Hello Friends ~ This past year and a half has been one filled with stress and anxiety. The world is filled with it. The media puts out mostly negative ideas which feeds fear. I do not watch normal TV so don't see a lot of what is out there. But I do watch a lot of you-tube, so see their thumbnails, and those with my yahoo account and pass by what I call negative input as much as possible. I don't want to live a fearful life, but one filled with faith in God.
As a believer in Jesus, who is God, I want to keep focused on him and his promises. There are so many in the Bible and those are what I want to fill my mind with. I've also read & re-read some good books that have been a help.
Here are just a few:
'The Shepherd Trilogy' by Phillip Keller. This is so wonderful and comforting.

'Anxious for Nothing ~ 'Finding Calm in a Chaotic World' by Max Lucado
'Be Still My Soul ~ Reflections on Living the Christian Life' by Elisabeth Elliot
There are others. I also get daily devotionals that have blessed and encouraged me.
I've gotten three from John Piper's Desiring God website, these devotionals are called
'Solid Joys'.
These came in the last week. They are all short and you can also listen to him give each of these devotionals. His voice is soothing, encouraging.
7 Reasons Not to Worry ~ Part 1
7 Reasons Not to Worry ~ Part 2
7 Reasons Not to Worry ~ Part 3
God Will Supply All Your Needs
Anxiety is something I've been dealing with for as long as I can remember. (My mother was fearful of so many things, it was how I was raised, no excuse though.) I hate it and it is a sin. Dear Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. Since Jesus called my dear husband to be with him in Dec 2012, and I'm having to handle things by myself, I've been more anxious. But, I've also seen Jesus working in my life, meeting needs, comforting me, drawing me closer to him. Closer to him is where I want to be each and every day that I am blessed with.
Last week I went to Walmart for the first time since March of last year. I needed to buy a cheap watch and some baby yarn. I wore my mask, found what I wanted and was thankful to have taken a step of faith and walk into that store. I don't want to live in fear!!! I just go to the grocery, get gas and church on Sunday. I have been out to eat a few times with friends and family. Basically I'm a homebody, always have been and I always am thankful when I pull into my driveway.
I watch positive videos on you-tube, gardening, young families homesteading, needleworking, cooking/baking, some movies, documentaries, sermons, prayers and devotionals also. I work in my gardens, do different needlework, I listen to soothing music, a lot of instrumentals. Being out in the fresh air among flowers, (weeds and overgrowth also), seeing fluttering butterflies, hear singing birds, and seeing visiting felines are so good for my soul.
The other morning I looked out the living room window and the sky had a glow, that made me decide to go out and see if there might be a rainbow. I grabbed my phone and headed out. I didn't see a rainbow, but I did see three beautiful night blooming cactus blooms. I took a couple of pictures, then came inside for my old Canon PowerShot for better close-up shots. I took more pictures with it. As I was heading back inside, I thought to myself, well I didn't see a rainbow but I saw these beautiful flowers that would be soon closing up. I then looked up at the sky again and lo and behold, there was a partial rainbow. I laughed right out loud and thanked Jesus for two lovely gifts, flowers and a rainbow.
Oh to see, enjoy and be thankful for God's goodness in my life. To be thankful in all circumstances, like being without my dear husband, and whatever else might come my way.
Started this post yesterday, had to turn off computer as a thunderstorm was moving in. Close T&L lots of heavy rain. My back gutter needs cleaning so it overflowed and splashed on back door which caused a bit of water to come in. T-storms are something that cause me to be anxious. When winds start to pick up I become anxious. Not to mention threats of hurricanes. Adrenalin pumps into my stomach, heart pounds. Sheesh! I am learning daily to truly believe and trust God to take care of me regardless of what is going on. He is sovereign. He has not promised me a life without thorns, hassles, disasters, illness, death, but he has promised to always be right with me through everything. Lately I've noticed that most t-storms pass over rather quickly, some have even been skirting around me and that is always a relief.
Anyway, today is a new day. May I rejoice and be glad in it. May I be full of faith and fear less. When anxiety rears it's ugly head I want to refuse to worry and call to mind the verse that my dear husband called out to me when I came home from work one day when he way bedridden.
"Cast all your cares upon him for he cares for you".
1 Peter 5:7
Love, hugs and prayers,
What a beautiful, faith filled post. You are blessed in so many ways--mostly with your attitude of dealing with life in a faith based way. I am sorry you suffer from anxiety. I have some relatives and friends that suffer with it also--sometimes it can cause complete immobility for a stretch of time.
I am happy you went to Walmart and broke the barrier you had imposed for yourself. I bet it felt good.
Have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana
Such a great post! Full of great encouragement.
I also struggle with anxiety, much worse since menopause and the pandemic. It is hard to find peace in this world, but Jesus said that He gives us a different kind of peace, not as the world gives.
Still, it's hard not to stress when we feel threatened on every side these days. I can see why some people drink. It probably helps them to tune out the stress and worries of life, but at such a cost! I'll just take my magnesium, and strangely, a small amount of calcium which often helps calm me. The Lord bless you and keep you, dear Lorraine!
I have had an anxiety disorder since my childhood, which was a very bad childhood. I understand what it's like to fight anxiety. Your faith will carry you through! Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos and your words of faith. Very encouraging! I grew up in New Orleans, so I also understand the fear of thunderstorms. The states along the Gulf have such very bad storms. There was always some flooding and it is just so dangerous during and after a storm!
Anxiety can be difficult to deal with. I have had some as well, but not recently.May God give you complete peace. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous flowers and the rainbow.
Hello Lorraine. Looks like you have been reading some good books. I love your thoughts on how to conquer anxiety - that is a challenge I have as well. Looking to God and casting our cares on him is the best advice ever! Have a good weekend. Sending virtual hugs to you! Take care, my friend!
I have had panic attacks most of my adult life and I thought I would be having more now, but not so. I am getting tired of this virus and wish more would be vaccinated, but it seems the mask is here to stay for a while even among the vaccinated. God Bless you and keep up the faith.
Most encouraging. The Lord loves you very much. He'll continue to lead as you continue to follow. Anxiety is a nasty companion.
As I read your post the verse 'Be anxious for nothing' kept going through my mind. Have a peaceful and anxious free weekend!
What a beautiful post...and oh how Great is Our God!! I love the night blooming cactus plants... they are so lovely...I remember getting up in the middle of the night to see them at my home where I grew up. It was quite an event that I am so glad my parents wanted to share with us kids. And then for you to see the rainbow after all! How awesome is our God. We need not fear the storms of life when we have the Savior with us Who calmed the storms and walked on the water...He is still here in our hearts and in the Holy Spirit, calming the storms of our lives and teaching us to walk on the water, and even into Walmart. Praise God!!
You live in a wild place, there is no denying it. I can't imagine how it must feel to live in hurricane territory, alone. But maybe your situation presses you into prayer more constantly than many of us who are seemingly more secure, with not so many loose ends hanging out.
All the stories on your blog point to a kind Heavenly Father who time and again helps you and protects you through the hands of His angels, friends and relative strangers. Any of us could read old blog posts here and be encouraged by the tale of your life, a story of Providence. Thank you, Dear Rainey.
This passage comes to mind:
Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust. Psalm 103:13, 14
I love that the Lord sees our human frailty and has compassion. He loves us beyond what we can comprehend and helps us all along the way. Isn't that such a comfort?
Being anxious is something we have to bear even though we feel limited by it.
I know I am a true introvert and do not like to meet new people. I try to
step forward when it seems appropriate and wow, nothing bad happens. But
then I just want to race home and try to relax from the event. Faith in Jesus is such a wonderful gift we give ourselves through Him. Celebrating your anniversary by yourself with God and the spirit of your husband is a wonderful thing to do.
Hello, dear FL! I, too, struggle a lot with anxiety, and have for years. I understand. Sometimes I seem to have a handle on it, other times not.
I go to a website called Mike's Weather Page (a fellow from Florida), and Mike has links to ALL the other weather sites. It's a good place to keep track of all the storms and be prepared. This year, for us, has been an easy hurricane year. All the storms seem to turn north/northeast and head out into the Atlantic.
Do you watch the youtube channel "The Last Homely House"? It's so wonderful, An older British lady is doing all sorts of sewing/crafts/chickens/etc. in her little cottage. I watch her for hours. Her name is Kate Jackson. I also watch a homesteading family from Washington called "The Elliot Homestead." Lovely lady who does so much gardening.
Such an inspiring post, I always look forward to reading and viewing your lovely flowers and cozy cottage. I too avoid the media but occasionally I see something in an email. I too find comfort in the same type of videos you mention and my belief that God is in control. I live in Florida too and long for cooler days to find solace in my gardens. God bless you and miss tork
God bless you and keep you under His wings. He is the best protector. He knows us inside and out-yet still loves us! What a good Father!
Wonderful, God-glorifying post, Lorraine. He is so faithful. I love how He calms us when we so much as whisper the name of Jesus. He has never failed me. Not once. I love Him so much, And I am so grateful for His grace. Everything you wrote is true, and I feel the same way about TV. I haven't had regular TV or cable for 14 years. I got rid of cable when Jim died. Now, like you, I watch a lot of Youtube. And I watch a lot of the same things you do. Music is an integral part of my day. In fact, I'm listening to very soothing music as I write this. Elisabeth Elliott is one of my favorite authors. Her book, "The Path of Loneliness" helped me tremendously when I became a widow. I gave the book away to a church library, but I think I'm going to get another copy to re-read. Since the failure of my second marriage, I have been struggling all over again with the death of my first husband. I miss him, miss the relationship I had with him. Life is full of disappointments, but it is also filled with lovely things, such as your rainbow and the flowers God gave you. I know I need to focus on these things so that I gain clarity of my situation. God is not finished with me, although the enemy would like to convince me otherwise. I truly appreciate your perspective, and I thank and praise God that He is working in your life so beautifully. It encourages me. Love and hugs. Nancy
Hugs. Hugs hugs
A powerful post, Lorraine. So helpful! Things I should know and do know but being reminded was timely. Reading the comments left for you shows that we need posts like this and sincere people to share their own lives in a desire to glorify God while wanting to help someone who might need to know something we've learned. I too look for people like that on YouTube and usually watch something after supper before I get ready for bed as it calms me for sleep. I smiled when I read what your husband called out to you from his bed. That is a sweet promise!
Hello Rainey - yes, it's sometimes hard not to be anxious but God is good. I watch Brit t.v. and the new C S Lewis movie comes out in November and SO looking forward to seeing it! I've been helping Daddy and Mom, have a new kitten to foster who needs to be syringe fed about every 3 hours. I think I do so much to keep from worry!
Take care, cast your cares upon God for He cares for you!
love and prayers, Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm
DEAR(!) Lorraine, the flower lady who has brought such joy when you're moved to blog :-) Thanks so much for sharing your world with us!! We miss your posts but also realize there's always a need for time-out. Hope you're recuperating from all the stress a bit now that summer's relaxing its grip on your part of the world. Since your posts have had to be spotty, I've been surfing some other good reads (none to compare with yours, though!)(they're different and not nearly as colorful with your fun pics).Anyway..today I came across this link and instantly thought of you! I hope you can enjoy it and are blessed as much as I was when I read it. Here's the link:
May blessings & peace be yours--and restored good physical strength, too!!
Rainey, I also sometimes struggle with anxiety, and those books sound like good balm for my soul. I wonder how those who do not know our saviour's love can go about their day. He cares for me so tenderly. Jesus spoke often telling people not to worry, once he said "who among you by worry can add one day to your life?" Those are spectacular white flowers in your garden, He sends us these beauties to remind us of His love.
Thank you for sharing the books, Lorraine. I suffer from anxiety, too. I had several bad panic attacks at the beginning of the pandemic that really scared me. I thought I was having a heart attack! I am learning to find ways to control it and your books will be helpful. I admire your courage and faith - you are truly an inspiration. Such a lovely gift to see the flowers and the rainbow. Take care xx Hugs
This is a beautiful post, Lorraine. There is much to worry about in the world, isn't there? You know, seeing the rainbow put a smile on my face. I believe that
when we see a rainbow it is a gift. So thank you for the rainbow on your post today. The cactus blooms are so pretty and quite interesting. You are brave.
I haven't been to Walmart in a long time, and really miss it, but it's always crowded, so I avoid it during this time. How fun that you got to browse in there
for awhile.
Keep taking your lovely photos. And that old Canon PowerShot is still working
beautifully. That's what I have!
Wishing you wonderful October days, Lorraine.
Thanks for sharing. It is tough times in the world and God will prevail. The flowers are new ones for me to see. They are magical in shape.
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