Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a lovely day today and a fantastic weekend. It's hard to believe Sunday is the first day of spring already. Time is zipping right on by.
Thanks for your comments on my last post about reworked clothesline area. The clothesline was moved west of where it had been, which was right next to the driveway, and we're probably going to move it a foot or so south, in order to put up more picket fencing, over to the 'folly'.
This area does look so much better, it had gotten pitiful looking. I'll show more pictures of the area as I've still more tweaking to do there.
Below are some pictures of blooms I took the other day and forgot to post them.
This is Bon Silene.
The next two are of Chrysler Imperial.
Then we have three pictures of Love. The dew on the rose this morning is what made me go for my camera. Click on pictures for a larger view.
Below are Maggie roses and a Vanda orchid.
Last but not least one of my many reed orchids, and spiderwort. These both grow easily and spread around the property.
"Spring makes its own statement,
so loud and clear
that the gardener seems to be
only one of his instruments,
not the composer."
Geoffrey Charlesworth
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
Beautiful blooms I love the last two photos of the rose....framing quality here. Did you receive your package? It should have arrived yesterday, Ginger in MS received hers...
Ooh, love that 'Love'! Your roses and orchids are beautiful!
Oh, the roses are so beautiful...the dew on them is just a crowning glory. Your orchids are amazing; they just grow outside for you? The reed orchid's colors are so intense, and that splendid Vanda orchid is huge. You certainly know how to make your garden happy!
I love the Chrysler Imperial and I must add this to my gardens. I don't have any roses and this would be the perfect addition. I'm so happy for spring to be here.
Lovely rose pictures, especially Love. Your orchid is beautiful too, I wish I knew how to grow them...
I like that two toned rose, and that fabulous orange orchard. I think that orange and yellow complements one another and these two colors happen to be on the same plant.
How I would love to sit in your garden and enjoy the sun and the smell and sound of bees - trying to capture those elusive butterfly memories.
I love the pictures and the quote. Happy spring to you! Carla
I missed the previous post. I love how the garden turned out, the picket fence looks perfect!
What pretty roses! It looks like it has been really nice weather there. We've had two days of no rain, still cloudy and cool, but at least things got a chance to dry out a bit.
Looking at your blooms seems like looking into the middle of summer! That's just the nature of 'nature' and our different climates--it's mid-March but so different throughout the world at any given place! My daffodils haven't even bloomed yet, and I'm waiting quite (im)patiently! I hope the humidity holds off for you for a long while. I know that can be so miserable;-) It gets humid here, too...but not as soon or as heavy as for you, I'm sure. I love spring and wish every day was like April and favorite months. June, too;-)
Yes, yes...spring is in the year. Thankful for all the reminders you have shared via your blog over the past couple months. We will be a little behind you, but it was gloriously warm today.
It's looking wonderful your way! I am so excited that spring is upon us!
Isn't spring wonderful? Your roses are lovely. Bon Silene always tempted me, but she is said to be a big girl, and I have no more room.
Don't you just love those plants that "grow easily and spread around the property"?! I planted spiderwort 2 years ago and it is having a great time wandering about... I love it! Also, I am pleased to say, that the little roses that I planted in the fall are looking busy and healthy already. ( You know the trouble I have had with roses)
I enlarged the rose pictures so I could see the moisture on them. Absolutely beautiful.
I need to get my Chrysler into the ground quickly.
Roses here are barely showing any green, but other things are moving right along.
A few more 80° days will do it.
Lovely roses ... and that last photo of 'Love' is just stunning. Your Orchids are beautiful ... the Reed Orchid really caught my eye.
Your flowers are all so beautiful. I saw a larger orchid and I think maybe the smaller ones were orchids too. You are going to be warm today and you may have to water this evening. I love the header photo.
The silvery white reverses on 'Love' are the perfect contrast to the velvety red. Your orchid combinations are gorgeous!!
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