Hi Folks ~ It is raining here, hurray. A nice gentle rain right now. Rain is expected for the next couple of days too. We have so needed it and are thankful.
I'm having computer problems at home, with Vista, may be getting Windows 7. Two different times now I've not been allowed access in the past 5 days. I've had this computer a little over 2 years now. DH is figuring it all out. He is the computer techie in our family, I am a wus when it comes to that stuff. and I am thankful he can do so many different things himself. He has saved us lots of money through the years.
It's very quiet here at work, and will be until after Thanksgiving. The northerners have all gone back home, so that it's mostly us year rounders here now.
I'll post some pictures that I took of orchids that my friend Nanci, grows next door here to where I work. She and her husband have an outdoor area behind their shop and this is where these orchids are. The pictures were taken with a Kodak Easy share camera here at work. Not the best camera, but these aren't too bad.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
The white orchid is such a beautiful flower. Your shots are perfect. I am glad you are getting the rain you need. Send some heat my way please.
Jealous of your steady rainfall....these photos turned out great of the beautiful white orchid.
Thank you for showing these beauties!
My sympathies about your computer. Windows 7 is wonderful. You will enjoy the update and your flowers are spectacular as usual, FlowerLady!
Hope your husband can fix your computer problems soon. It is always such a hassle when the computer doesn't work properly, isn't it?
I love the orchid photos. White is my favorite color and naturally I love white flowers the most.
Just got caught up on your blog. I have been really busy lately and missed reading it. I love your "stained glass" piece...pretty. So glad that the weather wasn't too bad on you. Hope your computer problems are fixed soon. Carla
Sorry about your computer problems. They can be so frustrating. Beautiful orchid! I hope your garden enjoys the gentle rain, and that you get a good portion.
Those are so pretty. Wish we were getting some of that rain. Thank goodness I bought a new sprinkler. Hope you get the puter fixed soon.
I wish I could have sent some of our rain down to you. Maybe even everyone out instead of drowning us. LOL! I am a computer wuz too girl. I always scream for my son when mine starts acting up. I am always afraid I will thoroughly mess it up.
The Orchid is so lovely. Such a delicate looking bloom.
Windows problems.... ONE SOLUTION.... clear it out and install Ubuntu.
Hi FLowerlady...Nanci has some very nice orchids and how nice that they are next to where you work so you can enjoy them often. Sorry to hear about your computer woes...hope you get it worked out soon. p.s. send some rain our way!
Such classic flowers. The white orchids are just beautiful. So glad to hear you're getting rain. I'm hoping some will come my way tomorrow. My plants are getting thirsty.
Love the side post, matt 6:26. Aren't we not much more important? We get so sidetracked, Amen.
I am so thankful you are getting some nice, gentle rain! What a blessing. The white orchids are absolutely stunning, I have never seen anything like it. I hope your computer problems are easy to repair. Have a great weekend!
OH WOW the orchids are so pretty. I saw many for sale in Walmart but passed them by. I have never had good results with them They really are gorgeous though.
So happy you are getting rain. We had sun today and I was stuck in the house working. LOL There is always tomorrow.
We know now that your wonderful pictures are not the results of a fancy camera. These are excellent shots. It is the photographer!
Two flowers always make me think of perfection:
Orchids and camellias.
Wow...I have an Easyshare...why don't my pictures look like that? I have a new camera now and no longer use the Easyshare.
Have a lovely weekend..Balisha
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