, and began raining harder after I made it safely here. I prayed to and from for safe traveling and thanked God when I made it home and settled in before the rains really came down.

I want to thank you all for your kind comments about my losing Miss Tork. It's taken time to get used to the quiet, and the loss of her makes me miss my dear husband all the more. Each day is a gift from my heavenly Father and I want to rejoice and be glad in each one. I do have much to be thankful for, even on down days. He is always with me and has promised to never leave me.

My ladies Bible study has ended the wonderful study of Psalm 23 by Jennifer Rothschild. It blessed and encouraged us in our daily walk with Jesus. Below is part of that Psalm.

The Lord is my shepherd;

I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul; 


Through life's many ups and downs we have hope in our Savior, Jesus, who is God Almighty. I've been thinking about the 'still waters'. I thought to myself, where are my still waters? Then I saw this bit of my life right here at Plum Cottage. A small birdbath about 12" high, that my husband bought me for a birthday many, many years ago. I recently moved it to it's new location, where I see it coming and going into Plum Cottage. Notice the reflections!!

The end of May I came across a lovely song 'Still Waters' by Leanna Crawford. It was so appropriate after having just finished that Bible study. Below is a link to the song, and below that are the lyrics. I was inspired to write up a post, hoping that it will help and encourage others.

 Still Waters
Leanna Crawford

Great Aunt Maurine said at a hundred and three
Write scripture on your heart for when you need it
Cause anxiety hates Psalm 23
So just say it to yourself ‘til you believe it
And I’m feeling like I’m needing it right now

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He leads me by still waters ‘til my fears are gone
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
O I know You are with me
My father, my friend
Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days
I know by Your still waters I’m safe

Lord I believe You can set m? at ease
Turn this broken pi?ce in me to peace and quiet
I know there’s power in Your word
So I’ll say it over and over til my soul’s reminded

Oh The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He leads me by still waters ‘til my fears are gone
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
O I know You are with me
My Father, my friend
Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days
I know by Your still waters I’m safe

Still waters run through
Any valley I could find
I’m laying fear down
Here at Heaven’s riverside
Your word has been true
In every season of my life
I believe, yes I believe that
Still waters run through
Any valley I could find
I’m laying fear down
Here at Heaven’s riverside
Your word has been true
In every season of my life
I believe, yes I believe

Oh The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He leads me by still waters ‘til my fears are gone
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
O I know You are with me
My Father, my friend
Your goodness and mercy will follow me all of my days
I know by Your still waters I’m safe.


That's it for now.

May God Bless and Keep each of you.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hello Friends ~ Just a quick note to let you know that after 18 years of having this 'sweetie peetie' in my life, she has gone on to be with her Creator. I will see her again, and life will be so much better then. We will be perfected, living with God Almighty, Jesus, who gave life to both of us.

It is so quiet with both her and my dear husband gone from my life. His passing was 11 years and 4 months ago, her passing was just this past Friday. I'm still adjusting. She had a tumor in her tummy, and fluids drained showed cancer sells and it was time to let her go, so I did with tears streaming. The vet and his staff were so kind and gentle. Lots of hugs from the staff. 

They said she looked much younger than her 18 years, her heart was healthy, and that she was a sweet kitty while they did an x-ray, drained her and did some bloodwork.  

I miss her sweet comforting, loving spirit. She was so pretty.

I crochet 'comfort' blankets and Miss Tork was sometimes close by lending her own comfort to me.

She loved to sit on my chest or be up on my shoulder, sometimes tucking her head under my chin. This photo below was taken on my 75th bday this year, March 20th.

Sweet Miss Tork had been going downhill for awhile, perked back up, then her tummy started swelling, hence the vet visit. Her first, as the last time she went was when she was spayed, 17 years ago 

I hope to be back to posting more regularly. Thank you for checking in on me. Have had some stressors this past year. Some I am still dealing with.

God is my strength when I am weak. He will see me through each and every day, I just need to relax and let Him carry my burdens. I have cast them on Him and do NOT need to pick them up again. He is working all things out for His honor and glory and for my good. 

Count your blessings, let your loved ones know, whether human or animal, that you love them. You never know when time is up for either you or them.

 Have a lovely week, and God bless you, drawing you ever closer to Him and His Great Love.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day

Good morning Folks ~ here it is another Valentine's Day. Today is a day that celebrates love in a big way. Let us remember that love can be shown on any given day, not just on a designated day. Everyone needs love, always.

I wanted to share 'hearts' that I've been blessed with, given to me by God. My dear husband used to give me hearts he found, bought, or made, but the last one from him was in 2012. These hearts from God are pleasant surprises that make me smile and say 'thank you'. He lets me know I am loved, even though my dear husband is with Him and can no longer let me know he loves me. God loves me.

These hearts are from this year.

The first one was on my breakfast plate. I had reheated refried beans with ground beef, topped with a fried egg. I cut up the egg and when I got ready to eat, lo and behold there was a piece of egg white in a heart shape.

 'Angel Face' fallen rose petals.

I saved the petal and taped it into my journal.


This heart is made up of begonia petals.


Yesterday I went grocery shopping and wanted something to celebrate 'love'. I can still celebrate even when by myself. This is a vanilla cake with buttercream frosting from the grocery bakery dept.


For Valentine's Day the pastors at my church take the widows out to lunch at the Olive Garden. We have a good time and it's a real treat celebrating love with church family. I am blessed. I am looking forward to our lunch today, after our ladies weekly time of Bible study and prayer.

That's it for now. Do take time to celebrate love in your life, past and present.

Feel the love of our Creator God surrounding you.




Tuesday, February 6, 2024

More photos on this chilly, windy morning

Good morning Friends ~ We are under a wind advisory with winds at 20-30 mph gusting to 40 mph and at 10:11 EST it is 59. It's been gray, but the sun is poking out from behind clouds at the moment. Nice. I need to get outside for a bit to get some walking in, even if it's only around the property.

I've been working on editing more photos taken the last few days.

Below was the sunrise on Sunday morning.

This is a hibiscus called 'Diva'.

Ground orchid blooms. I bought this plant last year I think, at a new nursery not far from me.

Next is a lovely hibiscus shrub that thrives with neglect.


I  love this ground cover, called 'Spanish Shawl',  (Heterocentron elegans)  related to Princess Flower, (Tibouchina urvilleana). I bought a pot of this at a yard sale many years ago.  The lady didn't know what it was. I found out what it was from a you-tube video, not because I was looking for it, they just mentioned this plant and showed it. It spreads like crazy, but I don't mind this one bit.

Here is another ground cover, Tradescantia. I've had three different kinds of this, solid green, purple and zebra

This is a close up with my new macro lens.


In the same family as 'Spiderwort'.  

Ok, that's it for today. It is now a little after 2 p.m. EST and the sun is shining brightly. Still windy, temp is 68.

Thanks again for visiting.
