Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts for my well-being. This cold has been one that just hangs on. This is into the third week, and I still cough on occasion. I am feeling better, but still dragged out. I have had no energy or inclination to do any thing, except what had to be done.
This is the first time I’ve been sick since my DH left this planet. I missed his taking care of me, his telling me I’d be ok. I had a panic attack in the middle of a bad coughing spell last week. I was afraid I was going to crack a rib again from too much coughing and that area was so tender to the touch and hurt when I coughed. I grabbed pillows and went out to the living room and sat in my chair praying, then looked at books in the shelves beside me. I pulled out the little book by Frances J. Roberts, “Come Away My Beloved”. The title of the bit I read was ‘Comfort in Affliction’. It was just meant for me right then. Especially the part I will quote here. The capitalized words were that way in the book, so it really stood out. This book is written as if God is speaking directly to you.
"Hold fast to My hand, and rest in My love, for of this ye may be very certain: My love is unaltered, yea, I have thee in My own INTENSIVE CARE. My concern for thee is deeper now than when things are normal.”
After reading that I calmed down, knowing I am in God’s INTENSIVE CARE. I went back to bed in a much better frame of mind, and have gradually gotten better with each new day. I love it when God lets me know that He is always with me, that He loves me.
The past couple of days I’ve felt so much better that I was outside doing a little weeding, moving potted plants to areas grouped together for easier care and less work for me. Yesterday I even grabbed one of the purple paint samples and painted the shutters on my little shed.
This next 2 photos are of the climbing rose ‘Maman Cochet’.
I love the sunlight hitting the rose petals in this one.
This is a rooted cutting of a rose I had that died. This is ‘Penelope’.
The next two photos are ‘Granada’.
This is ‘Maggie’.
This is Clerodendrum ugandense or blue butterfly bush.
Solanum macranthum or Potato Tree. I love how the colors go from purple to white with shades in between. These have a sweet scent too.
This is a fun flower, Orthosiphon stamineus or Cat’s whiskers
This was taken Easter morning. This is one half of the window I look out to the north, when I wash dishes. It looks into the ‘secret garden’ and beyond.
I did not feel like cooking the lamb on Easter, but did feel like it yesterday and had it for supper last night, and am getting to reheat some for tonight’s supper. It was delicious! I did it in the crockpot this time. I plan to make a cassoulet with some white beans, lamb and kale too in the next day or two. Left overs are great.
We need rain down here. None is in the forecast for weeks, so I’ll be hand watering and using the sprinkler three days a week.
Thanks again for all your kind comments and get well wishes. They and you are much appreciated.
Happy Living Life wherever you are.
Here’s a piece about spring for those of us enjoying this lovely season.
"Now that the winter's gone, the earth hath lost
Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost
Candies the grass, or casts an icy cream
Upon the silver lake or crystal stream;
But the warm sun thaws the benumbed earth,
And makes it tender; gives a sacred birth
To the dead swallow; wakes in hollow tree
The drowsy cuckoo and the humble-bee.
Now do a choir of chirping minstrels bring
In triumph to the world the youthful spring."
Thomas Carew, The Spring, 1630
Such a lovely post, and there is nothing like the moments when God expressly reminds us that we are never, ever alone. Your gardens are beautiful!
I'm glad that you're feeling better. The view from your kitchen window is magical!
Glad you're feeling better. I hope you're soon back to 100% energy level & coughing ceases!
Those pale-colored roses are SO beautiful, as are your lavender shutters.
I love the view out your window into the Secret Garden. Wish I could send you some of our rain. It's been too wet to get much done today...
The cough sounds like the same virus that my wife has had for a long time. She is better but relapsed.
Being sick is never good,but it becomes so much worse when we are alone. During the time my ankle was sore,I tended to feel sorry for myself .No one to even get me a cup of water. Hope that cold leaves you soon.
What beautiful and comforting words you were led to, for such a time as this. A message meant just for you. I hope you are completely well soon and able to enjoy your secret garden, and doing the painting you want to do.
The poem is wonderful!
I have a touch of something similar and its stronger than me at the moment. I'm sorry that you are having so many things to go through alone. I think you are doing great. Keep your faith and keep plugging ahead. We'll all be here to lend you moral support.
Isn't it amazing how those 'little miracles' happen just when you need them most! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better and able to get out into your amazing garden. I love the purple shutters - such a pretty little shed and the view of it with the gardens around it with the statuary is just so peaceful. Your flowers are so unique - I love to see what is growing in your gardens. So nice to have a good meal, too, and I'm sure it has given you some much needed nourishment. Take care, my Dear. Hugs xo Karen
I'm so glad you're feeling better! The purple shutters are so pretty. And your flowers are awesome.
So glad you are on the mend. Picking up the right book at the right time happens to me often. It's very comforting to know that we are always being guided by the Divine. Your roses are really loving our spring weather and so am I. They are all beautiful! Take care and hurry up and get better. Your garden is missing you.
Sorry I haven't been by! So sorry you haven't been feeling well! Think you're feeling better because you're weeding and painting on the same day! I'm exhausted and I'm not sick! Love you and hope you are on your way back to normal! xo
Happy to hear that you are feeling better.
How Devine was that reading from your little book that evening when you couldn't sleep.
God is such a personal God to His dear children. He knew just what you needed.
Your garden is gorgeous!
Enjoy your spring.
those shutters are the so right shade, perfect for a rose to bloom in front, and all other blossoms lovely, cats whiskers the best one for me today . Take care, as these virus/viruses take time, leaving coughs, thick heads, blocked sinus and more. Rest is the answer, and a book with the very verse meant for you. Hugs and XXX, all OK down here.
I had that bug in January..spent a week in bed and 3 more recovering. Luckily Terry and I had it at the same time and recouped together.
Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures that always bring the promise of's a little late in northern Indiana.
Hope you are feeling 100% soon.
Best Health Wishes
So glad your health is improving, F L. Being out in the sunshine is restorative among all the beauties in your garden.
The purple shutters are wonderful.
Dear Lorraine, sorry to read that you have been sick. It is certainly much more challenging to be ill when one is alone and I so can understand that you particularly missed your husband's love and care in that situation. But I am glad that you are doing a little better now.
Your blooms are always a joy to see. I especially love the roses and the cat whiskers. The latter I would wish to grow in my own garden!
Warm regards,
What a beautiful post! I adore your lovely roses, all of your flowers are just gorgeous. I am still waiting for some blooms. We are finally getting our spring rain. I hope you are feeling better and have a lovely weekend.
Lorraine....I love coming here to see all your pretty flowers. This from one gardner to another. In AZ we don't have he humidity you have in Florida so our garden is not nearly as lush as yours but we try.
Glad you are feeling better.....spring colds are the worst.
SO glad you're feeling better!
I always love seeing your beautiful roses, and the little shed ~ so cute!
Love the soft color on those shutters. Glad you are feeling better.
I'm so sorry to read that you have been ill Lorraine! I will be praying that you continue to feel better with each passing day. Your flowers are so beautiful! God is SO creative. The colors and shapes of each flower, each petal, so beautiful! Have a blessed Friday! Blessings, Cindy
Hope you are soon completely well.
I know well
about when Gods words speak directly to my heart "Streams in the Desert" always speaks to me so personally.
Oh your flowers are a dream.
I have had in the past
but a they all struggle here by the damp and shady woods.
Wishing you a good day...
So glad that you are feeling better and that you felt God's comforting hand in your time of need. Prayers and love from AZ!
So sorry to hear you've been ill and hoping you are all better now. My but how I love that purple paint color you've used! And your flowers are so pretty, and exotic! Your Easter fare sounds so delicious! I'm very hungry now!
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, day by day. there's nothing like a loving hand on your shoulder along with some tender, comforting words to heal a wounded spirit... being ill always makes me feel vulnerable - sounds like it's that way for you as well. The right words were put into into your hands at the exact moment you needed them and that is a blessed thing indeed.
I adore your purple shutters - they are perfect, and the beautiful rose dangling in front of them is also perfection - lovely, lovely flowers...
Take care, and gentle healing hugs, just for you,
Love love love your flowers. You are so blessed to have beautiful flowers almost all year long. I have an upcoming blog showing all of the different Orchids we saw recently at Biltmore in their Conservatory. Seeing the orchids there reminded me of all of the pretty ones you share with us.
Have a great weekend.
"God's intensive care", I love that phrase.
Your garden truly is a delight I can tell you've invested your heart into. You and your beloved husband. So much thought, so many precious touches, I bet you know every inch of your garden and also notice every minute change in it.
The flowers are so beautiful. You brought a cutting from a dead rose to life ? Wow !
I hope you're feeling much better now.
I am glad you found comfort in the Lord during your illness, we are never alone, even though it sometimes seems we are. The comfort of your own Garden of Eden with the purple shudders is also a great cure. You are the only person I ever knew with purple shudders, and it really works!
I am glad to hear you are recovering, and that you found that writing about God's intensive care. Did you grow those orchids in your window?
Thought you could use a big bear hug today, so I'm sending you one.
Big Bear Hug
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