Hello Folks ~ Right around the corner from where I work, I saw what is pictured below, out in front of an empty shop waiting to be rented. I had to back up to get a better look, then decided to load it into my van. I am always amazed at what one can accomplish when the adrenaline flows.
I think this piece could be Mexican or South American, not sure, carved, with brass tiles, maybe mahogany, and heavy. The two doors hinges are rusted out. But, I just couldn’t leave it there. The right door has the center piece, which shuts over the left-hand door. It is 22 inches wide by 45 inches high. The doors are 1 1/2 inches thick.
The one door was already off and the one left was dangling by one rusted hinge with one rusted screw. I wangled it into the van, glad it wasn’t any heavier than it was.
I must confess, in my haste, I left one piece of wood, and if you look at the bottom right side you can see a piece of the door missing. I got home and realized but didn’t want to drive back 30 minutes one way. I thought I’d go back this morning. Well, a nasty thunderstorm happened last night with heavy rains and wind, and this piece of wood was on the street and that area floods when it rains and there is a big street drain at the corner, so I did not waste my time this morning going there. Lesson learned, pick up what looks like it could be something.
I want to oil it and maybe lightly highlight polish the brass tiles, maybe with very fine steel wool. The oil will make the color of the wood come out, reddish I am sure. Mark would have liked this piece. It reminds me of Spain and our wonderful time spent there, while he was in the US Navy, ‘70-‘73.
I cannot stop picking stuff up from the curbs. In our area, you never know what you might find. We always looked at them as gifts from God. Goodies made of glass, marble, metal, wood, stone, etc. I think this is my first curbside find for this year. The last one was in November last year, very heavy!!!!! I got bruises putting it in the van as I got my arm pinned between it and the metal behind the seat. Ouch! Does that stop me from curbside shopping? Heck no! But I need to be more cautious and careful.
This is how it looked set up on the 25th. It looks different now because I’ve changed things up a bit. More storage for needlework supplies.
I would show you how it looks now, but it’s a wreck in there. More photos of how it looks later.
My brother-in-law is going to come down when he can and we’ll put up the ‘inexpensive’ bead board ‘looking’ paneling and I am looking forward to that.
If you see something curbside, make sure you at least take a peek as you drive by. You never know what goodies are lurking there, just waiting to be saved from going to the landfill.
Oh yea for some floral eye candy, here is the amaryllis with one open bloom so far.
I took the photo this afternoon and the sun is hitting it. I’m from behind in the first photo.
This is looking at it with the sun behind me.
Happy Spring ~ Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
I think the door you found is gorgeous, i can't wait to see what it looks like after you are done cleaning it up. I love curbside finds, and the challenge of making someone else's trash into a treasure
Great finds! You find the practical and the artistic!
Great find! The workmanship on it is beautiful. Please show us pictures of it after you clean it up and oil it.
Last week I had a twinge of regret at having not stopped to pick up an old wicker chair that was curbside. It was old and white. I am sure it was probably broken somewhere. I was wearing fairly good clothes that day and didn't want to get them messed up. Thought about the chair and what I would do with it if it was broken. Thinking that it would be a good plant stand. I could visualize some pretty vining purple sweet potato and maybe some petunias sitting in a pot on the seat of it. Decided I would go and bring it home. Too late. It was gone. I'm still regretting not changing clothes and going back for it the day I saw it.
You must know I would have been ALL OVER that piece! Good for you!
I really love curb side treasure and you are so right. You really do not know what you will find. I love love,chippy paint pieces. I always love your flower photos and I am blessed by your comments.
Smiles, Dottie
Love your newest find. I pick up stuff curbside all the time, my last was some odd bits and a nice roaster pan.
Beautiful scavenging!! I love what you've brought home so far. I've picked up a few pieces from the garden from the side of the road. And the guts of a TV unit, I transformed into a nesting box for my chickens.
Hope you're well....
Dotti :)
That is a really great find! I love your creativity! Have a great week.
Fantastic flower... WOW!!
Love your new treasure.. You are so lucky when you get so many wonderful 'free' gifts..
Good morning Lorraine,
That really is quite a special find. I can't wait to see it oiled and finished.
Your door is unique and beautiful, even before you clean it up. You never know what you will find and curbside shopping is a "steal"! ~lol~
Oh my goodness, FlowerLady ~ that door is absolutely gorgeous! What a fantastic find.
I miss the posts on your "creations" blog. Are you still stitching? If not, I hope you start again. Your work is beautiful.
What a nice find, FlowerLady! Looking forward to seeing it after your touch-ups.
Love the door, wish we had curbs here, ha, ha
Wonderful finds indeed. I don't blame you a bit for stopping and picking them up. Recycling at its best. You might like the Yahoo group called Freecycle.org. You never know what you might find there. Sounds like some folks down there could use that instead of putting stuff on the curb. Also, if you are FB there is a group called Southern Junkers. A great group that is very active and repurposes things like these and shows them on there. Let me know if you wish to join it because it is a closed group but you could always look at its page. Have a good day!
This may be your most beautiful find yet! I can't wait to see how you use it.
Your arm made me cringe; that must have really hurt....be careful.
That is very cool looking. You find some of the coolest things.
Cher Sunray Gardens
Rainey, it's Beautiful and wish we had wonderful stuff like that around here...people hang on to their stuff for...ever...and then sell at auction. I do love thrift stores, curb stores, etc. A good find makes my heart flutter.
As to the bruises...we share that unhappy trait. I bruise if someone looks at me hard -haha.
I love that piece you found - what an amazing treasure! I think you have knack for seeing something special, the possibility of a piece, that it can be more than what it is right now... I also think, when you are in the midst of a curb side find, that Mark is with you, cheering you on - what a gift those memories are, and what a special way of honouring them... I have a feeling you have some more beautiful treasures just waiting for you to come along...
What a gorgeous piece! I can't believe they were throwing it out -- even with its rusted hinges. I mean, it's fabulous! I love the old look, and the wood will oil down very well. Delightful!
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