Below is a little info on this wonderful rose.
One of my favorites ~ FlowerLady
Guide to Antique Roses
Hybrid Tea Rose - Chrysler Imperial
This rose was one of the first roses to be involved in the promotional marketing of a consumer product, the Chrysler Imperial car. We can only hope the cars bearing this name performed as well. Lovely, long pointed buds open to globular flowers of dark velvety red. The 4-5 inch blooms contain a strong citrus scent . A must in any of our flower arrangements, we enjoy the striking color and the heavenly fragrance. The bush is nicely shaped with semi-glossy foliage.Rose Gardening Made Easy
The buds are elegantly tapered and open into high-centered flowers up to 5 inches across, with a rich, deep, velvety red color. The strongly scented flowers start blooming in late spring and repeat throughout the summer, with another good flush of blooms in the fall.
The foliage is semi-glossy and deep green with thorny canes. The rose grows to 3-6 feet tall and about 3 feet wide, showing more growth in warmer climates.
This rose plant has a fairly stiff, upright form, so it looks best if planted in groups of three or more, for a more bushier look. The fragrant, long-stemmed rose flowers make excellent cut flowers, so you might want to grow these roses in a cutting garden with good sun exposure; a sunny site is a must, as it is not shade tolerant.
Dave's Garden
Propagation Methods:
From herbaceous stem cuttings
From woody stem cuttings
From softwood cuttings
From semi-hardwood cuttings
From hardwood cuttings
By grafting
By budding
By simple layering
By air layering
By tip layering
These next two pictures are taken outside this morning, before I picked it to bring inside. The scent has been filling the air of our little cottage all day long. I can just imagine what a vase full of these would be like. Wonderful!

These next pictures are as the rose is opening, a few hours apart. I'll try to remember to count the total number of petals this has. There should be between 40-50 petals.

I hope to take a picture in the morning to show how much more it will have opened.
That's it for tonight.
Hope you all get a good night's sleep, and wake up rested, and ready to head into the new day.
That's it for tonight.
Hope you all get a good night's sleep, and wake up rested, and ready to head into the new day.
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them,
they are more in number than the sand:
when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psa 139: 17 & 18
how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them,
they are more in number than the sand:
when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psa 139: 17 & 18
Not a car after all -- Your roses are just beautiful! Wish I could build a big fence to keep out the deer.
mmm that rose is deliciously beautiful flowerlady. You know, my dear husband bought me a yellow climbing rose last year for Mother's Day. I know very little about roses because they weren't my department when I worked for the garden center. I truly need to learn more about it so I can take proper care of it. As a new member of our garden it bloomed for 3 straight months last year. I hope to see it flourish the same way this year.
Have a blessed evening,
I love those roses, and they have the prettiest buds. You are so lucky to have that blooming right now :)
What beautiful roses! I wish that I could grow them but I don't have enough sunny spots anymore. My trees are all to big.
Hi Cameron ~ No not a car. Do you grow any roses at all? What a shame the deer love to eat so many flowers.
Sharon ~ Your yellow rose sounds wonderful, especially blooming for 3 months straight. That's a winner. Just do some Google search for rose growing in your area and you should get plenty of info.
Catherine ~ We are blessed with mild temps during the winter and roses blooming all year long. Right now is the best time of year for our gardens.
Marla ~ There are some roses that can stand some shade. Check into it.
Thanks ladies for you comments. I appreciate the time you take to read my posts and comment.
I just bought this one for my newly made rose bed, having always wanted to try it. It's just incredible looking, but I know being a standard Hybrid Tea it will be a challenge to keep nice. Wish me luck! Love your garden and blog.
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