Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Good evening Friends ~ It was ‘another’ gray and wet day today.  Our drought is certainly over.  More rain is expected over the next few days too. The ‘back 40’ is disappearing under vines, etc. Sometimes I feel so mind-boggled as to doing things around here and that ‘back 40’ is one of them.  DH took care of that, but the last time he was back there was a year ago. All in good time, I can only do so much in any one day, and with the summer heat and humidity, I just want to hibernate.  Although, this summer has been milder than in years past and I am so thankful for that.

I did errands today as Monday was the widows meeting/luncheon, yesterday it rained and I just didn’t feel like going out in it. At the grocery store this morning the lights flickered then went out, then the generator kicked in, but only minimal lighting, then in awhile the power came back on. I was glad to get back home to this little cottage.

I bought a black ink cartridge for my Epson Artisan 50 printer today. $19.07 including tax.  Yikes!  I needed it though as I am printing out uplifting and encouraging Bible verses to put in the little journals I am making.

The other morning I went through an old tin of buttons and what a thrill to find quite a few ‘old’ mother-of-pearl buttons, some in really unusual shapes too.





Below is a photo of Miss Tork.  She’s such a hoot. She sleeps here, there and everywhere.  When we have a thunderstorm, she runs and hides under the bed. She sleeps until between 4-5:30 a.m. and I am thankful for that. For some reason she’s not a night owl, thank goodness. When she curls up in this basket, you wouldn’t even know that she is there.




Trumpet vine


Hugs-n-kisses, and Shirley, this hibiscus definitely is living here at Plum Cottage. No two blooms are colored the same.  They are all beautiful though.  Look how vibrant these colors are on this bloom.



Look at the bud next to this, it’s yellow.


Well, I updated  info for my Etsy shop, now I just need to take some photos and get some things listed.  I will let you know when I do so.  I am such a procrastinator, and all of this takes time.

That’s it for now ~ FlowerLady


"Love is to the heart

what the summer is

to the farmer's year.

It brings to harvest

all the loveliest flowers

of the soul."

Billy Graham



Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Ooooh. To hide inside on a rainy day. Sounds divine.
Miss Tork is a cutie in that basket.
Take care.

My Grama's Soul said...

Hi Lorraine....pretty flower pics as usual.......Your weather is a little like ours right now hot and humid.....but of course WE get no rain....only DUST! ugghh........

I love have quite a collection there....I'm sure you will find something lovely to do with all of them.



Jane said...

We'll take some of your rain, Rainey! It's been in the upper 90s here, so I can empathize with you. I love the old mother of pearl buttons. One time I tried to make a wreath of them, but it became to painful sewing them onto the ribbon wrapped on the straw wreath. This was before glue guns. Hasn't that little gizmo revolutionized the crafting world?

Rose ~ from Oz said...

We've had days of overcast drizzly weather which left me in a (mild) melancholy frame of mind but the sun is out today and already I feel my spirits lift (but it is tropical winter here so it's gorgeous, crisp).
Oh and how I understand your thankfulness of a mild summer!
Areas like the 'back 40' seem to grow out of all control in these tropical climes as well. I so feel for you there, it must seem or rather is, overwhelming at times dear Lorraine.
You too? this new Epson printer I bought not so long ago demands the earth for a new cartridge as well, I was most surprised as my old Epson's cartridges were very affordable. Now, I print documents in 'draft mode' to save on ink!
What a lovely capture of Ms Tork-in-basket. So sweet.
I envy your hibiscus varieties Lorraine, they really are exquisite!
Hugs and love

Ruth Hiebert said...

Some jobs are so hard to tackle alone. My gardens are looking pretty forgotten right now,so I have to get into them soon.I love that Hibiscus,such pretty colours.

Julie said...

Nice collection of buttons!!! Love your flower shots! The rain has been nice. Unfortunately it messed us up on the power company doing electrical upgrades in our neighborhood the last two days. They started yesterday morning, and it was supposed to take 5 hours, so we left for the day, and came home to a note on the door that it had started raining and now they had to do it all today! We did not leave today! They got finished before the rain started, thank God. Loving the bits of rain this evening relaxing! Take care!

Nancy J said...

Your flower photos are amazing, that last one, truly beautiful, Too hot for me, hope you get some cooler air at night. Take care, leave the back 40' till another day. Fond greetings, Jean.

Karen said...

Hello Rainey, Good to hear from you. Try not to worry about the Back 40, I know that's easier said than done, and again, I wish I lived closer. We'd certainly help you with it.

That sweet Miss Tork is adorable, all curled up in the basket. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound from the store, too. Our weather has been in the 90's with exceptionally high dewpoints and it's miserable. I think I now know what it must be like for you in Florida. Oh, I am no fan of these conditions, in fact, I'm a wimp! Luckily for us there is a predicted break in the humidity expected this weekend.

Hugs to you, dear friend.

Sunray Gardens said...

Lovely blooms but the cat photo is adorable. They are cute the way they like to find those little spaces.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Anonymous said...

All our rain has been a blessing, but it's also made it a challenge to keep up with all the new growth, especially the vines (and weeds).

I just love old buttons. What a beauty that first one is!

Beautiful blooms and Miss Tork is adorable in that basket.

Glad to hear the Etsy shop is coming along. Looking forward to checking it out again.



Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Your flowers are beautiful!

Miss Tork cracks me up in that basket. She is so adorable. :)

Don't over do in that heat, the back 40 can wait!

Blessings always

Rebecca said...

Your button tin looks just like MY button tin! I spent some hours with my mother some time back sorting out buttons by colors. It was something she could do and brought us both pleasure....

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We have had a rainy spring/summer also so far. It's kept our temperatures down --so it hasn't been too hot. However, this week, it is getting hotter here... Now--since I hate hot weather, I am waiting for Fall!!!!! ha

Beautiful blooms. I truly love hibiscus...


Lynn said...

Ah, Lorraine . . . the pictures of your mother of pearl buttons and Miss Tork in a basket are priceless. As for the “back 40” surely it can wait till autumn . . .

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Love visiting you.
Take care...

Liz said...

Thanks for your sweet comment today! I love seeing your amazing, intricate projects. Such lovely work. I'm glad you have this place to document them, and your beautiful flowers and thoughts on life too!