Today we have had 'liquid sunshine', otherwise known as 'rain'. It started last night, we woke up to it and have had heavy downpours at times throughout the day. No thunder and lightening was wonderful, as that's usually the case for us down here, lots of T & L.
This morning I took a couple of pictures, the first one being the first picture I took and he/she was another happy being to have the rain.
The rain will do wonders. I am thankful.
This morning I took a couple of pictures, the first one being the first picture I took and he/she was another happy being to have the rain.
The rain will do wonders. I am thankful.

Liquid sunshine is good but I know you are as ready for some nice weather as the rest of the country. Fortunately down south we are experiencing an abundance of sunshine for the next 7 days. Hope your rain ends soon and brings a nice rainbow. Good day. Becca
Hi Becca ~ I am down south in s.e. FL. We needed this rain and more is expected over the next couple of days. ~ A lot of people up north are waiting for dry weather so that they can get out and play in their gardens.
I love the frog picture:) I am so envious of you in Florida, but I know that I wouldn't do well in the heat and humidity. Growing up here in Michigan I'm just too used to the 4 seasons, even the coooollldd winter:)
I'm glad you're getting the needed rain. Sometimes rainy days are fun, and give us an excuse to stay inside. I like your frog!
I'm new to roses and only having mediocre luck. Yours are beautiful.
I love the blue bottles... wonderful blog entry.
Good morning everyone ~ It is drippy out again, cooler and will most likely be another indoor day. I'm glad you all liked the frog. He did make me smile when I first saw him there. I hoped he stayed there until I could get my camera and he did.
Brenda Jean ~ We don't do well in the heat and humidity either. :-) The older we get the worse we feel them both. We've both lived here since the late 50's early 60's so we're almost natives. We would love it if our seasons changed more than they do, instead of basically blending one into the other, but alas, we can't have everything. What we do have are wonderful, mild winters though and we do enjoy them. Neither of us would be able to handle the cold weather that you have. To be in it a little bit though would be nice.
Catherine ~ Yes, indoor days have their own merit. One can get things done, like vacuuming, dusting, etc. :-)
Debbie ~ Thank you. Try old garden roses, they are more hardy, and to me more beautiful and they have wonderful scents. I started out many years ago and have learned as I go in this gardening venture. Don't stress and have fun. Gardening is an ongoing project.
Bren ~ Thanks. I recently did the blue bottle project and it added color and whimsy to our gardens.
Thanks again to all of you for reading and posting.
Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady
I know you are so glad to get some liquid sunshine. I know how bad you needed it. Now your plants will be shooting up like rockets!
Dirt Princess ~ Everything has loved the rain we got and there is so much new growth on so many different things. We've been working outside on different projects as well as gardening. Pretty soon it will be too dang hot to do much of anything outdoors.
Enjoy working in your gardens ~ FlowerLady
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