Good Wednesday morning dear Friends ~ It is partly cloudy, there's a gentle breeze, it is 72 degrees F at 8:58 a.m. EST.
Yesterday morning when I went outside for a morning walk around, I was blessed by the scents filling the air, seeing all of the different blooms and by the birdsong that filled the air. I was thanking God for it all when I came to the main garden, I saw that I had forgotten to turn off the sprinkler. Oh no! Thankfully, it wasn't full blast, but still, I have to pay for water, and hopefully this little mishap won't be that expensive. I turned off the faucet, continued to walk around enjoying the beauty and telling myself not to let that ruin my morning.
Below are some of the blooms I enjoyed.
The first orchid is from dear friends Nanci and John.
These next orchids are Miss Joachim, a Vanda orchid I believe. They grow all over the property. Break a piece off with some hanging roots and they will grow anywhere.
I think this is another Vanda, although I'm not certain. This was a friend who moved to CA 32 years ago.
These next photos were taken this morning.
This little orchid is another prolific grower, spreads like crazy.
Here is a shot of it blooming along the fencing by the caravan/clothesline garden.
This little rose is a 'carpet rose'. Very sweet.
Another view of orchid from Nanci & John.
Love the sunlight and shadows on the petals.
I got an email on Sunday from a dear sweet friend, Kris at 'Junk Chic Cottage', telling me I would be receiving an early birthday present. A lovely devotional she thought I'd enjoy. The author of this book has written several others you might want to check out on Amazon.
It came in yesterday's mail and I love it. Thank you Kris.
It came in a lovely gift bag.
I read through the titles of 90 devotions and chose for my first reading 'Growing as God Intended'. It was inspired by Proverbs 31:16. "She inspects a field and buys it. With money she earned, she plants a vineyard."
Below is what spoke to my heart.
Ok, that's it for now. I need some breakfast as it's 10:18 a.m. already. Time zips along when working on a post, editing photos, etc.
Enjoy every day you are blessed with and thank God for all that He has done, for what He is doing and for what He will do in the future. You are in His loving care. Trust Him.