Friday, June 19, 2015

Being Content

Good morning everyone ~ Well, it’s morning here in s.e. FL.  It is 9:34 a.m. EST., and the temp is 84, but with the humidity, feels like it is 98.  In a couple of hours it is supposed to feel like it is 107.  Yesterday morning I got a late start and decided to mow because rain was predicted for the afternoon and next few days. I had a straw hat on, drank water, but couldn’t finish, because my body was telling me I’d done enough. I didn’t want to have heat stroke that’s for sure.  I could hear my DH telling me to quit. Oh how glorious coming into an a.c. house is. Anyway, I didn’t do much physical labor the rest of the day. I did upload more items into my Etsy shop and that took quite a bit of time up, taking pics, editing, writing description, etc.  You can see them in my link in the side bar to the right.

Thought I’d share some pics of my overgrown jungle. It tends to make me feel depressed at times, but, I am grateful for it.


















Now, on the subject of being content.

In the past week, I’ve had 4 different devotional readings on this subject.  I thought God was trying to tell me something when I had read three of them, then I got a fourth this morning, which really shows me He cares.

Here are 4 scripture verses that spoke to me, there were more, but these stood out for me.


And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."

This morning I read a great writing from Grace Gems. An  online devotional that my DH found years ago and gave me the link to because he thought I would like it. I have been blessed by many of the writings from this place.

Here’s a link to the Gem for today.

Do Not Worry


I want to thank all of you who visit, to new followers, to those who leave links from their blog posts to mine, and thanks for all of your comments.

Thank you for prayers and encouragement. I have days where missing my husband really gets me down and I need to keep focusing on God and that my husband is with Him at this very moment. That’s reason to celebrate. Continue to pray for me as I walk this journey of widowhood.




Unknown said...

Lorraine, I just love a raffish garden! A little overgrown, lush beautiful plants and blooms, and I adore all of your statuary and garden items! It's beautiful! If it weren't for my HOA that is rather strict, I'd have every inch planted that I could. It's crazy hot here too, I don't do much in the yard during the next couple of months - taking it easy in the sun and humidity. Have a lovely weekend!

Jane said...

Please take care, Rainey! I can completely relate to feeling depressed about the overgrown garden. The earth certainly will quickly revert to it's natural state given a little warmth and rain! Good thing contentment isn't based on wealth or we'd both be sunk! Ha! May the Lord's face shine down upon you and give you peace, Sweet Rainey.


Janice said...

Your garden treasures that are spread throughout your space are lovely. In particular, I love two that you have hanging on your privacy fence, over your white bench. The garden itself is gorgeous, I'm working my way back to a fuller, wilder garden.

My Honey and I will celebrate our 42nd anniversary this November, so I can only imagine the depth of your loss. I always tell the Honey that I'm going first...but that's not up to us, is it? Prayers for continued peace and contentment.

Nancy J said...

Green growth in abundance, lush ferns, trees in summer growth, and flowers hidden, or just peeking through. Take care, great care in that humidity, a little at a time, please.DH would agree, when you have done enough, time to stop and so enjoy the A.C. Down here we had 75mm of rain overnight, streams are flooding, severe problems about an hour south of us, a bridge washed away, and people evacuated. I am so thankful we are high and dry.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm convinced that all you need to do is throw a plant out on the ground and it will grow.I'm amazed at the lush growth.Hope this weekend will find you enjoying peace and the love of God.

Sallysmom said...

Thank you for sharing the verses. They are just what I need today.

L. D. said...

I came in from the heat this morning trying to tame my wilderness. I was thinking maybe I should clear some of it as I am not physically able to do it as much anymore. And then I go buy two more hostas and moss rose. It is what I do, grow many things. If I wanted a minimal looking yard I would buy the house across the street. All that is growing is life that God has created and sometime it seems to be too much but the Garden of Eden was lush and filled with life. Don't get discouraged and stay strong.

lil red hen said...

I love your jungle! It's filled with interesting "yard art" and so many beautiful flowers.

Do take breaks often in this heat!

GretchenJoanna said...

I guess there is an indistinct line somewhere between a lush and fertile garden, and a messy jungle that is taking over. For me, the line is in my mind and has a lot to do with whether I am currently strong and feeling capable, or not knowing whether I have what it takes to look after the garden. I know that when it's hot and humid, you would tend to see it as the unruly jungle. God bless you!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

You place is so lovely and it makes me want to be able to take a walk there with you! Thank you for sharing these is particularly what I have been needing to read lately!

KathyB. said...

I think this is the time of the year most of us ( gardeners ) are becoming a bit overwhelmed with our gardens. They're growing quickly, need watering, LOTS of weeding, deteriorate or get overgrown with weeds if we take even a day or two off to go someplace , AND many are producing fruits and vegetables that need picking and preserving. All blessings of gardens, but requiring work too. Work in the hottest times of the year.

I love the verses you shared, verses to turn to when I begin to turn my eyes to material or worldly goals. Thank-you.

What is that beautiful lavender blossom ? It looks like an orchid.

I think what Gretchen Johanna said is true of me about the garden being a "jungle". Blessings to you Lorraine.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a beautiful place to enjoy outside! Thank you for the verses! Have a lovely weekend!

Rebecca said...

I lingered at every single photo. I enlarged each one and savored every little detail. Thanks for posting them, Lorraine. I can't imagine doing ANYTHING in that heat and humidity. (I was out a little this evening pulling some weeds. We have so little time between rains - the weeds are atrocious. Almost impossible to keep up. Then yesterday we had some VERY high winds. It did some damage to my viburnum "tree". I was very sad...

Thanks for posting the Bible verses, too. I need frequent reminders to practice contentment ♥

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I love your lush yard and garden. It is always fun to see the different beautiful plants and flowers that you have.

I am glad you are taking care not to overdo outside in the heat and humidity. Heat sickness can sneak up before you know it.

It's always amazing to me when I repeatedly come across Bible verses, or writing from other sources, that have information or inspiration that is just in time to be of help to me.

Take care and stay cool.

Susie D.

organicgardendreams said...

Dear Lorraine, to you your garden might look like an overgrown jungle sometimes, to me it looks like a wonderful lush tropical paradise.
I can imagine that you must miss your beloved husband to an extent that is very painful some days. Hope you find consolation in your faith, since I firmly believe that this is the only thing that can and will help in these kind of situations.

Joy Junktion said...

I always enjoy my visits here Lorraine. It's funny about being content, I look at your garden photos and think: oh how I wish we had more green here in the desert but then I hear you saying sometimes the over growth and not being able to tent the garden makes you feel depressed. The same holds with hair, too curly, too straight, too light too dark. The grass is greener on the other side of the face, you know what I'm saying! I have found as I age, I am more and more content with my surroundings and really even my self. I love how God gets our attention at times too! I pray for you dear one! Blessings, Cindy xoxo

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Everything is so beautiful.
My devotionals read daily
and could not make it without them.
God is so good
and always faithful...

Rue said...

Good morning... or I suppose it's afternoon where you are :)

I think your garden is beautiful! It looks like a secret place full of magic.

The hearts you're creating are lovely and I'm so glad people are buying them :)

I hope you have a lovely weekend and find comfort in your devotionals.


M.K. said...

I don't think your garden looks like a jungle! It looks homey and cozy to me. You know how it is in the warm South -- if you turn your back for a minute, it all GROWS and explodes :) Just think of how tame it will be in January. Only do what you can, and then stop. And whatever you end up with, that's what it is.

I also struggle with contentment, and particularly with worry. It's a plague. I try to keep it under control, but sometimes anxiety is a monster than surprises you.

Stay cool, FL!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Your yard looks like a peaceful sanctuary! I love it. Thanks for your thoughts on being content - something I think we all struggle with to an extent. Seems like there is always something else we think we "need" to be happy. I hope you are staying cool in this hot, hot weather. We don't have the humidity, but it is like an oven here in Arizona. Just keep remembering how nice the winter months are....Hugs and prayers from Arizona!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Good Sunday Morning!! I'm so glad you knew when to stop. Your garden is lovely, but I think the devotions that caught your attention are truly speaking to you.

Have a wonderful day and stay cool.
xx, Carol

Sally said...

Hi Lorraine, I think you have a great place. I love your garden ornaments and your place is so lush! Perhaps God is speaking to those of us who live in a consumer oriented society. He has been speaking to me, as well about simplifying and being content. I'm going to get rid of 3 things everyday until I think He's satisfied with what I've done. He showed me that I don't want to go to Him for my daily bread....I want to live the "secure" American life with lots of money to play with.....God has blessed me so much and I need to take hold of that daily! Thank you for sharing. It gave me the opportunity to put into words what's happening in my spiritual walk.....

Darcie said...

Sometimes I wish I could come and just sit with you in your garden. Sit and visit, sit in silence, or even just putter around as you show me all that your hands have done. I always love coming over to your blog, it's almost as if you live next door, and I can share a slice of your paradise. Thanks always for your encouragement, even in the hard days.

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

Dear FL, We were out in the front today and I was shocked how out of control it has gotten because of all of the rain we have had. I may have call our landscape architect designer to help with his Bobcat! Love your banner photo! The color combo is stunning! Take care! xo from Lemon Verbena Lady and The Herbal Husband

Forest Mother said...

Contentment is all about perspective. I am praying for you. Ps. I visited your shop and your tiny pillows made me smile as I thought of all the hours of love and enjoyment you've put into them. They are beautiful.

gld said...

I keep having trouble commenting.....don't know what the issue is. Probably my slow internet service.

First I love your jungle! but I do share your getting depressed at times when I see all that needs doing and I just don't seem to be able to get it done. That does pass.

I hope Lynn doesn't mind but I love her term 'raffish' as applied to a garden and think I will use it to describe mine. It sounds very upbeat and appropriate to mine, especially the vegetable garden.

Have a wonderful day and stay out of the humid sun.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the "overgrown/jungle look" that gives your place such charm. I love it. But I also understand how it can feel a little overwhelming at times since you can't just let it go indefinitely.

Rainey, you are smart to listen to your body, especially in this heat. I garden for a couple of hours in the morning (sometimes just a half hour before work during the week) and that's just going to have to do for the next few months. I think I'm going to have Philip install an outside shower (you have one of those don't you?). That should help a little bit.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

Love and hugs,


Deborah Montgomery said...

Thank you for the devotional link.

Here in Michigan we have had lots and lots of rain. I certainly understand the jungle metaphor!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Contentment is a gift, open both hands and accept. Since Dave died, I've been content and, very very recently, have felt the stirrings of j.o.y.
Praise God!