Good evening friends ~ Here we are into another week, for us right now, the beginning of the end of yet another day.
It was cooler today than yesterday and for that we are thankful. Tomorrow we have a 50% chance of rain and I hope it happens, as things in the gardens are needing a good soaking. Hand watering isn't quite the same as a watering from heaven.
We had an unexpected auto expense today, but had the money to pay for it, for that we are thankful.
Our home, and vehicles are paid for, we have groceries, our bills are paid, for those things we are also thankful.
Here are some more sunrise pictures from the other morning. I was starting to fix our morning coffee when I noticed the sunrise out the window so grabbed my camera and headed outdoors.
I gasp when I see the wonderful colors and cloud formations of some sunrises. I hope you enjoy these pictures as I did the real thing. Each new day is a gift, may we appreciate each one and enjoy the many blessings that come our way. May we learn, grow in love and all things good.
Click on pictures for a larger view.
The other day it was so hot and humid out I did NOT feel like doing anything outside at all, so I cut out squares of fabric for a quilt I've had in mind for a couple of years now. By suppertime, I had the squares all cut out, had laid them out on the bed and now I look forward to sewing them all together then adding the embellishments, which are crocheted pieces which will be sewn on and I will also do embroidery on the whole piece. Ideas are still cogitating in my brain.
This piece is for my dear husband, the love of my life. I can hardly wait to have this done, and am enjoying each stage of the process. (Excuse our bedroom as it is still in remodeling mode.)
There are nine rows, with 7 squares across.
Love is eternal.
Today I did more work on my Zebra Longwing butterfly.
I've still got to draw in and then embroider the hamelia paten flowers and a bit of greenery.

That's it for tonight, time to get horizontal and read for awhile before sleeping.
Hope you all have a restful night and a great day tomorrow.
He is a wise man who does not grieve
for the things which he has not,
but rejoices for those which he has.
Zone 10 ~ s.e. FL
The sunrise has the most brilliant colors. It must have been breath-taking.
The love and meaning you are putting into the quilt is just precious. I am sure he will love it as he loves you.
Flower Lady, your pictures of the blushing skies reminds me that God, our Almighty is great. He has created such a beautiful world for us to live in and with friends like you, from faraway whom I have never met in person but who stood up for me when I was bullied.
A quilt is a wonderful gift to any person, so I hope that your first quilt won't be your last. I still have a quilt my grandma for us kids. It will always evoke fond memories of my time spend with her.
I look forward to seeing your Zebra longwing butterfly. I don't have the patience to do work like this but admire handwork done by others. Good luck with the quilt.
You have created a lot of wonderful things and the quilt will be special. The sky looks so beautiful.
hello dear flower lady,
we're at the same mode(remodeling bedroom) and cant hardly wait for your future quilt ;)
love the crochet's embelishment too
nina suria
FlowerLady, that is just about the sweetest thing I have read. Your love for your husband is abundant. The quilt sounds like it will be a real labor of love. He will treasure it I am sure.
That is one glorious sky! Thanks for sharing it with us.
You are so talented. Love love love the embroidered butterfly!
FL, your sky views are truly photo worthy! Such gorgeous colors! I love reading your posts as they inspire me to be thankful for every single thing. We take so much for granted, but you don't seem to. Thank you for sharing this!
I love your quilt and the embellishments. Why will this be your last? My mother enjoys quilting and needlework but is limited due to arthritis. :( Your butterfly is amazing...can't believe it's done by hand. A lost art, definitely!
I really enjoyed seeing your
photos of God's beautiful
creation. Only He can make
those colors of a sunrise.
Thanks also for sharing the
wonderful and beautiful quilt
of love you are making for
your dear husband. I hope we
will be able to see it once
you've completed it.
Flowerlady what a beautiful post. I really like the colours and patterns you've chosen to make the quilt with - so many precious memories are going to be sewn into that quilt. Its really going to be a labour of love.
Your sky photos are so beautiful aswell. We are truely blessed and so many don't even realise that and we really do have so much to give thanks for.
May the Lord Bless and keep you :) Rosie
Wow, those are glorious sunrise colors, Flower Lady! Simply stunning! I rarely step out to see the sunrise, but I must do that tomorrow.
Love your quilt! How awesome that you have included squares from matching shirts way back when. Love that zebra longwing as well. It's my favorite butterfly.
Isn't it such a great feeling when you can cover unexpected expenses? Your sunrise is just breathtaking. I love to quilt and can only imagine how much joy you will get by making someting so special for your husband :-)
Good Afternoon Dear Flowerlady!
Thank you so much for telling me about your blog. I have read the past few posts. As always enjoy seeing your photos! Your flowers are as lovely as ever.
I was inspired reading about your power-washing. Ughhh I remember the heat & humidity in Mo. I so feel for you! It is so cool this summer in WA. Strange, we're still waiting for summer, lol. We have had some strawberries despite the cloudy cool days. I am adjusting to Wa. It's usually not this cool in the summer. Thanks for asking.
I like the colors and patterns on your quilt. They are a lot of work. But, as you said work of love! I keep saying I am going to start quilting again...humm :) I did make 2 jean quilts for my grandsons out of everyone in our family's jeans. Backed them with red fleece. They are so warm & cozy.
Looking forward to seeing more of you photos & reading about your days!!! Thanks for all the work you put into it. It is a BLESSING!
Hugs and Blessings to you,
Tammy Lewis (Chimegardens)
I can't wait to see how your quilt will look finished. Sure your sweetheart will love it. BTW, I got my Junge's seed catalog today and they have Blackberry Lilies, so you have inspired me to plant a few. They are good to zone 4!
You are so talented! The pictures of the sunrise is just amazing, it almost doesn't look real.
Your husband will be thrilled with the quilt, there is so much meaning behind it. I wish I had the patience to do needlework or quilting.
The sunrise pics are very cool.
thanks for the kind remarks on my last post. They are appreciated. jim
What a wonderful quilt you are making for the love of your life. The sky photos are truly spectacular.
It is so inspiring to read how someone appreciates thier blessings. There is nothing better than some nature and someone to love.
Pretty fabric choices for the quilt.
beautiful sunrise. the quilt will be a work of art; what a great love token for your husband :D
This posting made me happy.
Thank you dear,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Dear Friends ~ I am really touched by all of your responses. Thank you for visiting and your comments.
I was glad to share the beauty of the sunrise. They don't all look like that down here, most are rather dull, in comparison.
We are thankful for so much. There was a time when we were really down, and being that way will make one appreciate all that one has. We all too often take so much for granted.
I am not a sewing machine type. I sewed as a teen and newly wed and it always made me tense. I would rather work with thread, knitting, crocheting and embroidering.
I was inspired to make this quilt for my DH after reading the fiction book, "Patterns of Love" by Robin Lee Hatcher. It is about a Swedish quilt maker and love.
Thank you all again.
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