Tuesday, February 6, 2024

More photos on this chilly, windy morning

Good morning Friends ~ We are under a wind advisory with winds at 20-30 mph gusting to 40 mph and at 10:11 EST it is 59. It's been gray, but the sun is poking out from behind clouds at the moment. Nice. I need to get outside for a bit to get some walking in, even if it's only around the property.

I've been working on editing more photos taken the last few days.

Below was the sunrise on Sunday morning.

This is a hibiscus called 'Diva'.

Ground orchid blooms. I bought this plant last year I think, at a new nursery not far from me.

Next is a lovely hibiscus shrub that thrives with neglect.


I  love this ground cover, called 'Spanish Shawl',  (Heterocentron elegans)  related to Princess Flower, (Tibouchina urvilleana). I bought a pot of this at a yard sale many years ago.  The lady didn't know what it was. I found out what it was from a you-tube video, not because I was looking for it, they just mentioned this plant and showed it. It spreads like crazy, but I don't mind this one bit.

Here is another ground cover, Tradescantia. I've had three different kinds of this, solid green, purple and zebra

This is a close up with my new macro lens.


In the same family as 'Spiderwort'.  

Ok, that's it for today. It is now a little after 2 p.m. EST and the sun is shining brightly. Still windy, temp is 68.

Thanks again for visiting.




Latane Barton said...

I love the shots of your flowers, especially the ones with waterdrops on them. And, who wouldn't want to get up to a sunrise like that!! Hugs, Latane

Mrs. White said...

The pictures of the flowers are beautiful! Thank you! God bless you!

Terra said...

You have so many pretty flowers, I love them all, Diva, Hibiscus, Orchids.

Gretchen Joanna said...

If anyone deserves a macro lens it is you, Lorraine. I'm so happy for you, and am enjoying your photos very much.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Lovely to see all the flowers blooming. You have some really special ones - love the orchid! Hope your wind dies down soon - take care - blessings xo K

M.K. said...



So beautiful

BeachGypsy said...

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, LAINEY!! I love the pretty pictures of your flowers OF ALL COLORS, SO PRETTY.

L. D. said...

Wow the sky colors are so wonderful. You have so many wonderful flowers in bloom. I appreciate your sharing them with us. I like the red hibiscus best.

Red Rose Alley said...

The orchid blooms are so pretty. But the Spanish Shawl really got to me, its color is striking.....and my favorite color, by the way. Thanks for sharing all the pretty flowers in your garden, Lorraine. How fun that you got a new macro lens. You take the most wonderful flowers pics. It's a little windy here today too, and we are supposed to get some snow in March, we'll see.
