Saturday, January 17, 2015

January is zipping right along

Good morning Folks ~ It’s hard to believe this month is half over already. I’ve had the a.c. on and off so far this month. Yesterday and today off, this morning at 6:40 a.m. EST, it is 53 and feels like it is 52.  It is nice and cozy here in the little cottage. DH did a great job of insulating the attic and walls which makes a huge difference in the temps in here, winter and summer. Winter down here has been very mild so far this year.

Thank you all for your comments, your words of encouragement.  They mean a lot! Each day is new, with things to do, things to learn, and much to be thankful for.

My dear B-I-L and I will be working on putting up some faux bead board paneling in the bedroom shortly and I am looking forward to learning how to use my new nailer and working with Todd. I’ve got to move everything away from the west wall, probably into .the liv. room.   It will be a wreck in here but worth it. I’ve got to get 5 sheets of the paneling, I think, to do that wall.  I’ve got a really nice decorative panel to hang too, that DH and I found 5 of curbside a few years back. Sold 4 and kept 1 for us. When DH was ill lying in bed, he said to me one day, that piece will look good hanging right there and he pointed to the space.  I will show pics after it’s up.

I’ve been inspired once again by the roses that Christina shares on her blog. Her latest post was on the wonderful rose gardens of Mottisfont Abby. As most of you know, I ‘love’ growing roses. Well, after that visit to Christina’s blog, I went online to Rose Petal’s Nursery, which is in northern FL to see what they had, and add some to my wish list, (they are $15.99 ea). Then I got the idea to see what the nursery near me, that sells gallon size plants for $5 each, might have. I’ve gotten roses from them before. Well, right in front of where I parked was a grouping of more expensive plants, larger ones, and there was a wonderful rose bush covered in blooms. The color was wonderful and when I smelled it, aaaahhhh! Just what you think you should smell when you sniff a rose. But, the catch, $25, not for me. So I asked the young lady in the lot of plants if they had any roses, and she pointed to them and I headed in that direction. Same roses, not as lush or big, but lots of buds, healthy looking and some buds were in bloom. I ended up getting two of those, and another unkn. smaller type, really pretty. A miniature of some sort I think. Unfortunately I don’t get names at this nursery.

This is a good sized bloom and I just love it, the color and the scent.


Here’s the miniature.


The other day I was walking on the west side of the main garden here and smelled a sweet scent, which smells like honey. I turned around and this was what met my eye. This is the ‘best’ buddleia for south FL. It is doing fantastic in my humble, cottage gardens, along with the weeds too. I’m slowly making my way around the gardens, hoping to get caught up by the time summer heat and humidity get here.


This is a new $5 azalea.  I love the color.


This is Cuban Buttercup, bought at the Mounts Botanical Gardens last year.


This is a pot of several bloomers given to me by my friends Nanci and John last year. It has a white dianthus, (I think that’s what it is), a white polka dot plant and the white vincas.


Below is one of my favorites, Blue Spiderwort. Some consider this a weed, I consider it a nice volunteer. If I comes up where I don’t want it I dig it up.

(I just heard the first birdsong of the morning, from our state bird, the Mockingbird.)


Here is a wonderful flowering plant that I don’t know the name of.  Bought it and two others from a yard sale last year.


Here’s another purple bloomer from same yard sale, there’s another one too, but I need to take a pic of it yet. The lady told me this one will self spread so I’m looking forward to that.


Looking at these flowers reminds me of a wonderful you tube video I stumbled across the other day.  It is called ‘God of Wonders’. Click on it to watch a larger version on you tube. It is almost 1 1/2 hours long.  It is beautiful and very interesting too. Our God is truly awesome, and creation is just a glimpse of that awesomeness. One day we will see Him in all of His splendor and glory.

Well, it is getting light out, and my stomach is telling me it is time to eat. I’ve been fixing good old fashioned oatmeal lately, with a sprinkling of ginger, cinnamon, allspice and coriander, plus a spoon of brown sugar and some craisins, topped with a dollop of Greek yogurt. Oh yea, I’ve been cooking it in Silk Coconut Milk too.  Delicious and it’s all healthy.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Later ~ FlowerLady


Gary said...

I can't believe how warm it is over there Lorraine. We are getting colder now, which is fine by me. Mottisfont Abbey is only about 30 minutes from our house, and it would be lovely for us to walk around there if you ever make it over hete. The roses are truly wonderful. Your husband quite obviously had every faith in you continuing after him, it's clear in what you say about him. You had, and still do have, quite an extraordinary relationship. I am really enjoying seeing the colour in your garden, there is so little here at the moment. Take care.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I so
envy your flowers
Will have to wait
another 3 months
in my area.
Take care...

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Your flowers are all looking so beautiful and your breakfast sounds delicious. I used Silk Almond in my oatmeal, love it!

Stephanie said...

You always share such lovely blooms and it's a joy to visit your sweet blog :)

January is flying by! I remember a time when this month used to take forever to get through, but not anymore.

Have a blessed week! Hugs!

KathyB. said...

It is unreal to me to see the gardening you're doing now , while our gardens ( excepting hardy weeds & shrubbery)are dormant. What beautiful flowers you already have !

I am looking forward to seeing the finished room. Everything you set your hand too seems to give praise to God and to the love of your life, your husband. Tributes to the loves of your life !

RockWhisperer said...

Lorraine, I enjoyed the Christian movie so much. It was just beautiful. Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Ilene

crafty cat corner said...

Thankyou Lorraine for a lovely post, we need some sunshine here at the moment as it is all grey and gloomy. I also love roses although I only have 4, 2 for my dear little cats who have passed on, Kitty and Fred, one bought for our Anniversary and a pound shop one. My problem is that I am no good at knowing what to cut off for pruning but they seem to produce blooms each year okay.
Cant wait to see this panel.

Unknown said...

Lorraine - H-N-Year - thank you for this blog - I watched the y-tube video "God of Wonders" and it was awesome -
You're flowers are absolutely beautiful -
I'm reminded in scripture where God said "the heavens and the earth is a reflection of God's glory"
If the beauty of what we see is a mere reflection of His glory - what must his GLORY BE?
Thanks - God Bless - Luv-to - u

Rebecca said...

Given our temperatures and snow-covered landscape, your flowers are SO encouraging :)

I can't wait to see your new wall. Sounds like you'll have quite an adventure installing it.

I look forward to watching the video. We've surely enjoyed the British shows where they renovate peoples' back yards (I think you were the one who pointed us to them....)

Hope your week is pleasant and productive ♥

Debbie Harris said...

I love visiting and here and viewing your gorgeous photos!

Air conditioning, wow!
It's easy to forget that not everyone lives in snow country.

Your oatmeal sounds delicious! I may have to give that a try. :-)


organicgardendreams said...

Dear Lorraine, it makes me very happy that my post about the Rose Gardens at Mottisfont Abbey (thanks for putting in the link to my blog) has inspired you and you went looking for some more roses for yourself :-)! I always think that roses are very special and that their beauty and their fragrance have a spiritual quality to them. Somehow I can't explain it in words properly, they are just my passion and they bring so much joy into my live. Your new rose babies are very pretty and I hope that they will do well for you! Warm regards,

Mrs. E said...

I come to your blog for a bit of sunshine and spring--year round!

June said...

Oh to be in Florida right now, a.c. or no! Your flowers are making my day.
Your oatmeal sound yummy. Don't you just love those craisins?

Thank you for your lovely comment Lorraine. It was so nice to read.
sending hugs..

Deborah Montgomery said...

The flowers are just beautiful! You have a wonderful collection. Hard to believe you have actually run AC lately.
I have been enjoying oatmeal too with freshly ground nutmeg. Coriander sounds lovely. Will have to try that.

Darcie said...

Love coming for here, during the dreary days of winter. All your beautiful blooms brighten my day. I too can't believe how quickly this month is going by.

gld said...

How nice that you found more roses. I can't imagine that you still have enough bare ground to plant more! You may soon be able to eliminate mowing.

Breakfast sounded very good and different for us. I not very adventuresome in my cooking.

jerilanders said...

Good heavens, Spiderwort a weed! NEVAH! I agree with you. I love the little cuban buttercup, sweet, and the rusty metal chair is just perfect in your courtyard. I miss my garden, when I see yours blooms all year, it makes me cheerful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lorraine, You are SO fortunate to live where you do---and getting to enjoy beautiful flowers year round..... I'm so envious. You know how much we also love Roses.... Can't wait til Spring!!!

Good luck with your new nailer... You and the BIL will do great... Good Luck.


Your roses...oooh! I love them. And I'm craving flowers right now so your post is exactly what the doctor ordered. And your Spiderwort with the crusty rocky statue behind it is fantastic. Always fun to see what going on in your world, Lorraine. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Hello my dear friend! Thank you for visiting me the other day. Its good to be out of my rabbit hole and visiting you again! I have wholeheartedly enjoyed this wonderful post and all of your lovely photos and stories, especially the roses. I just ordered my first David Austin roses for my new little cottage garden in my front yard. How lucky you are to be able to still grow so many lovely things this time of year!

Gayle said...

I love all your flowers. It's such a beautiful home that you have. I am so so sorry Mark is gone and not there to share it with you. My heart aches for you.

Annie said...

Your purple flowering plant from yard sale is called Streptacarpis...commonly known as nodding violet. It's a cousin of the Aftrican Violet family. Strikes really easily in a glass of water. Lovely plant.

Joy Junktion said...

Your flowers are as beautiful as ever. I sure wish I could grow such lovelies here in AZ, it's just too HOT!! I always enjoy your visits. Blessings, Cindy xoxo

Art and Sand said...

All of your flowers are wonderful. I am working in my garden this morning and will be deciding on what to plant. I am wondering how azaleas will do in my garden.

M.K. said...

That does sound healthy, and filling! Good for you. The pics are so lovely. I've seen a buddleia here also -- such a scent! Lovely. The stories of how you acquire your plants are such fun ... yard sales, and gifts, and discounts. I need to acquire some plants this spring too. Wish me luck!