It is another beautiful Sunday morning.
I went out with the camera to take
pictures of what was blooming,
and here they are.
This is Pink Pet
I went out with the camera to take
pictures of what was blooming,
and here they are.
This is Pink Pet

Morning glories
Same mgs. but enlarged picture.

Mm. Laurette Messimy

Louis Phillipe

Flame Vine



Cottage Rose

Cassia ~ not sure which one


Another Bougainvillea next two photos

This bougainvillea is white with pink and green shading.
This is Cat's Whiskers

This one is for fun. Her name is Tork.
I was trying to take a picture of some flowers
and she got right in my face,
as you can see. : -)
I was trying to take a picture of some flowers
and she got right in my face,
as you can see. : -)

Everything that slows us down and forces patience,
everything that sets us back
into the slow circles of nature,
is a help.
Gardening is an instrument of grace.
May Sarton
You have the most beautiful flowers. I love the roses, one of my favorite flowers.
Thanks Sunday Girl ~ Roses are one of my favorite flowers also. So glad I didn't listen to the person that told me many years ago, roses don't grow here. Granted there are plenty or roses that do NOT like our heat and humidity, but there are plenty that are happy growing here.
Beautiful flowers, FlowerLady. It must be a great time to live in the south.
Oh how lovely.
I adore that white rose.
(and that little nose)
Oh look, I made a rhyme. :)
Wow! You are blessed to live in an area where the flowers are still blooming like that. Lovely pics!
You have a lot blooming! I love Pink Pet and Mm. Laurette Messimy. The Cassia is gorgeous too.
The roses are beautiful..just when I think I will quit growing them because of RRD, I see pictures like yours and my hopes are renewed!
I love the coral, peachy color of Crepuscule. I don't know why this color just draws my eye, but it does.
I planted Buff Beauty this spring.
Crepuscule, zone 6b, hmmmmm..........
Good morning TMan ~ Thanks for stopping in and leaving your comment. Yes, it is a great time to live in the south. I'll be posting pictures in CG to inspire all of you whose gardens are sleeping now. Enjoy that greenhouse of yours.
Hi Libby ~ Your sure did make a cute poem. Glad you liked the rose and the nose.
Thanks Sue ~ Yes it is a blessing, but sometimes I forget that, shame on me. We have blooms 365 days a year.
Good morning SweetBay ~ Yes, we do have a lot blooming. DH was surprised at how much there was, and there was probably more too. Glad you enjoyed the pics. Mm Laurette Messimy and Pink Pet are two sweet little roses.
Good morning gldno ~ Nice to see you here also. Crepuscule is a beauty that's for sure. I have a post of info here on my blog about her. I think you could grow her there.
I have ooohed and aaahed over Buff Beauty myself. I'm not sure she would do well this far south. I'm the next zone 10, and it gets pretty hot and humid here during our long summers.
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