Hi Folks, My goodness, this month is zipping right along. We are having some chilly weather down here in zone 10 s.e. FL. It started Monday with light rain and has drizzled off and on through earlier this morning. More 'liquid sunshine' is to happen around 11-12 today then no rain is predicted for the next 9 days. Low temps in the 40's for the next two nights. Highs have been around 60. Some areas could see frost this weekend.
Sunday a new sweet young friend, Sarah, and I went to an orchid show in Miami, her treat. It was a respite from every day life and stresses for me. We took the turnpike, traffic was not bad because it was Sunday morning, coming back was a little busier. I don't travel very far from home, so this was truly an adventure, about an hour's drive. It was a sunshiny day, lots of clouds, and warm, around 80. On the way I saw the iconic Hard Rock guitar hotel. Amazing.
There was a very long line and slow moving traffic when we got near the expo center, but we talked and laughed about people cutting in line, truly amazing how they feel no shame in doing that. We were directed to a very nice spot, close to entry of show. A blessing for our patience? ;-)
I only got two pictures of the people and booths set up. There was just too much going on, LOTS of people around all of the orchid sellers booths. Thousands of beautiful orchids in every shape, size, color imaginable. Exciting and wonderful!! It was the last day of the show so buyers were filling carts and their arms were filled with bags of beauty. My focus was on taking pictures of orchids along with lots of others with their phones or wonderful SLR cameras. I'm an amateur photographer with my phone.
Now here come the orchids. I just took the ones that were part of the main display for the competition. Didn't take any of orchids at the booths. It was almost overwhelming.
I will probably do this in three parts so as not to overload everyone, and run myself ragged doing the editing and uploading.
I don't know any of the names or types of orchids. Some have tags. I didn't do so well on taking pics of some of them. Sorry.
That is all for now, there are about 40 more pictures. ;-)
I am so thankful to God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus our Great Creator,
who created all of these beautiful orchids.
For inspiring man to hybridize adding more beauty into this world.
In the Bible we read:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good."
Genesis 1:11-12
Then we have these words by Francis Bacon:
"GOD ALMIGHTY first planted a garden.
And indeed it is the purest of human pleasures.
It is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man..."
His words set creation in motion and His beautiful creation speaks to our hearts.
God's words refresh our souls,
and draw us close to Him
when we open our hearts to Him.
In these troubling times where negativity reigns in the media,
for our health and well-being,
we need to be out enjoying the beauty all around us.
There is beauty everywhere we only need to stop and look.
Even in starkness, there is beauty.
Enjoy the rest of your week
thanks for visiting.
What a joy to experience such orchid abundance! I can imagine how overwhelming it would be, and the kind of thing anyone like us would not do alone. Sarah is a gift!
I have bought for myself a few orchids over the last decade - I wonder if any of them will bloom this year? Your post prompts me to go give them a little attention right now :-)
A couple of those orchids made me look twice! One looked like a white and lavender iris, and one an orange day lily! All are magnificent and I am so glad you experienced this in person. Have a blessed winter. We are so frigid up here.
Amen to those wonderful words! How amazing that the Creator himself wanted to have gardeners to care for His garden :) So glad you got to go with your new friend and enjoy all that beauty.
Such amazing beauty from the hand of God. I'm so glad you were treated to this day away from home. Sounds like a good time.
Hello, I haven’t been around for quite a while, as I took a break from blogging. What a beautiful time, I chose to visit your blog! I love orchids and would have loved being right there with you.
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