Friday, August 2, 2013

Short note


Good morning Friends ~ Good news, I had my first sale after reopening my little Etsy shop.  I am thankful, happy and encouraged.

Not so good news. My a.c. window unit is freezing up, just started yesterday. A.C. is 4 years old, we had trouble with it last summer when the fan froze up and wouldn’t run, oiled it as best I could then, waited a few months then turned it on and it’s been working fine until this.

So, I’m looking to get a new unit, another expense not planned.

Keep my in your prayers, that I’ll keep my heart and mind focused on God and not my problems.  He will work all things out.

I’m keeping the place closed up so as to not let in the heat and humidity. I did turn the a.c. on for a bit after I woke up this morning and it froze up again, so cha-ching goes the cash register. Hopefully I can get one at HD in the next couple of days. This is August and September is pretty bad heat and humiditywise too.

Hope you all have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady


Sallysmom said...

Lorraine, have you looked on the internet to see if you could figure out what's wrong with it?

Annie said...

I'll send you some of our icy cold winters winds. Loving wearing scarves and coats again, but missing long periods in my garden....just too cold!

Betty said...

Happy to hear about the good news on your shop, but terrible about the AC. We have been there. I will say a prayer for you to find a way to fix it or get another one.

Rebecca said...

So sorry to hear about the AC. I can imagine with your heat & humidity that it is almost a necessity. (Maybe I've already told you...we've had unusually cool weather up here. No complaints from me!)

Hope the "Etsy Train" keeps on rolling for you, Lorraine. You're such a creative & hard-working person. I've been selling some things on local facebook garage sale sites. Do you have any of those down there????

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sure hope you can find a replacement unit for a reasonable cost.

Susan said...

Hi Lorraine...Glad to hear about your Etsy sale. That definitely sounds promising. Sorry to hear about the A/C. Too bad it's not closer to the end of summer. Hopefully, Lowes or HD will have them on sale. Good luck!

Lemon Verbena Lady said...

Gosh, FL, sorry to hear about your AC! Will keep my fingers crossed that you fix or find a new one! Love your banner photo! Beautiful! xo LVL

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Gosh 4 yrs old is just run in! You must know how I feel for you coming from the hot, steamy tropics myself!
Congrats on the sale too Lorraine, that's thrill for sure.
You too have a calm and serene weekend, albeit a hot one!

Unknown said...

I hear ya.Never seems to fail.Something always goes wrong with the AC this time of year.Hopefully,you'll be able to find a deal.Hang in there.

Jane said...

Have you checked out the Wal-Mart or K-mart, Rainey? Our little window unit went out also and I bought a nice little one for less than a hundred dollars that cools the entire house even when he had the that heat wave. Quieter than the old one too!

Balisha said...

Isn't that just the way things go? We never know what expenses are going to pop up. As Jane said...I think you can get one very reasonably for your size house.I've seen them to put on a window sill and then you shut the window down on it. I hate to think of you without AC.
Hope your weather is cooler until you find one.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Good for you on the Etsy buy.
Not good on the AC.
Hope the humidity gives you a break until you can have the AC worked out.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Sweet Lady... I am so sorry... Hope you can find one you can afford soon. Living in FL in August is too hard without AC....God Bless You...

Glad you did sell something on Etsy... That's a good start.

If you have a chance, check out my blog post today.. I did a Roses post --and hopefully, you will like it.


It's Just Dottie said...

Oh dear!
Our God is faithful.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the ac. I know God will help. You are in my prayers my friend.

BernieH said...

Commiserations about the broken down air-con. How very annoying at this time of the year! I do remember you commenting last year that you were having problems with it. I do so hope you can either fix this one, or find another one at a bargain price.

Well done on your first sale. That's great news and hopefully this will continue now you've reopened your Etsy shop.

Amrita said...


Sandra said...

Way to go on the Etsy shop, that is such great news :)

So sorry about the AC, hope you can find a solution for that that is not too expensive, those things can run quite high :(


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

My a/c in this 3 year old cottage has a leak. Temporary repair
and never had this happen in my lifetime.
Remembering you
and "Why do these unplanned
expenses crop us?"

June said...

You are always in my prayers Lorraine! It's not a good time to be without A/C. It was 93 here today and we are not used to these high temps in the mountains of Idaho. The past two summers have been very hot for this area and I think it may become the norm.
Sending hugs...

gld said...

Bad new about the AV but they aren't as expensive as they once were. I know any unexpected expense is not a good thing....we had the ATV back in the shop a few days ago. I have lost track of the times now.

Skeeter said...

Yay on the sell but boo hoo on the AC Unit! I would suggest Wal-Mart as they may be a bit cheaper then HD. I hope you get this resolved soon as you know, this humidity will be with us at least 6 more weeks... Lay in a cool tub of water if you must be keep cool!!!

Antique ART Garden said...

Yes, you can probably get one at a pretty reasonable price now that can last a good 10 + years. Humidity is sweltering in the South this Summer. Big hug , luv ya, Gina

tina said...

Those hibiscus are so pretty. I noticed the new header photo right away. Love the use for the crocheted material repurposed into curtains. So wonderful!! Good job to the BIL!


You need to sell more merchandise on Etsy to fund your new AC unit. If only it were that easy. Another faith test. Have a great, cool weekend, my friend.